Stomatitis symptoms and colloidal silver

Treating stomatitis symptoms with colloidal silver

Up until last Fall, I’d only used colloidal silver randomly for small things on my crew like eye injuries, ear infections, and on Abby’s incisions after her lipoma surgeries.  I had, however, seen enough, read enough, and used it on enough things around the house to know it was one of those things I’d be keeping on hand for the next time someone in the house had anything wrong with them.  Little did I know my need would be sooner rather than later with a very sick cat.

A cat with bad teeth shows ups

When my first rescue cat, KK, showed up in 2012 at the approximate age of 5-7 years old, I noticed right away that his teeth didn’t look very good.  They were pretty worn, discolored a dark yellow, had buildup on them, and at least one of his front fang teeth (upper canine) was broken.

I can’t be certain KK’s poor dental condition was the result of being fed a dry kibble diet, but I strongly suspect it.  None of my current other five cats who came to me much younger than KK did and have been fed a high quality canned food diet before I switched to raw fed in 2017 have teeth even remotely as bad as KK’s were.

Switching to raw, I did notice that eating chunks of raw food helped KK’s teeth tremendously.  They went from being very discolored to still discolored, but much better, and there was a reduction in the buildup.  I still always worried about KK’s teeth though, because of just how bad they were overall, and given KK’s advanced years.

KK suddenly has stomatitis symptoms

Luckily, KK never seemed to be bothered by his teeth and ate as well as any of the other cats.  Things were going fine until one weekend when we noticed KK acting strangely.  He was drooling excessively, not cleaning himself, not interested in eating, and had horrible breath.  I immediately suspected something with his mouth/teeth and started researching what exactly could be the cause.

While KK is a true gentleman when it comes to being handled or medical treatment administered, prying open his mouth to look around to try to figure out exactly what or where the cause of the issue was really wasn’t an option.  Especially given how bad he obviously felt.  From what I was reading online, his symptoms sounded like stomatitis.

Recent research on colloidal silver pays off

As luck would have it, I’d just done extensive research on colloidal silver, including reading many testimonials about it on this post I had written the previous month,  Feeling confident that colloidal silver would help, I grabbed my bottle of it and started giving some to KK.  Will and I decided that if the colloidal silver didn’t significantly help KK by Monday morning, I would make an appointment first thing with the vet.

While I had initially been giving KK just one dropper full of colloidal silver every 2-3 hours, I wasn’t seeing results as quickly as I had hoped.  Seeing KK feeling so bad broke my heart, so I upped his dosage to two droppers full every two hours.  I kept that schedule up through the night.  To my relief, by Sunday morning KK was doing much better.

Colloidal silver saves the day

I continued giving two droppers full of the colloidal silver throughout Sunday, slowly increasing the time between dosages as he continued to improve.  During that time, KK was ready to eat, so to make it as easy and as painless as possible for him, we gave him canned food.  I continued to feed him the soft canned food for the next few days until he was back to 100% and I no longer had to worry about a relapse.

Because KK continued to improve every day until he was back to his normal self in a few days, we never had to go to the vet.  Unfortunately, having to dose as much as I did and as often as I did, my little 2 oz. bottle quickly ran out.  I ended up having to overnight an 8-ounce bottle to maintain the dosage and schedule that was working.  Keep that in mind if you are going into a weekend or holiday with a sick cat, as you don’t want to run out in the middle of treatment or before your cat is all better.

What I’m doing to prevent a reoccurrence

It’s now been over a year since that incident happened without another occurrence.  I’ve since started making my own colloidal silver and putting it in the cats’ food and water on a regular basis.  I do this to hopefully prevent any future issues and help with removing plaque buildup.

I don’t know what the vet would have done for KK, but I do know it would have been traumatic for both of us and very costly for me.  I also know that whatever medication they would have prescribed would not have been as safe as colloidal silver.  I’m just thankful I’d recently done so much research on colloidal silver and had some on hand to start using as soon as we noticed his symptoms.

Why I recommend colloidal silver to everyone

To those unfamiliar with it or not yet convinced, I recommend you read the very in-depth article I wrote about colloidal silver here.  Colloidal silver is anti-viral, anti-fungal, and anti-bacterial.  It works like an antibiotic except without any side effects.  It also helps boost the immune system.  I honestly can’t recommend it highly enough.  If I was stuck on a desert island with just a few items for survival, colloidal silver would definitely be on the list.

