Sadie and her brother were my first two rescues. At around 8 weeks old, they had been driven out to the country and dumped. Without exception, I’ve found over the years that nobody around the area wants these dumped or abandoned animals. Most people won’t even feed them, for fear that the animal won’t leave. New to the area, and always one to help anyone in need, I took them in. Our three paths crossing in June 2000 would set the course for my taking in all the future cats and dogs I found discarded in my little corner of the world. Sadie’s tragic death would also be one of the big reasons for this blog. I’ve made it my mission to warn every person on the planet about the dangers of Previcox (firocoxib) and all the other NSAIDs given without warning to trusting pet parents.
Despite being brother and sister, Sadie and Justin were very different. Sadie was the happier and sweeter of the two dogs. To this day, seventeen years and many dogs later, and 3 1/2 years since I lost her, Sadie still reigns as the sweetest dog I’ve ever had the good fortune of finding and rescuing. Her unwavering happy and gentle temperament towards every person and animal that came along is another reason why her death hurt so bad and continues to hurt so much to this day. Sadie was special and dogs like her don’t come along every day.

Sadie’s death was easily avoidable. If only I’d googled the side effects BEFORE I gave her the Previcox (firocoxib). If only I hadn’t been so trusting of my vet. Or if I’d gotten Sadie to the vet sooner when she stopped eating. The ‘If Only’s’ are endless, as is the guilt I will have for the rest of my life. As they say, live and learn. I just wish the lesson learnt hadn’t been so harsh.
Being too trusting of my vet
On October 11, 2013, I took Sadie, my 13 1/2-year-old mixed breed dog to the vet after she had a really bad day of hardly being able to get up and around. She’d been moving slower in her senior years, but nothing I hadn’t been able to help with supplements. To try to keep both her and Justin, my first senior dogs ever, healthy and with me for as long as possible, I had them on joint supplements, krill oil, ubiquinol, spirugreen superfoods, and liver and kidney support.
I was told at the vet’s office that there was a big storm front coming through and it was affecting a lot of peoples’ arthritis. The vet gave Sadie a laser treatment and prescribed Previcox (firocoxib), with the instructions “Give her an antacid with it so it doesn’t cause tummy troubles”. Sounds harmless enough, right?
I brought Sadie home and started giving her the Previcox (firocoxib) sparingly, only as needed on the days she was having an especially hard time getting up from her bed. I’ll admit, it worked very well for her. Until it slowly, yet quickly killed her. After about five random doses, Sadie refused her nightly food and supplement mix. That’s where the nightmare began.
Over the course of the next few days, Sadie continued to not be interested in eating and just layed around. I had called the vet’s office to let them know of my concern. My vet had left early the day I called and the vet tech I talked to did not seem concerned at all and told me to just keep an eye on her.
Meanwhile, Sadie slowly got worse. She began to have trouble walking and became incontinent. Justin had recently started having some incontinence issues himself, without taking any Previcox, so I thought maybe it was genetic? I called the vet’s office a second time, even more worried about how Sadie seemed to be getting worse by the day. I had to speak with the same vet tech, who again seemed unconcerned with the information I was giving her.
As I was unusually busy during that time getting medical treatment for a shoulder injury I had, and trusting this vet tech, I kept hoping the next day would be the day Sadie started eating again and doing better. Meanwhile, she continued to go downhill. After the not eating continued, random laying way out in the yard started and was followed by tarry stools, I called the vet’s office insisting something was wrong and Sadie needed to be seen.
The day we were scheduled to come in, apparently, the vet didn’t want to come back into the office that afternoon, so she had the assistant call and reschedule our appointment for the following morning. I showed up the next day, November 5th at 8:20 am almost in a panic with a very sick Sadie, only to find that the vet hadn’t even made it into the office yet.
I should have trusted my gut
When I got a call later that morning after the vet had finally made it in and ran Sadie’s bloodwork, I expected it to be bad, but given how nonchalant everyone had been about the whole situation, including the vet herself, I didn’t expect it to be as bad as it was. The vet told me that Sadie’s bloodwork was off the charts and that she was in kidney failure and had been for a while. I was furious, scared, and beside myself with guilt.
I had naively believed that my vet wouldn’t prescribe a drug without warning me that it could seriously harm my dog. And telling me to give her an antacid to “prevent any tummy troubles” is NOT what I consider a warning. I also naively believed that IF the symptoms Sadie was having were really that bad, the vet or the vet tech would have wanted to get Sadie back in right away, instead of me calling twice, being dismissed and rescheduled, and the situation treated like no big deal.
The vet basically told me there was nothing they could do and almost seemed to want permission to just go ahead and kill Sadie. After having Sadie in their care for an hour, they hadn’t even attempted to help her. Maybe they already knew that any negative reaction to Previcox was basically a death sentence, so when I called them after she started having symptoms, they just put me off, hoping Sadie would die at home or at least convince me she didn’t need treatment for so long that I would blame myself and not them when the inevitable happened. Neither scenario seems implausible considering how they handled things from start to finish.
Despite the diagnosis, I told the vet to do whatever she could to try to save Sadie and that I did not want to lose her. I also inquired if taking her to the local vet teaching hospital would be a better option since I thought maybe they had some advanced treatment my vet didn’t know about, have access to, or use. The vet didn’t think there was anything they could do, either. Aside from putting her on an IV and possibly a kidney transplant, Sadie’s outlook was grim.
When I started looking online about Previcox and the side effects, I was horrified at all the deaths attributed to it with Sadie’s exact symptoms. Despite the slim chance of her recovering, but refusing to give up on her, I began searching for anything that would help her kidneys.
In my search, I found a company and product online that looked very promising, but the owner took so long to return my call and e-mail, that it was too late. Sadie died the next day, November 6, 2013. And it was all my fault. Looking back, I made so many mistakes, and let Sadie down so badly as her guardian, it’s embarrassing.
It would be a few years later when a couple of my other dogs were given and attempted to be given the NSAID Deramaxx, that I realized how indiscriminately NSAIDs are being prescribed despite how potentially dangerous they are. When I was handed the bottle of Deramaxx, I didn’t get a warning of any kind about it from the first vet even though I found several deaths online from it when I did a check.
When the 2nd vet, about 6 months later wanted to give it to my labrador after her pretty serious lipoma surgery that I detailed here,, I said no. She was unphased when I told her I’d already lost one dog to a drug (Previcox) in the NSAID family and I wasn’t going to risk losing another one. She told me how she had patients doing well on it. I DIDN’T CARE.
After that 2nd incident with Deramaxx, I decided in addition to just telling Sadie’s story in comment sections here and there and to people I met, I needed to start this blog. It would be my platform to make sure everyone I can possibly reach knows the truth about NSAIDs. I believe most owners don’t know about the risks or they wouldn’t take them.
The truth about NSAIDs
As awful as the entire experience was and reliving it every time I tell Sadie’s story is, I will continue to for the rest of my life, or as long as Previcox (firocoxib) is still on the market and still injuring and killing dogs. My anger and loathing of the drug companies only intensified after learning that the human version of Previcox, which went by the name Vioxx, was pulled from the market after killing people.
Despite thousands of dog deaths over the years, I believe Previcox and other NSAIDs like Rimadyl, Metacam, and Deramaxx are still being marketed and sold for animal use because the manufacturers of these deadly NSAIDs and the vets who are prescribing them face no legal or financial repercussions from these drugs killing innocent dogs. Apparently, the loss of animals’ lives means nothing. When I called Merial to file the claim on Sadie’s death, the lady I talked to could not have been any colder or cared any less about the situation as I cried through the interview.
I refuse to believe that these vets don’t know about the dangers of the NSAIDs they are prescribing. The sad part is that the vets who know about Sadie’s death have shown no concern about her death at all, including asking any questions about it. I can’t even describe how upsetting it is to have lost a dog in such an awful way and the person who you are or have been entrusting your pets’ health with is so dismissive of pretty significant information. When did veterinarians become so indifferent and money focused instead of patient-focused? I wrote about several bad experiences I’ve had since Sadie’s death with conventional vets here, The truth about veterinarians
In the midst of Sadie’s ordeal, when I googled Previcox’s side effects, I was shocked to find articles warning about the dangers of NSAIDs and first-hand accounts from distraught owners who lost dogs going as far back as 2006. Here’s one from September 2006, that cites “The FDA has released information concerning NSAIDS… 22,000 cases of illness in dogs, almost 3,000 of which were fatal.” I shudder to think what that number is now. When I looked, I couldn’t even find a number.
I’m sure there is no way to even get an exact number of injuries or deaths from NSAIDs because, in order to get one, the incidents have to be reported through the right channels. How many deaths or injuries were never reported because the vet denied the NSAID was the cause, or the owner just swallowed the pain and guilt without reporting it to anyone? Regardless of what that number is though, it is of no consolation when it happens to your dog.
When I presented the information I’d found online to my vet, she feigned ignorance and replied with “I have patients doing very well on it” and “Well, Sadie WAS 13 1/2 years old”. It made me wonder if she would have cared more if Sadie had been younger. Unfortunately, I’d read plenty of stories about perfectly healthy much younger dogs that Previcox (firocoxib) had killed after only a few doses or less. My vet’s attitude about it all just added more disgust to the already awful situation.
The heartbreaking stories are all different but the same
If you need more convincing about the dangers of Previcox, here are some links to articles and stories that I first found in 2013 (and that are still being contributed to) when I first looked up the side effects. There is also one on Deramaxx I found in 2016 when one of my other rescues was prescribed it. I didn’t realize it was an NSAID until I got home and did a google search on it. Since Sadie’s death, I now google every drug a vet sends me home with before giving it to any of my animals. I encourage every pet owner to do the same.
There are also at least two Facebook pages dedicated to just Previcox, and it killing dogs. I was a member of one of the groups at one time but eventually left. It was too heartbreaking reading one story after another, that while different, was the same. The same NSAID, the same symptoms, the same slow death, followed by immense owner guilt.
I recommend anyone who is on the fence of ever giving their dog an NSAID, to first read some of the stories of those people who would give anything to take back that one mistake that cost them their best friend. Just google (use the quotes): “<the name of the NSAID> killed my dog” and see how many stories come up under every single NSAID I mentioned in this post. It should be required reading for vets who prescribe them to read those heartbreaking stories.
Unfortunately, based on my own experience with the reactions of the vets I’ve told about Sadie’s death, something tells me that even if vets knew the dangers, it probably wouldn’t matter to most of them. Not when they make good money from those drugs or feel the risk is too low to be concerned about. Maybe it is a combination of reasons, along with the fact that they have no other options in their bag of conventional medicine tricks. Fortunately for us and our dogs, there are several safer options.
NSAID alternatives
Golden Paste. This turmeric, fresh ground pepper, and coconut or olive oil mixture has proven quite effective in reducing inflammation in lots of people and pets. There is a Facebook user page about it as well as a website with all the details that you can read up on here:
If making the paste is too much work for you, here is a product that I have not used, but researched enough that I’d feel comfortable trying if the need arose with any of my dogs,
T-Relief Arthritis Pain Relief Mobility. This was formerly known as Zeel by Heel, Inc. before another company bought them out and came out with this supposedly equivalent product:
Dr. Martin Goldstein recommends Zeel in his book, ‘The Nature of Animal Healing’, for arthritis. In her book, ‘The Royal Treatment’, Dr. Barbara Royal says “A recent German trial showed that the homotoxicology agent Zeel worked as well as the (NSAID) Carprofen for arthritis of the knee…”
Crystal Star Inflama Relief. I used this on Abby after her lipoma surgery and it worked well for stopping some panting and discomfort she had and a slight limp she developed which could have been related to her surgery. Just 2-3 doses each on the panting/discomfort and the limp and that’s all she needed.
Acupuncture. This is recommended by vets in my holistic pet treatment books and I have read about many happy pet owners who used it to help their arthritic dogs. I actually have one vet in my extended area that does do acupuncture, so I’d called him before taking Sadie to my regular vet, but he was out of the office and was booked until the following week. I didn’t want Sadie to have to wait that long for treatment so I went the more conventional route to help her sooner, unfortunately.
Of course, these are just a few possible alternative treatment options. I didn’t want to warn you about how dangerous NSAIDS are and not give you at least a few alternatives to consider. What works for some does not work for all though, and natural remedies do sometimes take longer to start showing improvement in pets than dangerous conventional pharmaceutical drugs. However, not risking your pets’ life is worth the time and effort to find a safer way to treat arthritis or other pain-related issues.
Dr. Goldstein even says in his book, which I reference often and reviewed here, that sometimes homeopathy can address internal imbalances as a side bonus. It seems that with their long lists of varied ingredients, one never knows how the body will respond to them, sometimes bringing added positive health changes. That’s just another great reason to choose alternative treatments over dangerous NSAIDs.
5-14-21 UPDATE: Since Sadie’s death, to this day, I still have not given any of my dogs an NSAID of any kind. They’ve all healed or done just fine without them. And since writing this article, I have learned about numerous other medications and products that have injured or killed both cats and dogs. Please do your research, including plugging in the name of the product (Purina, Bravecto, Hartz, etc.) into Facebook search and see what you get. You may have to scroll down a lot to find the groups, as the big guys in the world really don’t like it when they are called out and do whatever they can to prevent any negative information from being easily found. Also, keep in mind that only 1% of negative reactions are reported, so what you read or see online, is probably only about 1% of the actual cases. I can absolutely tell you that if I had read or been informed that a single dog had died from Previcox before I gave it to Sadie, I would never have given it to her. I’ve read over the years a lot of folks that justify giving their pets dangerous flea/tick pills and food because their dog hasn’t had a negative reaction. Playing Russian roulette with any of my pets’ lives isn’t something I’m willing to ever do. Having lived through and still experiencing immense guilt over killing my beloved Sadie really makes it hard for me to read those flippant statements. I hope their luck continues, but I especially hope that they change their minds about what price they are willing to pay for ignoring warnings because it’s a very steep price.
Want to see a listing of all the items I own and recommend or have researched and recommend? Here they are with notes included as to why I love them or how they’ve helped.
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Thanks for heartfelt story. After killing two of my loving dogs with OTC. deworming ignorance.
Then witnessing Lakewood Ca. EMT’s kill my wife Janice by overdosing her with O2 against her doctor’s and my explicit [knowledgeable] advice. The nonchalant we “just go by the book” “sorry for you loss” “we don’t have to honor advise & consent restriction”. (He’s right according to SCOTUS.)
My distrust in iatrogenic profit based “medicine” is at an all-time low.
Reading the free online book “Your doctor is s liar” could possibly help save you & your pet life.