While I now make my own colloidal silver to use for a wide variety of things, unless you have several animals or unexpected or ongoing health issues you need to treat in your household, buying a bottle is probably sufficient.  The brand that I used on KK back then and recommend is this one

My tips for administering colloidal silver

I’ve always used the dropper (as opposed to the spray) version of colloidal silver for eyes, ears, incision/injuries and for putting directly in the mouth.  I prefer the more subtle treatment method since my animals are all pretty easily handled and medicated.

Since colloidal silver is tasteless, adding a few drops to your cat’s food may be easier than trying to get it into their mouth.  If the animal is not eating, then dropping the colloidal silver directly into their mouth will be necessary, like I had to do to KK.  Once your cat is doing better, continue to add silver for at least a few more days, if not indefinitely, to be sure you are out of the woods and to prevent a reoccurrence.

After about the 5th dosing of gently prying his mouth open to put the colloidal silver in, KK began to get tired of my antics and started resisting.  Since I was up alone taking care of him, I found the best way to give him the colloidal silver was to gently pull the nape of his neck back, causing his mouth to open slightly, and drop the liquid into his mouth.  Be careful not to squirt the colloidal silver down your cat’s throat.  Instead, aim it towards the inside of the cheek or gums, or onto the tongue.

Dosage Guide

Below is a dosage chart that serves as a good guide.  As stated, and as I found in treating KK, you cannot give too much colloidal silver, but you can give too little.  So despite any resistance you may face, don’t be afraid or too frustrated to give plenty of it to your pet frequently,  especially when treating something as serious as stomatitis.

Colloidal silver pet dosage recommendation
Dosage chart courtesy of ‘Colloidal Silver for Pets’ FB Group.

Final thoughts

If you are giving the recommended dosage of colloidal silver in high amounts and not seeing improvement, it could possibly be the brand that you are using is of poor quality.  Like with everything, some brands are better quality than others.

Unfortunately, due to the increase in popularity of colloidal silver, not every brand coming on the market is high quality.  Prior to Sovereign Silver, I had tried the cheaper Source Naturals brand colloidal silver and found that it did not perform nearly as well as the Sovereign Silver brand.

Most health food stores carry colloidal silver, which may be your best option if you suddenly find yourself with a cat with symptoms similar to KK’s.  Getting a good quality colloidal silver is essential, so make sure you read the reviews to ensure that is the case before you put yourself and your cat through the necessary treatment protocol for stomatitis or symptoms that are similar to it.




8-19-20 Update:

I continue to get a lot of inquiries about colloidal/ionic silver being used for cats with stomatitis or other mouth issues, so I wanted to pass along what I have learned since posting my experience with KK.

While KK has not had any further incidents with his teeth/mouth since I wrote this article, I have learned of some products that may be helpful to those that find CS is not working, or that possibly requires additional treatment.  Unfortunately, I cannot personally vouch for them since I haven’t had a need for them, but based on what I’ve read, I would definitely have no issue trying any of them.

These are in no particular order and if the Sovereign Silver product I mentioned in my article above isn’t working or you want a supplementation to it, these are other possible options.  If one product doesn’t work, you may have to look at another, since a lot of natural treatments do unfortunately involve some trial and error to get the desired results.

1-TDC –  See in my Amazon shop page here along with the note I’ve added.  Read the reviews of users who mention “stomatitis” in them for more information that you may find helpful.  I discovered this product through holistic vet Dr. Stephen Blakes’ website.

Jarrow Formulas Lactoferrin –  See in my Amazon shop page here along with the note I’ve added.  Read the reviews mentioning “cat” in them for more information that you may find helpful.  I discovered this product through an online group and a cat site who shared this study that discussed how this product helped FIV positive cats and FIV negative cats with stomatitis.

Standard Process – VF Bio-Dent for Pets – See in my Amazon shop page here along with the note I’ve added.  More information about it can be found at Standard Process’s website.  The website also lists locations where the product can be purchased locally.  Dr. Karen Becker has mentioned using this product in her practice for stomatitis cases.