Real doctors for thousands of years swore allegiance to godly higher powers, innate knowledge, and God’s natural foods & herbs for medicine.
Now non-“doctors” allegiance is, compliance with grant based [Standard of “Care”$] pharma “science$” [no more what’s best for the patient] No more safe “un-tested” God’s food for medicine, just toxic pharmaceutical$.’
Only in a sick Satanic inspired world could the third leading cause of death [250,000 / 800,000] annually be tolerated.
The more one understands God’s love Vs. Satan’s greed & corruption the better you will understand courted, modern “medicine.” Steve Mitzner Lakewood Ca.
Thank you for reading and commenting about your own experience with your dogs and wife. Your story is heartbreaking. The only way to prevent more of these stories is by educating everyone, especially those who have not had the negative experiences you and I have, about the dangers. They are real and they are dismissed, downplayed, covered up and ignored by people who we trust. Sadly, mostly in the name of greed or just ignorance, which is little solace to the family of the lost loved one.
Thank you again for sharing your experience and the recommendation for the book. If you would like to name the name of the product that killed your dogs, and/or share your story, which may serve to warn others of the potential dangers, you are more than welcome to do it here. ~ CC
My uncle has used T-Relief Arthritis Pain Relief Mobility on himself and his 12yo St. Bernand. It does take a while to take effect but so far neither of them has shown any side effects like with non-natural remedies.
Thanks a lot for making this blog. One of my dog’s facing pemphigus had a horrible flare up of scabs due to deworming and now we have decided to keep her vaccine and deworm free for her remaining years. Thankfully she has lived 1 year with no quality of life drop after starting her treatment with prednisone and natural supplements to suppress the side effects. Sometimes it’s just unavoidable to rely on drugs with awful side effects.
Thank you for your comment and sharing your uncle’s success with the T-Relief Arthritis Pain Relief Mobility both on himself and his dog.
While I do agree that sometimes drugs with side effects are sometimes unavoidable, knowing what they are and being willing to take that risk are different than not knowing at all and being caught off guard by them, especially when death is a side effect. Vets just can’t be trusted to give appropriate warnings, probably because if people really knew them, they wouldn’t want to take the risk with their pets’ health, thus causing the vet to lose out on money.
In just the last month, I’ve been contacted by two dog owner’s whose Previcox stories were heartbreaking. One owner lost her dog and the other dog, a 21 month old boxer went into kidney failure after being on Previcox for four days. I’ve yet to hear an update on her latest vet visit, but I’m hoping no news is good news.
As far as your dog’s condition, I had to google pemphigus as I had never heard of it, but after reading it, I wondered if something like vitamin C might help. When I plugged that in, I got some pretty interesting results. Vitamin C, D, Probiotics, and Borax, just to name a few things have seemed to help people (and some pets). I’m not sure if you’ve tried any of those, but they may be worth looking into. Here’s the link, in case you are interested.….0…1c.1.64.psy-ab..0.11.1136…0j35i39k1j0i20i263k1j0i7i30k1j0i67k1j0i20i264k1j0i20i263i264k1j0i10k1j0i22i30k1j0i8i13i30k1.0.9hvO4VgJZjU
It sounds like a horrible disease. I wish you both the best of luck in managing and hopefully even possibly curing it.
All these reports are the same experience we have had with our Welsh terrier Zak but our so called Vet never once warned us of the side effects of this drug Previcox not once, Zak was an elderly yet very fit dog, he had arthritis (same as me i,m 61)
So the vet put him on Previcox also a monthly injection Zaks health continued to get worse over a period of 11 months his weight loss was alarming he went from 12 Kg plus to 8Kg and even though the vet examined him every month she just told us he is in OLD MAN MODE !!! one of the main side effects is wieght loss plus not eating or drinking etc etc we were never told of any side effects WE TRUSTED OUR VET !!!!
I have since learned that Zak should have had a blood test prior to going on Previcox to make sure it was safe for him him ie kidneys etc he never any blood tests at all until i asked for bloods in early December 2017 NOTE — I said to the Vet should we have bloods taken ? she said oh thats a good idea !!!! by then he had been on Previcox 11 months and yes you guessed it the bloods showed Kidney desease/failure in fact in the vets words OFF THE SCALE by this time i was looking into Previcox side effects and i could not believe the reports
How have i let my Zak be put through this ?? WE TRUSTED OUR VET !!!!
Then it was the all to familiar answer we need to have him in for 2 to 3 days put him on a drip and revive his Kidneys by this time i had lost all trust in the Vet
I asked 3 other Vets for there opinion I told them exactly the truth they would only tell me there own particular procedure regarding Previcox
1) Bloods taken prior to going on Previcox
2) Bloods taken every 3 months
We now have a new Vet yes we did have him put on a drip for 3 days but it was to late for him, he did start to improve slightly i Recovery food with a syringe and water I slept with Zak for 7 days lying next to him but he then got worse and we had to have him put to sleep this was the most traumatic thing in our life.
We are not looking to blame any one Zak was an elderly Dog 14 years and 7 months he never left my wifes side in all those years we gave him a lovely life but i feel we have let him down but
WE TRUSTED OUR VET !!!!!!!!!!!
Any one can contact me on 07973408032 you will be most welcome something has to be done about this
I’m SO sorry for you and your wife’s loss of poor Zak! I feel your pain, frustration, and feelings of guilt over letting Zak down. I wish I could say they get better, and they do somewhat, but most of those feelings will never go away.
If you’ve read my blog, you know I’ve been through a similar downplay of symptoms by two different vets with deadly consequences. One was with Sadie and the Previcox and the other was with Roxie and her UTI that was also cancer. The vet seemed too eager to just write off her symptoms as age-related.
Thank you for sharing your heartbreaking story. Make sure you report it to the manufacturer so they have record of it. Maybe with enough deaths reported, one day this potentially fatal drug will be taken off the market.
I have a very similar story! My pit/akita/lab mix was given Rimadyl and at 6 1/2 passed away from kidney failure on September 1st. As someone who specializes in canine behavior I am devastated that I listened to a vet so blindly! He was my child and I will always have the guilt of not questioning side effects. My goal is now to educate people on the differences of what can be done using herbal medicines, including writing his story in book format. He had come so far behaviorally only to die a horribly painful death. Thank you for writing this blog and warning people!!
Oh Dorothy, I’m SO sorry for your loss! I know how painful the guilt and overwhelming sadness is. It is even more frustrating that these drugs continue to kill our beloved dogs and nobody is held accountable, including our vets, who prescribe these dangerous drugs without hesitation. I am glad to hear that out of this tragedy is another voice and person helping other pet owners look beyond potentially harmful medications to treat their pets.
Thank you for leaving a comment with your experience to warn others and I wish only the best for you in your new goals.
I arrived here after Googling “Previcox dog deaths.” My 7 year-old Pitbull mix was prescribed Previcox after having knee surgery. I gave her TWO doses. In less than 6 hours after the second dose, she had bloody stool. I was instructed to stop the Previcox by the vet tech, but by then it seems the wheels were set in motion and my dog’s kidneys had begun to fail. She stopped eating. I contacted the surgical center’s urgent care after hours line and took her in less than 48 hours after her last dose. The more I read, the more I am in awe that they did not test her kidneys at that time given the risk and by now surely known side effects of giving dogs NSAIDs. They sent her home with an injection for nausea, and instructed me to give her more pain medication – which I did not do because something just didn’t seem right. I was worried about overloading her system with chemicals and in spite of my concerns of her being in pain after her surgery, I felt at that point the pain might be preferable to whatever side effects she seemed to be having.
That night, not only did she continue to refuse food – she wet her bed and just laid in it, like she didn’t notice. I Googled side effects of Cerenia, the injection she was given, and fatigue was at the top of the list. I figured she was just really tired, and in pain, and she’d get better the next day.
She didn’t get better. She continued to soak her bedding in urine and refuse food. After about 36 hours of this, with no improvement, I called my vet and took her in. In a matter of hours, I got the call: my healthy, goofy, sweet girl was in end stage renal failure. Just like that. It was SHOCKING. I want to emphasize that this dog was perfectly healthy prior to her surgery, as indicated by pre-op blood work.
My vet recommended immediate, aggressive IV fluid therapy. I agreed. I had no idea what I was getting into, but I had to save my dog. I am so grateful I caught it when I did, and my vet – not the surgical center’s weekend hack – was clued in and switched on the way she was. My dog received 24-7 IV fluid treatment from a Monday clear through a Saturday afternoon. We went back and forth all week between our vet and the emergency animal hospital, which provides overnight care. Thank God she responded to the treatment and appears to have made a full recovery.
We’ll know if her little kidneys have really switched back on after tomorrow’s blood work. So far, so good.
My heart breaks for everyone here who has lost their beloved dog to a damn drug. While my dog appears to have survived, I had several sleepless and emotional nights considering what life would be like without my dog. I am not sure whom to blame – the surgical center for being so cavalier in prescribing this and two other meds post-procedure, without any discussion of potential risk, or the drug company that continues to make and sell and profit from this stuff, or myself for not asking more questions and for being so blindly trusting.
Hindsight being 20/20, if I had known KIDNEY FAILURE was a possible side effect, I never would have given this drug to my dog. Or maybe I would have. I would have believed a reaction so severe was too rare to worry about, that the benefits would have outweighed the risk. But AT LEAST I would have been informed of the symptoms, and perhaps I would have demanded bloodwork be done at that urgent care visit.
I don’t know. What I DO know is I will never again blindly accept and start giving a prescription for anything without first asking all the questions I can think of and researching it and assessing all possible risks associated with it.
One more time, my heart goes to all of you who lost your innocent buddies to a drug. You thought you were doing the right thing. I thought I was doing the right thing. But we’ve learned a hard lesson – there is a better right thing, and that’s being skeptical and questioning. Drug companies will do what they do. There are great vets (like there are great MDs) out there and then there are those who are worthless, who phone it in (like there are shitty MDs who only write prescriptions). I am sure I’m not alone here when I say something like this won’t ever happen again.
Hi Kim,
Thank you for sharing your story and what all you went through, including what finally helped your dog make a turnaround. I hope that her tests come back good and you can put this awful nightmare behind you. It was easily one of the worst and most frustrating experiences of my life and one that I will never stop warning other pet owners about. It’s especially disheartening that vets KNOW this drug is dangerous, but refuse to admit it. If pet owners had better/more legal options against these vets and pharmaceutical companies like people who are harmed by drugs do, I think things might change. Unfortunately, since we as pet owners basically just have to swallow the repercussions, as harsh and costly as they may be, we must be extra vigilant in researching ALL medications and their side effects BEFORE we risk so much, including our beloved pets’ lives.
Thank you again for sharing your experience and thoughts and please give that girl a big hug for me!
First of all I just want to say I am sorry and sad for all of you that went through this horrible ordeal. Unfortunately I went through something similar with my dog, but she reacted to an over the counter supplement called Cholodin. Since this happened to me, I found reviews from other people who’s dogs had a bad reaction (had seizures or died).
How were any of you able to get past the pain and grief ? I feel particularly bad because I gave my dog the supplement without asking my vet…. so I feel there is no one to blame but me.
I would really appreciate any feedback on steps you have taken to try to heal from such a horrible, traumatic experience.
Thank you for your kind words and I’m sorry to hear you had a bad experience with Cholodin. Interestingly, when I looked it up on Amazon, I found I had ordered it in 2014 for one of my senior dogs. If I don’t recall it, it must not have been a miracle some found it to be. While I was on Amazon, I did some reading and while most of the reviews I read were positive, the negative ones just basically rated it low because it didn’t help their dog, with the exception of a couple who had terrible side effects. Several mentioned that Cholodin was recommended by their vet, including one person who had a holistic vet medical book.
I also googled “Cholodin killed my dog” with zero results.
Here are my thoughts. Based on the fact that I had just lost my dog Sadie to Previcox a few months prior to ordering this, I would not have ordered it unless I felt it was safe and had done some research. From what I read in the reviews, the negative side effects were in 2017 and 2018, which makes me wonder if it wasn’t a bad batch or formula change or something. Regardless, with so very few negative reactions, it is completely understandable that you or anyone else would try this product for your dog. In her book, ‘The Royal Treatment’, which I own, holistic vet Dr. Barbara Royal said she often recommends it. Based on all of the information I found, it sounds like your dog just had a very rare bad reaction.
Unfortunately, I don’t think you ever completely get over the guilt and pain from such a tragedy. I know I won’t, anyway. What has helped me has been to warn as many people as possible about Previcox and the other NSAID’s and adamantly check every other drug that my pets are prescribed before giving it to them. Your case is different though, in that I don’t see how you could have possibly known about any negative side effects, even with a pretty in-depth research of Cholodin. You definitely weren’t being irresponsible, so please don’t feel that way. You were trying to help your dog and sometimes it just doesn’t work out like we hope. Remember that and focus on your happy memories to get you through those moments of guilt and sadness.
I am so sorry for your experience. It is true there are doctors and vets who are dismissive of the dangers and don’t strive for what’s best for the patient. Thank you for sharing your story and taking the time and effort to provide this information. You have inspired me to forgo the Previcox and focus on natural aids for liver and kidney support and joint inflammation reduction. I am just writing to express my gratitude and sympathy. Keep posting. Sadie’s spirit lives on.
Frocine, thank you for your condolences and kind words. I’m glad you found my post and have decided to forgo Previcox. It’s just not worth the risk in my opinion, given that there are other safe alternatives out there. Many people have very good luck with the golden paste for inflammation and I’ve read a lot in recent years about CBD oil also helping, but my experience with it is very limited, so I’m afraid I can’t give you much direction there. I did write an article on the different products I’ve used for arthritis (since losing Sadie) that you may also find helpful, Every dog reacts differently to a lot of these treatments, so there is no one size fits all, unfortunately. You may have to try a couple or a few different things, but at the end of the day, at least you know you won’t be risking your dogs’ life. Thanks again for stopping by, letting me know that my article helped, and your kind words and support.
I just lost my beloved Ariel to Prevacox. I cannot even move. I had tried her on the prescribed dose of 1/2 tablet last year and got bloody stool. But a year later, she was in pain and I did not have a good vet near. I tried .25. She was brilliant the next morning. Then the next day, tarry stool. I rushed her to the vet who treated her correctly with shots for vomiting and stomach irritation. He hydrated her. But on the way home she began throwing up. I called the vet again and he said give her sucralfate. I was beyond exhausted so I went to bed with her beside me in her bed. First time in her life she ever slept alone. I was so tired I slept, not thinking to set the alarm and check on her. When I got up there was blood all over the house and my precious angel was dead. I feel like I wish I were dead too. That medicine should be taken off the market, it is deadly. My sunshine, my heart died of 3/4 of one pill given over three days. I can never forgive myself.