HAMPL homeopathic products for stomatitis –  You can read about the products here, and also place your order, or if you are in the U.S. and want faster delivery from a U.S. based retailer, here is the U.S. site for the same products, but without the extensive description. NOTE:  As of 6/1/22 the U.S. based re-seller site says ‘Under Construction’ and is not able to be accessed.  A search of ‘HAMPL’ should provide you with other U.S. Sellers, or contacting the Australia-based company and asking for a U.S. seller may also be helpful due to shipping costs.

BestLife4Pets Oral Health for Cats – See in my Amazon shop page here, along with the note I’ve added.  This is a homeopathic remedy designed for cats with stomatitis, bad breath, and inflamed gums, with many options given to administer it.  I found the reviews from actual users encouraging and would consider this product if I had a need for it.

The links will take you to my Amazon Shop page where you can see the product to purchase locally or through Amazon.  I’ve included a note about it next to the picture of the product.

The HAMPL product links are from recommendations I’ve seen in the groups I’m a member of that have gotten good reviews with their products.  I haven’t personally used them, but based on the recommendations, their reviews, and my experience with homeopathic remedies, I feel comfortable recommending them.


Also, make sure to read the comments below from readers who have used these or other products to treat their cats.  Some of the most valuable information can sometimes be found in the comments, so I recommend always reading through comments/reviews for anything that could be helpful posted by someone who doesn’t have a high-traffic public forum to share their experience.



For my list of favorite things I (mostly) own and/or recommend to fellow pet parents and occasionally random strangers, you can visit my Amazon store page here,  I’ve included little notes about the products also.

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76 thoughts on “Stomatitis symptoms and colloidal silver

    1. You’re very welcome, Tamara! I just wanted to share my experience and the capabilities of colloidal silver with others, especially cat owners who have gotten very extreme treatment options for stomatitis which are both very costly and invasive. While this may not work for all cases, I definitely think it is worth a try before more extreme measures are taken.

  1. Thanks for a great write-up. Our Colloidal Silver for Pets FB group gets occasional questions from members dealing with stomatitis, and personal testimonies go a long way when people are on the fence, so I’ll be linking your post. :) You’re so right that the usual treatment for stomatitis are much more stressful for the cat and expensive for the owner.

    The chart of suggested weight-based amounts is an original document from the files at Colloidal Silver for Pets — where we also have lots of research and other information about helping all kinds of pets with colloidal silver. Most usage guidelines we have seen online seem inadequate to us as long time users of colloidal silver, and it’s good to see experience-based amounts being shared.

    1. Thank you Bethany, for stopping by and for your kind words. I’m sorry I didn’t know the chart was an original from the ‘Colloidal Silver for Pets’ FB Group files. I’ve added a notation under it to let readers know. Your group is a wonderful source of information for pet owners and anyone interested in learning more about using colloidal silver. Thanks for taking the time to leave a comment and for linking my post.

  2. I am a firm believer in silver, but afraid im still learning about its vast use. Im curious, do you think it would help a cat that has a respiratory infection. He sneezes like every 2 or 3 minutes and yellow snot comes out. A vet gave him a shot of vitamin c like 4 months ago but said it would most likely come back. Well it has. So im curious if collidal silver might help? Also, do you think it would take ear mites away?

    1. Hi Trish,

      Colloidal silver will help your cat’s URI for sure, but in my experience, so will apple cider vinegar (abbreviated as ACV), which is much cheaper, unless you make your own colloidal silver. I once had a cat with symptoms similar to what you are describing and before I had any experience with colloidal silver, I cured him with lysine and ACV. Some people have had success with just the ACV, too. I mixed 50/50 water and ACV and then dipped a paper towel in the mixture and wiped down the front legs and sides of my cat so he had to lick it off of him/ingest it. I did that twice a day along with lysine in his food. While I LOVE colloidal silver for just about everything, unless you make it yourself, it is kind of pricey and if you have to order it, you lose treatment time. ACV can be found locally and I recommend keeping it in your pantry for emergencies. It cures a number of things. Just make sure you get the kind with the “mother” in it. Here is a link to the site where I initially found this remedy and recommend to everyone for both themselves and their pets’ health ailments,