I’m so sorry to hear Previcox took your beloved Ariel from you. It’s too bad that your vet didn’t have the sense to not put Ariel back on Previcox after her bloody stool a year ago. That was a clear sign that it was harming her inside. Please make sure you report Ariel’s death to the manufacturer so they have it for their records and it will be passed on to the FDA who may eventually ban this drug. The number should be on the package.
In the meantime, all of us who have lost a dog to this horrible drug have felt exactly the same way that you do now. It is beyond devastating and no one who hasn’t gone through it can possibly understand the guilt and sadness that comes from being the one to kill your own dog. While the guilt and sadness will never completely go away, it does get better with time. Thank you for sharing your experience about Previcox here so that others may see another story of how deadly this drug is and hopefully avoid it.
That’s bull***t, Something else killed your dog, My dog could not walk without it! I believe it’s a miracle drug!
While I’m glad Previcox has helped your dog, it did, in fact, kill my dog. She had all the symptoms of the possible side effects listed on the manufacturer’s website. Unfortunately, my vet and the vet tech that I spoke to numerous times, ignored them.
Here is the warning on the front page of the website:
“Important Safety Information
As a class, cyclooxygenase inhibitory NSAIDs may be associated with gastrointestinal, kidney or liver side effects. These are usually mild, but may be serious. Pet owners should discontinue therapy and contact their veterinarian immediately if side effects occur. Evaluation for pre-existing conditions and regular monitoring are recommended for pets on any medication, including PREVICOX. Use with other NSAIDs, corticosteroids or nephrotoxic medication should be avoided. Refer to the prescribing information for complete details.”
And under their FAQ’s page “PREVICOX, like other NSAIDs, may cause some side effects. Serious side effects associated with NSAID therapy in dogs can occur with or without warning.”
Of course they are downplaying death as ‘serious’, but I and thousands of other dog owners have indeed encountered the “serious” side effects and that’s why I wrote this post. If you want to know the warning and ignore it, that’s entirely up to you, but for anyone that is researching the drug, thinking if their vet prescribed it, it must be safe, this post serves as a reminder that all drugs have side effects and to know about them and take the risk is different than not knowing.
P.S. I’ve amended three letters in your comment to stars to make it family friendly.
I am sorry that you do not grasp the depth of horror and grief felt by those of us who HAVE lost our dogs to Previcox. Please listen carefully- it can be safe for some animals. In particular I have read about horses tolerating it.
The problem is that when the animal does have an adverse reaction, it is after doing better. Owners and vets are lulled into a false sense of safety. When the reactions occur they are often attributed to everything else but Previcox. Last but not least, death happens very quickly- sometimes too quickly to save the animals life. Not one but two sites on FB are devoted to Previcox deaths or life-threatening illnesses.
Death comes from kidney failure or intestinal bleeds usually. Ariel died from bleeding out after emergency vet treatment. That is because the vet did not know either. He was working off the pharmaceutical companies instructions. Many owners report healthy young animals dying from 1-3 doses.
I hope you are having your dog’s kidneys checked weekly. I hope you do not have to learn the way I did and the way about 3000 other grieving pet owners did.
I’m so sorry for your loss. When my 16 year old and 18 year old senior cats died 8 months apart last year, I was RIDDLED with guilt over what I should have or could have done differently. The truth is, from reading your story, it is OBVIOUS that you loved Sadie. Rest assured, Sadie knew that and felt it. You did the best you could with the knowledge you had. Please don’t question your decisions or actions. You love for her and for animals is evident in this blog post. Thank you so much for sharing this story and for warning others about the dangers of these drugs.
EQUALLY as dangerous are these newer flea and heartworm pills and treats – Trifexis, Comfortis and Bravecto. Please do your research on these before giving them to your dogs.
Thank you for your kind words. I’m so sorry to hear about the loss of your cats so close together. No matter how we lose them, I think there is always some guilt about things we did or could have done differently to prevent losing them so soon. Accepting the loss of our pets is just so hard.
You’re right, the latest flea and tick medications are very dangerous and I actually was in the middle of writing a post about several products on the market (including those you mentioned) that have seriously harmed and killed cats and dogs when my laptop with all of my tabs open suddenly died, leaving my post unfinished. One thing after another has arisen with my animals, including taking in my 11th one, so I’m behind in getting back to it and finishing it. It’s a very time-consuming post to write, unfortunately, so hopefully in the meantime, reading posts like this one will help other pet owners see the importance of double-checking the safety of ALL things going in or on our pets.
Thank you so much for this information. Our dog was taking the generic version of Rimadyl and I recently took her off of it because it didn’t seem to be doing much good for her. In addition, I am aware of the long-term health problems associated with that type of drug. I am going to try the Golden Paste for our dog and also those supplements you recommended on Amazon. I thank you for sharing your heartbreaking story about Sadie. May she rest in peace. I just wanted you to know that the work you’re doing in her name is so helpful to other pets and people. Sadie did not die in vain…..she lives on through your work and the countless animals you are saving. Bless you.
I’m so happy to hear you took your dog off the (generic) Rimadyl. Plenty of dogs have also been harmed or killed by that one as well, though like I said, no vet will ever warn you of that, which is very sad, because they may feign ignorance about it, but they know how potentially harmful it is. They have nothing else in their bag though, so they will continue to prescribe it.
Since writing this post, I have used the Inflama Relief a few more times on my dogs for various issues, and it has always helped quickly. The #1 ingredient is turmeric, which is an anti-inflammatory. I find it less messy than the golden paste and when you have white countertops, white vinyl flooring (the previous homeowner’s doing, not mine) and messy eaters, working with a very stain-y product like turmeric and golden paste is really more of a hassle than any benefit I personally ever had with it. Some people swear by it though, so I definitely say, give it a shot.
Also, since this writing, I’ve been taking Abby, my 11-year-old Lab, for acupuncture treatments. She has the giant lipomas that are under the muscle, so surgery to remove them is really the only thing that will probably help her get around better, but she definitely did perk up and have more energy after the first treatment and three subsequent ones. Unfortunately, taking on my 11th rescue put the brakes on continuing more treatments, but I’d highly recommend it also as an aid for your dog and mobility issues, as well as lots of other things it helps.
I’m so glad you took the time to read my warning, even though you have made the decision with your own dog to go a more natural treatment route. Losing Sadie continues to be one of my most painful life lessons and one that I’m very passionate about helping others avoid. Thank you for visiting and leaving such a kind comment. I hope your girl does well on one or some of my suggestions and you guys have many more happy and healthy years together.
PLEASE do not blame yourself for Sadie’s passing. I am so sure that Sadie does not blame you. Quite the contrary, you brought Sadie into your home and gave her the absolute best care you could and I’m sure that love and care was something Sadie could feel. One of my cats had a bladder infection and was given an injection of an antibiotic by the name of Convenia. For the next three (3) weeks, our cat laid on the sofa and refused to move. I had to force-feed her the entire time, carry her to the litter-box and carry her back to the sofa. This went on for three (3) whole weeks. I was terrified. At the end of the three (3) week period, she got up, went to her food station and ate ravenously. It was so weird. I told the vet about it and had him note on her chart that she was NEVER to receive that drug again. As a side note, one of our other cats had been given Convenia in the past and and never missed a beat……felt great, played, and ate like a trooper. In humans and in animals, you just never know how a body will react to a certain drug. I thank you for your insight on the Golden Paste though. I know that turmeric does stain like crazy so I might just give the pills you recommended on Amazon a try for our dog. And, again, thank you so much for your dedication to this topic. I know I appreciate you and your hard work and I know there are others out there who do as well.
Thank you again for your kind words and support, Gail. You are right about all animals and people reacting differently to meds and supplements, which makes it a bit more difficult and time-consuming when trying to find safer treatments for things, but once you’ve had a hard lesson, it almost becomes a “mission” to find safer and equally effective solutions. Thank you for sharing your experience with Convenia and the reaction your cat had to it. It will hopefully help any other reader who sees your comment take pause before giving it to their cat. Luckily, any issues with my cats that would normally be antibiotic needing issues have been able to be fixed with colloidal silver. The prescribing antibiotics like candy epidemic is real and we will all pay dearly if we don’t stop using them (and being prescribed them) without any hesitation at all. But that’s another subject for another blog post that I have first-hand experience with that I hope to write about soon. Stay tuned. 🙂
I’m so glad that I read your post and will definitely look forward to reading about the colloidal silver as an alternative to antibiotics. I wholeheartedly agree with you on the “antibiotics are used like candy” idea……for humans and pets. Thank you!
Sorry about what happened to Sadie. 🙁
It’s not our fault we trusted the people whom we thought would make our furkids’ health better.
My 5 y/o chihuahua is currently on IV fluid because of Previcox’ side effects – pooping blood and vomiting. He only consumed 1 ½ of 57 mg tab from Sunday to Tuesday and he started showing signs Wednesday afternoon. I’m so devastated and didn’t want to bring him to the same vet, I asked if there are any side effects or if it will be a problem since he’s also taking enalapril and furosemide for his heart. I was shocked when I found out the side effects of this killer drug and how it ended the precious lives of dogs.
I hope they stop selling these NSAIDs. They make money in the expense of dogs and thei owners’ lives.
Please pray with me as we fight the drug’s adverse effects. Thank you for making this blog. God bless you and your fur kids!
Thank you for your condolences about Sadie. I’m so sorry to hear you were let down by your vet AFTER you even asked about side effects of Previcox. That’s horrible, regardless if it was ignorance by the vet or plain deception about them.
Dogs can and have pulled through from the use of Previcox and I pray that your little guy is one of them. Please keep us posted on how it turns out and what treatment was used so that it may help others who find themselves in a similar position.
Leslie, my chi, Ariel did not make it. About the same dose and span of time. Was not put on fluids. I’m still an emotional wreck.
Sending prayers to you.
My precious Pitt bill, Honeybun, was prescribed Meloxicam for help w/a spine injury. A vet tech told me her vomiting & diarrhea could be caused by the injury. I was given no warning about side effects. I even asked the pharmacist about those symptoms while holding the medicine. She died & I cried for weeks, torn between grief and guilt. Why?? I will never trust a vet again. Any meds prescribed for now on will be well researched.
I’m so sorry to hear about your dear Honeybun and the nightmare you went through after being prescribed Meloxicam. Your experience with the vet tech disregarding Honeybun’s reaction to the medication sounds very similar to mine. From my experience, vet techs seem to think they are a lot more knowledgable than they actually are, which unfortunately, is bad for owners who trust that they are indeed knowledgable.
This Spring, two of my senior dogs were prescribed medications that my vet thought she knew the side effects for. Both of my dogs had side effects that I noticed and questioned her about. Both times, the vet denied it was the medication. I then researched on my own. I, the owner, had to send the vet “proof” of my findings to convince her that the side effects I was seeing were indeed caused by the drugs that she was denying were the cause. I’m actually not even convinced that she was convinced based on my findings. As soon as I took the dogs off the medications, the side effects stopped. Bottom line is that no matter how “safe” the vet, the pharmacist, the manufacturer, or whoever else says the drug is, they ALL have side effects, sometimes buried very deep out there, that those people don’t know about or try to cover up.
After my latest two experiences with prescription meds, I’ve expanded my book collection to include information on herbal antibiotics, traditional Chinese medicine, and homeopathic remedies. It’s a shame that if we don’t want to risk our animals’ lives, we have to go to such extreme measures to find treatments ourselves, but it seems like a small price to pay to avoid awful side effects and potential death.
Thank you for sharing your story here to help warn others who might be prescribed Meloxicam for their dog, believing that it is safe.
I am terribly deeply sorry for your loss. Yes nsaid drugs work really random on dogs. Some tolerate quite good but some are not. When our vet prescribed Previcox, he told me very clearly that, i should give 1 antiacid 40mg famodin in an empty stomach. Then wait 30 mins, then give food. Then wait 15 mins and give previcox.. and then he added, if you ever observe lack of apetite, vomit, dizzines, or some abnormal situation, do not wait and bring him. Vets should be very cleaf about this point
If you gibe previcox randomly, especially in an empty stomach, the result may be painful. In my case, 13 yrs old golden retreiver, he tolerated quite fine , 1 month… but went very very carefully, observed every step of our dogs behaviour. Some dogs do not tolerate even of you give it with antiacid… it is very sad that vets are not clear about it. They should warn and inform us better
Wow Yasmin,
It sounds like your vet was very informative about Previcox to you. My vet also told me to give the antacid, but despite that, she was still one of the dogs that apparently couldn’t tolerate it and then to make matters worse, my vet was not nearly as receptive to any potential issues caused from it as yours. I’ve spoken to several vets since Sadie’s death and none of them have come clean about how dangerous Previcox or any other NSAID can be. Instead, they try to convince me how it’s been a godsend for some pets. I. DON’T. CARE. I, and thousands of other owners who have lost otherwise healthy dogs to it will forever be guilt-ridden and traumatized by what we did to our beloved dogs and nothing any vet can tell me will change my mind about it.
Seven years later, I still refuse to ever give another one of my dogs an NSAID of any kind. I’ve found other things that work that don’t risk their life, like turmeric. Since then, I’ve also used other drugs that have had side effects on a couple of my dogs that the vet refused to acknowledge that I had to discover by my own research and make the decision to take my dogs off of them. As much as I like my current vet, her recklessness with my pets’ lives due to her refusal to educate herself and acknowledge the side effects and dangers of pharmaceuticals has made me even more committed to finding ways to treat them naturally whether by diet, supplements, or treatments like acupuncture.
Previcox was prescribed to my 18 year old Lhasa apso she probably would have lived to be in her mid-20s to late twenties if had I would have never took her to a vet over a small lump by her breast they gave her something that’s for dogs with arthritis and something that is usually prescribed for post-surgery or after surgery for pets. previcox ended up making my healthy,spunky,playful, beautiful 18 year old Lhasa apso paralyzed . f
After taking previcox as directed she became non-responsive and she had no appetite because of previcox also before becoming totally paralyzed she fractured her limbs then once she became paralyzed she had absolutely no Mobility and that’s when she became non-responsive and she urinated all over herself couldn’t being an extreme pain and having trouble making stool she would scream these loud screams that pet parent would never ever want to hear from their fur babies . This experience was very horrifying . Because of previcox she was pretty much dead to the world so when I took her back into the vet they highly recommended that we put her to sleep and that pisses me off previcox needs to be sued in a class action lawsuits. I’m sure there are a lot of people on this blog that has lost pets because of them. Previcox does not have any type of warning label at all besides most be taken with food may cause drowsiness but yet it list no side effects in which angers me. so why don’t everybody that’s had a extremely bad experience like this with previcox get together and we do a class action lawsuit on this company because they killed my windy and I think that pharmaceutical company needs to pay for my losses even though she was priceless.