      As far as the ear mites go, I recently found a product on ebay called CLEARIT in a powder form that I ordered from the UK that has worked better than anything else I’ve ever tried and I’ve tried numerous things. It was around $20 with shipping, but it lasts a really long time and helped both my Lab’s yeasty ears and also my cats’ ear mite problems. I was recently told by another reader that she uses coconut oil in her cats’ ears for ear mites. I have not tried that, as I didn’t want to use anything that would give my cats an incentive to keep rubbing their ears with their paws. You might try that though, or possibly there’s a good natural treatment on that website from above, If you can’t find anything, I definitely would look into the CLEARIT.

  3. Hello! A month ago, My three-year-old cat was diagnosed with gingivitis. The doctor gave him an injection of an antibiotic that lasts four weeks. Yesterday we were at the next examination and the doctor noticed that the cat had lost several teeth. The doctor gave the cat an injection of cortisone and said that cortisone is the only therapy. I have a question, can I start treatment with colloidal silver now or have to wait some time for cortisone to go out of the body .. Thank you.

    1. Irina,

      Colloidal silver should be fine to use and I think will help your cat greatly. After the antibiotics, I’d also put him on some probiotics to get his gut flora back on track. Don’t give colloidal silver and the probiotics together though. It’s recommended to wait a couple of hours.

      Also, my cat with the bad teeth (from this post) has continued to do very well on the raw food diet, which is basically eating chunks of raw meat. My other cats that are younger (4 years old) and have never had kibble, have no buildup at all on their teeth from this diet. I’m not sure what you are feeding your cats, but switching to raw (you can buy it as chunks or ground) or dehydrated food could help you keep your cat’s condition under control easier.

      And lastly, another product that I found a vet mentioned for mouth and gum issues is THC-1, found at Amazon here, It’s kind of pricey and I’m not sure it would work any better than colloidal silver, but I wanted to put it out there in case it helps you or anyone else. The company website is It comes in smaller quantities than 120, but it’s pricier that way, so I chose the 120 count bottle to list. Personally, I’d start with colloidal silver and see how you get along and maybe keep this in mind as a possible addition, if necessary.

  4. Thank you very much!!!! I feed my boy raw.. I have two cats and i feed them the same raw, one cat have problem with his gums, other one is good… I’ll try with colloidal silver, i found it in Sovereign Silver.I’ll put it from the dropper direct on his gums, i don’t know how many drops… I don’t know if i put it direct is better than to put it in his water or food…Maybe be you can give me any ideas??? Thank you!!!!!!

    1. I have had excellent luck with the brand Sovereign Silver, which is why I recommend it so highly. It’s also what I used on KK when he was having his mouth issues. As far as putting it in the mouth, I used two dropperfuls, (which was actually only about half a dropperful of colloidal silver, as the dropper doesn’t fill up completely when you squeeze it), when I was actively treating KK’s issues. As he got better and started eating, I put it in his mouth less and added it to his food. The chart in the post gives a guideline of how much to give, but giving more is always better than giving less and won’t harm your cat.

      After a few additional days of giving the colloidal silver by mouth and by food, I was able to cut back to only giving my cat colloidal silver in his food and he did fine. Just watch the symptoms and when they are clear, go ahead and give it for a couple or few more days just to be sure, then you can just put it in the food. My experience was that even the most well-mannered cat got tired of having the drops put directly in his mouth, so I tried to only do it for as long as was necessary, but long enough that we didn’t lose any ground on fighting the infection.

      For me, I am home during the day and my (six at the time) cats ate randomly throughout the day, so I added the colloidal silver to their food container and every time I got food out for someone, there was colloidal silver in it, ensuring KK got some anytime he ate, which is a few times a day. I also have a water bowl that they occasionally drink from that is filled only with colloidal silver. Your other cat can benefit from the colloidal silver too, so it’s not a problem if they get some also. The only issue is that you will go through quite a bit of the colloidal silver, which is not cheap. If you live near a walmart, I have read that they carry a brand called ‘Silver Biotics’ that is much cheaper and sold in 16 oz. bottles that works as well as Sovereign Silver. I can’t personally vouch for it, but it may be something to keep in mind, as this may be an ongoing regimen for you and your little guy. There is also the option of making your own colloidal silver, which is very easy and will save you lots of money. For now though, you seem to be doing everything right, so I think you’ll see good results with the colloidal silver you bought and then can make a decision in the future if you want to keep it up and how you want to go about it. Either way, good luck to you and your little guy and let me know if I can be of any more assistance!

  5. Thank you very very very much!!!!!!!! I’m living in Cyprus and the only way to buy CS is via Yes it’s little expensive, but I’ll do what i can to do, it’s better than to not do nothing.. I’ll put direct on his gums an will see for result.. And I’ll let you know!!!!! Thank you 🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂

  6. Hello!!! It’s me again 😊 and I have some questions. I found several good quality CS brands, but high concentration 200 ppm. Can I dilute up to 20ppm? Will the healing properties be lost? If not, can I dilute with drinking water? Or do I need distilled water? Can I use high concentration just dividing by 10? My cat weighs 4 kg, then I have to divide a single dose by 10? 7.5ml:10=0.75ml this is my single dose, how many drops is it? Maybe it is no good to use in high concentration?
    I’m so confused… Sovereign silver is expensive and there is only low concentration, I read that I can dilute to the desired, but will it be as useful as the original?
    What is the difference between ionic silver and CS? Thank you very very much!!!!!

    1. Hi Irina,

      200 ppm is fine, you will just need to dilute it. 10-20 ppm is strong enough for most things, so on the 200 ppm brand, a 1:10 to 1:20 ratio would be your goal and you should use distilled water, if possible. Other brands that are 10-20 ppm do not require any dilution. You just add them as is to your animals food or directly in or on them.

      If you decide to go with the higher 200 ppm brand, once you’ve diluted a small portion of it, you can then use your diluted mixture directly in your cat’s mouth and add it to his food also. While that method may be more economical, it will be more time consuming and may be more intimidating for a new user, but not impossible.

      Here’s is a website that I think you will find helpful with your question regarding Ionic vs. Colloidal Silver and also lists various brands with their particle size, cost per mL, etc.,

  7. Thank you for this info. I have a kitty who has periodontal disease. Last year he had a few teeth removed. I wipe his teeth w/ a dental sponge now, the toothbrush irritates his poor gums & I don’t want to hurt him. His gums have been looking pretty red lately & he also has a tooth that will bleed on and off. I know he may possibly have to have that removed, my current vet said he may have to have all his teeth rmvd. I don’t want to have to put him through that, unless absolutely necessary. I told her I have been using SS, but she dismissed that and referred to the usual product for pets teeth that are approved and tested. I have been using SS 10ppm on the dental sponge and wipe his gums/teeth down as much as he will let me. I guess I am still fearful of using that Inside his mouth, don’t know why, but just am. I don’t use that much. I want to give it a go again, can you tell me how much and how often I should been brushing/wiping his teeth a day? Any guidance will be much appreciated. Thank you

    1. Lil,

      I’m sorry to hear about your poor cat’s teeth and gum issues. Fortunately, I think I may have some suggestions that will help.

      First of all, please do not be worried about using colloidal silver. If it was dangerous in any way, I can assure you, it would NOT be on the market. It will not hurt your cat. CS is extremely helpful for killing bacteria that may be causing your cat’s mouth issues. I recommend you put the colloidal silver (CS) in your cat’s food, water, and maybe even in his mouth a couple of times a day until you get the issue under control. A teaspoon is a good amount to use per treatment, but you can’t give too much. You can, however, give too little and it will be ineffective.

      In addition to the CS, I recently ran across some information that indicated that Lactoferrin is good for treating stomatitis. Here is a link to one study I found, It gives the amount of Lactoferrin given and the results, which are impressive. Even though the study title mentions FIV positive cats, it actually was also tested on healthy cats with positive results.

      In addition to Lactoferrin, another possible option I recommend that I read on Dr. Stephen Blake’s site, is 1-TDC. If you read the reviews on Amazon, many people have had good success with their cats’ stomatitis using it. I recently did a search for 1-TDC after someone e-mailed me requesting information for her cat. I was trying to make sure I sent the link with the best price, as sometimes multiple listings are shown on Amazon with varying prices. During that search, some other products came up that also indicated they were for teeth and gum issues. I’m attaching the search link here, for you to see the other products that you might find helpful.