My deepest condolences to you for your loss of Windy. I know your guilt, pain, and heartache all too well.
I agree, this drug, as well as many others, should be taken off the market. Unfortunately, I don’t see that ever happening because the pharmaceutical companies have the upper hand. Their argument will be that you can’t prove that Previcox is what killed Windy. An autopsy may help, but I’m not even sure about that. They’d want to know if the vet did bloodwork on Windy before they prescribed Previcox? The pharmaceutical company recommends that be done before this drug is administered to make sure there is no underlying health issue. My vet didn’t do that. They’ll argue “Well, she WAS 18 years old” (the vet did this with my dog who was only 13). They make a lot of money off this drug and have very deep pockets to fight any court battles to keep it on the market.
That is the sad part of the situation and why I tell everyone every chance I get to ALWAYS look up the side effects of ALL medications before you give it to your pet. There are SO MANY out there that have caused harm or death, I’ve honestly lost count. I will also add that since writing this post in 2017, I’ve had numerous vet visits and my takeaway has been that the vet industry is only getting worse.
Last year, my vet prescribed an antibiotic that was hard on the liver for a dog that she knew had liver issues! I had another vet in the same office miss the fact that that same dog was weighing less and less every visit and because of Covid restrictions, I had to wait in the parking lot while they took her in and examined her. I had mentioned to her regular vet that I felt like something was going on, but it was overlooked or ignored for some reason that I’ll never know.
Every vet I have taken my pets to has been all too eager to prescribe (many times, harmful) medication, without a diagnosis or a warning about the dangers of the medication they are sending me home with. It’s frightening and why we as pet owners have to start standing up and asking questions and refusing to let our animals’ lives be endangered, many times when there is another treatment option that isn’t potentially fatal, like homeopathic medicine or even a change in diet. If I had a holistic vet option, I would go that route, but unfortunately, we only have the conventional ones around my area and they all seem to use the same playbook, which is why over the years I’ve continued to expand my knowledge on other treatment options to keep my pets out of the vet’s office unless absolutely necessary or an emergency situation.
For your situation, all I can tell you is to please notify the pharmaceutical company (their information should be on the packaging) about Windy so they can record it. Don’t expect them to be apologetic or caring, because they probably won’t be. Also, please be an advocate for Windy and tell everyone, including all of your social media friends, your experience. I read all the time about people practically bragging that their dog has taken without any issue and even recommend it to others. They are either clueless about the dangers, or just don’t care because giving their dog a pill or shot is easier than working to find a non-dangerous solution. Those of us who have paid the steep price of losing a pet to those products have to make sure our voices are heard loud and clear to warn others.
My seven year old golden retriever, Hobie, was prescribed Previcox at his annual physical for a slightly torn ACL tendon. Other than that he was given a clean bill of health. No warnings were giving about the medication except that he might have stomach upset. Two weeks later he became lethargic and began to refuse food. A week later, on June 23rd 2021, he was dead of either liver failure or kidney failure. He died in my arms after I took him home from multiple vet visits. No veterinarian will admit as much but I am sure that it was the Previcox that killed him.
I’m so sorry to hear about your loss of Hobie. My heart breaks for you and Hobie because I have no doubt it was the Previcox that took him from you too soon. I’m sick that this is still happening to dogs after so many years and so many deaths. Please make sure you contact the manufacturer and report Hobie’s death to them. It won’t be a pleasant experience, but a record of it causing a death is the only way this drug may ever be taken off the market.
You will be hard-pressed to ever find a vet anywhere that will admit Previcox can kill a dog, while there is no shortage of them praising the drug. I’ve yet to find one myself, even though I think they all know. If they didn’t before, they do now that I’ve told them, as well as my informing them all that none of my dogs will ever be given an anti-inflammatory (NSAID) of any kind ever again. They prescribe them like candy and never warn owners that death is a possibility so possible alternative treatments can be considered.
I’m so sorry Hobie had to pay the steep price for a greed and pharmaceutical-driven profession that almost solely relies on dangerous pharmaceuticals to treat things, even at times when they have no clue what the ailment is. My advice is to honor Hobie’s life by making sure to warn everyone you can about the dangers of not only Previcox, but all the other NSAID’s so quickly prescribed when they aren’t even necessary. If people still want to use them (or any medication) after researching exactly this: “ killed my dog”, that’s up to them, but at least they can’t claim ignorance if anything tragic happens as a result.
I also advise you to avoid the vet as much as possible. They push low-quality food (because most don’t know any better about nutrition), unnecessary vaccines, and dangerous meds that all sicken our pets or shorten their lives. A good diet, plenty of sunshine and exercise, and limited toxins (flea/tick/heartworm meds, vaccines, unfiltered tap water, pharmaceuticals) should help you avoid ever needing to go to the vet unless it’s an emergency or an old age (over age 10) related issue you need some guidance on. Even then, you have to be ready to stand up for your pet and what the vet recommends because they are all too happy to find something that they want to give a pill or potion for when other safer options will usually work.
If you’ve read through any of my posts, most of them discuss how the vet wanted to give a dangerous shot or a pill for something that I was able to heal with a homeopathic remedy (100% safe) or just a change in diet ( Killing my dog with Previcox opened my eyes to how corrupted the vet profession and pharmaceutical industry have become and now that I’m aware of their game and the dangers in all those drugs they are so quick to prescribe, I’ve learned alternative ways to heal my pets without endangering their lives.
Thank you for taking the time to share what I’m sure was a difficult story. Hopefully, those finding this article and reading the comments BEFORE they give this potentially deadly drug to their dogs will be moved not to by not only Sadie’s death, but all the others shared in the comments, including Hobie’s.
Predacox killed my dog to ,he tore his acl and was given Predacox and within a week started peeing less and not eating I called the vet n told thim I stopped given him to him but to late, he started painting n setting up 2 days no sleep the vet sead give him pepside ac n no help so I tryed gas x n it helped his tummy went down good enuff for him to sleep but he just got wors stoped peeing and popping he died at the vets office im heart broken!! But don’t give this drug to your dog !!! Im sike with gilt, vets Like docs look at us like cattel they just push us to take the kill ya to save ya meds
I’m so sorry to hear Previcox claimed another dog. I too believe that either knowingly or intentionally ignorant, vets know that Previcox, and many other drugs they prescribe, can and do have very serious side effects for some dogs, but still prescribe them anyway. Their feign of shock, ignorance, or denial that it was the drug that they prescribed (without warning of death as a possible side effect) is sickening to those of us that find out too late just how many pets have been harmed or killed by Previcox and many other drugs commonly prescribed.
All of us have been and still are where you are at in your feelings of guilt and anger. While the pain and guilt do ease over time, I don’t believe it ever fully goes away. The upside is now you can (and hopefully will be) a strong advocate of getting the word out about your experience with losing your dog to a commonly vet prescribed medication with NO WARNING of death as a side effect, and the lesson you have now learned about the importance of researching ALL prescriptions before giving them to your pets.
Please make sure you report your experience to the drug maker, who has to keep a record of it for the FDA, so those numbers can be recorded and hopefully one day soon, this awful drug will be removed from the market, like its human version was for the deaths that it caused.