      Unfortunately, I don’t have any personal or other experience with any of these products, other than the colloidal silver, so please read the reviews and then decide for yourself what product suits your particular need. I will say that just because one particular product or method doesn’t work, doesn’t mean your cat’s issue can’t be resolved with another product. I’d personally give every one of these products a try before I’d have any of my cats’ teeth removed, but that’s just me.

      Finally, you didn’t mention what you feed your cat, but I hope you are at least feeding a high quality canned food. Raw or dehydrated/freeze-dried would be better. In order to have optimum health, your cat will need optimum nutrition. A good diet is the foundation of his health and will help his immune system which in turn will help his body fight the inflammation and infection.

      Please come back and share if you try any of the products I mentioned or were listed in the search, or find a product or combination of products that work, as this is one of the most common health issues I get requests about treating.

  8. Thank you for all this info. Yes, I do feed him a high quality wet food/s. Have never done raw. So do you think Sovereign Silver is a good brand, is there any other you would recommend? I do wipe his teeth & gums down with it. Though I was only doing it once a day. I will start doing it several times a day. He is not a big water drinker, as most kitties aren’t. I have 6 kitties and many water bowls throughout the house. I give them all filtered water.

    Again, thank you for taking the time to help. I just wanted to make sure Sovereign Silver was a good brand.

    1. Lil,

      I have treated numerous issues with my animals with Sovereign Silver brand, so yes, I highly recommend it. Unfortunately, it can be quite expensive after a while, so I started making my own, but I have heard that Silver Biotics (or similar name), is sold at Walmart for around $20 for 16 oz. and is effective also.

      Making your own is very easy to do. This will probably be a long-term CS use issue, so you might consider it. I hope to write a post soon about how I easily made my CS generator for about $20, but finding time is hard with so many animals and all of my other duties. It is literally just an old phone charger, two alligator clips, and two silver rods that you can buy off Ebay, Amazon, or direct from a silver supplier. Put the rods in some distilled water in a jar and let it brew for a few hours and you are good to go.

      For now, I’d put the CS in your cats’ food, water, and directly into his mouth. Putting it directly on teeth/gums isn’t necessary. Constantly brushing on the gums may actually keep them irritated and sore. CS won’t harm your other cats and may actually prevent any issues with them. It also prevents bacteria from growing in water bowls, so there’s that added bonues too. Watch the issue and when it appears to get better, you can scale back to just putting CS in food and water, which are the two easiest ways to administer.

      If the CS alone doesn’t alleviate the issue in a couple of weeks, I’d look into adding the 1-TDC or similar product to the mix. While my cat fully recovered from the CS alone, not all cats do and you don’t want him to be in pain or suffering.

  9. My little Puffin appears to have stomatitis, she is very little and has lost such a lot of weight, I have been giving her the intensive treatment of colloidal silver, her mouth ulcers have improved but not gone away completely, she started eating on her own yesterday and this morning but then stopped after her breakfast. She seems to been in pain yet again, she wants to eat but stops, how long is it safe to use the intensive colloidal silver treatment on my little girl. I am writing from South Africa, sadly there are no open-minded vet’s that I can call on for assistance in my area. I would greatly appreciate your advice.
    Thank You

    1. Note: This comment was answered via FB and e-mail, which is why I didn’t answer here (accidentally missed it) but for those following along in the comments, CS is safe to give in large quantities for prolonged periods of time until all symptoms subside. A maintenance dose can then be administered until CS is no longer necessary or as a preventative. CS is NOT harmful and giving it in too little quantity or too infrequently will possibly cause it to not work at all or not work to its full potential.

      I talk to a lot of people who are scared of giving too much, but once I reassure them that it is FINE to give CS in large and frequent quantities, they then begin to have much better results.

  10. I am so happy to have found your page as I was searching for alternatives in treating my cat for Stomatitus!
    It came on rather quickly. He had an exam and everything looked good and I brought him back a month later because his stool had such a foul odor and they looked in his mouth and there are
    lesions, and a bloody mess! He was scheduled for surgery on 10/5/20 but now I started him on the CS and I have the brand your recommended already at home.
    Can I ask you how long it took before it had an effect?
    Thank you so very much for your wonderful information!!!!

    1. Hi Karen,

      I’m sorry to hear about your poor cat. It’s always so upsetting to see our poor babies have any health issues.

      I gave KK the CS directly in his mouth every 2-3 hours when he was in the worst part of his crisis. I found that two dropperfuls (which were only about half of the dropper) worked best. Once I saw improvement several hours later, I scaled back to longer between treatments. Once he was eating again, I made sure I still put some directly into his mouth 2-3x a day and also into the food (canned food) he was eating to make sure he got plenty.

      Remember this: You cannot give too much CS, but you can give too little and/or not often enough and it be ineffective or not as effective. Treating plenty and often are the key to healing issues with it, especially ones that are pretty dire, like ones that make them unable or unwilling to eat.

      I stayed up all night with KK and can’t remember exactly how many treatments he got before he got better, but you will see a slow improvement as you give it regularly. Another thing to remember is to keep giving CS even when things improve. Again, it won’t hurt him (or any other cats in the household that get it) to give it in food/water as a maintenance treatment in addition to putting it directly in his mouth.

      A maintenance routine of adding the CS to his food or water once you have cleared this hurdle may be necessary and that is where making your own CS may be helpful since it is very expensive to purchase CS long term. I am planning on writing an article soon on how to make your own generator, which is quite easy to do and will save you a lot of money.

      Before you schedule surgery, if he’s having still issues with his teeth, make sure you look into 1-TDC and Lactoferrin. Both have been proven to help with stomatitis. If you look back through the comments on this article, I have the link posted for the study on Lactoferrin and Dr. Stephen Blake recommends 1-TDC on his website. The products are listed in my Amazon store products ‘Shop’ page at the top of my page along with notes about them.

      Also, make sure your guy is getting a good quality diet. I feed my cats raw and it’s actually cheaper to feed raw than to buy a can of high-quality cat food, which is highly processed and has ingredients from places I don’t trust. My cats never ever get kibble.

      I hope this information is helpful for your guy and surgery won’t be necessary. If you have any more questions or I can be of any more help, please don’t hesitate to ask.

  11. Thank you so very much for your quick reply!!! I really appreciate you!
    I have been putting the CS in his high quality wet food (Wellness canned food) 3X per day since yesterday. I will try to also give it directly into his mouth but I also do not want to stress him out.
    I will keep you and other posted and I am so glad I found your site!
    Thank you!

  12. When you put the CS directly into his mouth did you just do it in one shot and one area?
    My cat is eating very well so should I on top of giving that 3X per day in food still do it directly in his moth?
    This is such a strange disease, He was in just for a check up one month before and his teeth looked great and all was good.
    He had really foul smelling stool so I took in back for blood work and everything had changed in his mouth! He is around 14 yrs old and has been a rally healthy boy. This is a very strange thing and I wonder how long it has been around.

    1. Karen,

      If he’s eating fine and has no other symptoms like drooling, not cleaning, etc., you can continue with just putting the CS in his food at least 3x per day and see if you are getting results. You should notice them within a few days at most. I’d still give two dropperfuls per dosage treatment. If the CS helps, a maintenance dosage may be all that is necessaary to keep his mouth in good shape after this.

      Also, years ago I fed Wellness, but upon further researching the ingredients, I found that they added ‘Carageenan’, which can cause inflammation in the digestive tract. I contacted them about it and they assured me theirs was not the carageenan version that caused that, but I honestly would avoid giving any of my pets any food with that ingredient in it.

      You might look into dehydrated like Stella and Chewy’s or Primal. I personally like to feed my cats raw because the chewing on the meat helps exercise their jaws, provides all the moisture they need and how their bodies were designed to get it (through their food), plus the chewing action helps keep their teeth clean. All my younger cats that didn’t come with any buildup on their teeth still don’t have any. It’s really pretty easy to feed raw and since you only feed them a few ounces per day, the cost savings plus all the other benefits (food grade meat, etc.) really make it a win-win situation.