I found your sad report after googling really really hard for PREVICOX side effects other than the usual “harmless ones “ . Unfortunately neither my vet nor the search engines provide clear statements. I took my lab to the vet after he started limping too much and was prescribed previcox on a daily basis of 227 mg. Having medical experience I concluded after 10 days that something is going seriously wrong, weight loss , cannot really say loss of appetite , but surely less Labrador habit eating and complete disorientation as if my dog is drugged . Abe cannot control hind nor front legs proper. I decided to stop previcox and hopefully it is not too late. He is on Vitamine B and E supplements now and also on mobility supplements but no drugs. Fingers crossed . Thank you for making it public and confirming my suspicion.
I’m sorry your dog is suffering from the use of Previcox. My recommendation is to get some blood work done to determine the damage you are dealing with. If you’ve read the other comments, you can see that some have had good success bringing their dog back from near death, so it is possible. I wish you and your boy the best of luck and recommend future searches of any thing to be done like this with the quotes: “Previcox killed my dog”
I’m interested in this thread too however Previcox has been a game changer for my 14 yr old Australian Kelpie. This breed is extremely intense, intelligent & hyperactive. It’s impossible for them to curb their activity even when osteoarthritis, hip dysplasia & spondylosis sets in. He was prescribed Meloxicam for 7 years which didn’t work. It was heartbreaking to watch him struggle to climb upstairs, get in the car & enjoy life. I finally insisted on Previcox a year ago & he’s been on 227mg / day ever since, with outstanding results. He’s back to chasing anything that moves & racing past the cat to beat her up & downstairs. He leaps on my bed & sleeps comfortably all night. I’ve done away with all the supplements he’s been on since he was 2 (because I knew his joints would go being such an active breed). Turmeric, golden paste, Rose Hip, green lip mussels, 4Cyte, Glyde – all gone. He gets Previcox now before his grain free dinner & that’s it.
Hi Marion,
I’m glad to hear Previcox has not injured or killed your dog. Thousands of others have not been so lucky, unfortunately, including myself, which is why I wrote this blog post. I wanted to warn others who like me, didn’t get a warning from their vet, that nasty side effects, including death were possible.
I recently wrote a couple of articles about my then 12, now 14 year old Lab who was on numerous supplements for a variety of things, including arthritis. She was also raw fed. Despite all of that, her health was declining. I changed her diet a bit and removed all of her supplements and the results were amazing. She’s getting around just fine, despite having numerous intramuscular lipomas, her eyes are bright, and after almost her entire life of having environmental allergies, this diet has stopped them entirely. Here’s a link to the follow up post after one year on the diet, which also has the original post linked within, that you can read,
I’ve recently started experimenting with a couple of things because the lipomas in her armpit and rear thigh are not reducing in size, which causes her to have an awkward gait and I’m worried that will be the thing that finally prevents her some day from being able to get up and down on her own. As she’s probably 75 or 80 pounds, I (and my back) want to keep her able to get up on her own for as long as possible. I’ll be sharing any good results that I notice in a future post.
There are other anti inflammatories your dog could try like Meloxicam (Mobic). Human Paracetamol (tylenol) works too & is inexpensive but must be accurately dosed. Gabapentin is good for pinched nerves caused by arthritic changes but it will initially make your dog dopey while he adjusts. Dogs can be on methadone, Suboxone, fentanyl patches – there are so many options so don’t give up & go down the unregulated “wellness industry” route, it’s full of snake oil pushing charlatans. Check that your dog isn’t suffering from another condition that could make him go downhill so fast. Does he have any age lumps / lipomas? Get every lump biopsied (very inexpensive) to check for mast cell tumors. These are very common, can be deadly but treatable, even cured if caught quickly. Don’t waste another cent on natural therapies. If something doesn’t help a human, it definitely won’t work for a dog! Change vets, you & your dog are worth it. Previcox is working for my old boy but I’d stop it in a heartbeat if it didn’t. You should notice less arthritic pain in a couple of days. Could the sleepiness be him finally being comfortable & picking up on your concern?
Hi JRob,
You sound like a pharmaceutical rep and not anyone who has ever lost a dog to a prescription medication. Did you even read my post? My dog was doing great until she suddenly started going downhill and then died.
Previcox was also sold to humans under the name ‘Vioxx’. It caused heart attacks and killed thousands of people. Here’s a link for you to read up on it or even just peruse the headlines, I challenge you to find any holistic, homeopathic, or other natural “unregulated” option with so many injuries or deaths. I’ll even let you use injuries or deaths to humans AND animals in your numbers. You won’t find it.
While pharmaceuticals have their place, they are not without risk and that is what this blog post was about. Knowing the risks and choosing to ignore them is one thing. Not knowing them and your dog suffering and dying a slow and painful death is another. Have you done a search about the side effects of all of those drugs you listed? I’m betting you haven’t. They ALL have risks. Some of them quite serious.
You can bet if (in your words) “the unregulated wellness industry” had ANYTHING on the market that only harmed or killed a tiny fraction of the people pharmaceuticals have killed, they’d ALL be off the market in a heartbeat. But they haven’t, so they are still out there and available for those that don’t want to just go the easy and dangerous route of drugs when our pets show signs of discomfort. I’ve managed to keep every single dog off any form of NSAID since killing Sadie in 2013 and none of them have suffered.
I wrote this post after an extremely heartbreaking experience that I went through with my dog that could have easily been avoided if I had only been informed that serious injury or death was a possibility with Previcox. Shouldn’t a vet or Dr. know the side effects of the drugs they prescribe and convey those to the owner? How come when you go to the Dr. and get a Rx you get that white sheet with all the drug facts, including the side effects, but that’s not given to pet parents who get handed a bottle of pills for their beloved cat or dog?
I’m glad your dog is doing fine on Previcox. Mine didn’t. Neither did thousands of other dogs who took it. This post is a warning to those out there doing their homework before they give their dog this drug who are wondering if it is safe. A few people who come along and comment how great their dog is doing don’t negate the fact that there’s thousands of injuries and deaths on record and there is literally a Facebook page for owners who currently have a very sick dog or have lost their dog due to Previcox.
If you are not already, I hope you do as the drug manufacturer recommends and get routine blood work done on your dog to catch any issues that may arise from the use of Previcox before the symptoms become visible, as by then it may be too late.
Rob, there are 2, not one Facebook sites dedicated to ‘Previcox Killed my dog’ It killed Ariel, again after she was doing great until she bled out from her intestines. Please educate yourself, it is real. It needs to be removed from the market.
Im so sorry for your loss of beautiful Sadie.
I completely understand your pain. I wish I didn’t, but I do. I lost my beautiful boy to an incompetent vet also. He died in my arms, was resuscitated by a different vet at the ER, and left us 2 hours later. The day started out so hopeful, so ordinary. So trouble-free. I came home with my heart ripped out. My boy deserved so much more than that heartless idiot who calls herself a veterinarian . A piece of me is gone. God Bless the pups.
I’m so sorry for your loss as well. Losing a beloved pet is hard enough on its own without losing them earlier than you should to incompetence, carelessness, accident, or a cruel disease like cancer.
I hope the pain of your loss eases over time and you can see through the darkness to the happier times and be thankful for the sweet memories you made while you had your boy. Losing our sweet little angels is a hard reminder of how fragile life really is and how we should never take them or it for granted. Hugs to you during this difficult time. ~ CC