      Also, not sure if you are doing this, but I would not give him any more vaccines if you have been. They can cause harm and it has been proven that vaccines last much longer than we’ve been told and titers can prove it if you have any doubts. They make vets a lot of money, so most never pass up the opportunity to recommend and/or give them. My pets gets minimal shots when I take them in (because I’m required some at the low-cost spay/neuter clinic I use) and none after that for the rest of their lives and my cats are indoor/outdoor country cats.

  13. Thank you so much for the great info! I have tried the stella and chewys (expensive!) and there is instinct which is frozen raw meat plus other good stuff.
    For years I did the raw diet with a few nutrients and I got lazy but may go back to that.
    My Deenie is about 15 lbs and I have giving 1tblsp 3X a day.
    Today is day 3 and last night he was purring and acting very happy so I will check him out and see.
    I am against the regular vaccine and used to have the tiders testing and even 7yrs later they didn’t need a vaccine.
    Have a great day!

    1. Karen,

      You are doing everything right there! If the purring and acting very happy is “normal” after him not doing it, I’d say the CS is definitely working, but for sure try to have a look in his mouth to see how it looks. As I said, I’d keep giving him the CS even after things all appear normal for a few more days at least, just to make sure the lesions are gone and his mouth is completely healed. You don’t want to risk a relapse by stopping the CS treatment too soon.

      I feed seven cats raw, three of which are over 12 lbs., so I understand the time and work involved in feeding raw, but I feel like them being healthy and not costing me vet trips, which are astronomical nowadays, not to mention stressful for both of us, is worth the extra time I spend preparing their meals. With 10 cats and dogs, I need them to all be healthy, otherwise, I wouldn’t have the time nor could I afford to take in and keep so many animals. At around $2-$3/lb. average, it’s much cheaper to feed raw than to feed that many cats a high quality (yet still questionable) canned food. I feed chicken thighs, pork (mostly loin), sardines/salmon in water, and vital essential rabbit nibs currently on rotation. Because one cat will pick out all the liver/organs and wings/bones are too messy, I use the powder forms of liver/organs and bone meal, which makes the raw feeding prep much easier and ensures each cat gets some.

      Having one cat that came older with bad teeth (broken and plaque/tartar covered) really opened my eyes to making sure all of my other cats don’t ever have that issue. I’m the weirdo confirming their teeth look fine by peering into their mouths every time they yawn. ;) Eating raw meat cut into thumb-sized chunks is keeping all of their teeth plaque/tartar-free, except my older guy, whose teeth are much better than when he came, but are still not where I’d like them to be. I’m working on them with various methods since I don’t have a vet I trust to clean his teeth and I’d rather not put him through the stress of a vet visit and anesthesia if I can avoid it in any way. I only wish the first vet I took him to that neutered him had told me he needed his teeth cleaned so they could have done it while he was already under anesthesia, but sadly, they didn’t even mention it to me.

      I’ve learned a lot since my first cat (and coincidentally the one with the worst teeth) showed up and that’s why I share all of this, even though it may not exactly apply to you. Someone may benefit from hearing it, so I put it out there to help anyone who may read these comments avoid some of the things I’ve had to learn the hard way.

      I hope Deenie makes a full recovery without any further treatment, but feel free to reach out if you have any other questions or if I can be of any more help.

  14. Checking in here at almost 3 months since my last post. I continued to give the soverign CS in food and directly into his mouth 2-3 day and changed his wellness wet food diet to Primal raw over a month ago.
    Although his appetite and mood are great and he seems fine, no weight loss at all, the teeth and gums have still not improved and he is now on Atopica 1 dose a day for 2 weeks we will see where he is at.
    I feel really guilty that I did not have a check up for him after that first month to see if he was any better and I fee bad about the pain he must be in.
    My lesson I learned is that I should not have just resigned myself do dealing with this without a good check up to see how he was.
    I also got a really potent highly rated manuka honey and added that a couple of weeks ago.
    Any feedback is welcome.
    At least I found a Vet that is not wanting to pull out all of his teeth as another Vet did.
    She explained what is happening to the 1 canine tooth and that a good cleaning will help.
    Feedback is appreciated! This cat is 15 yrs old (or older) and he seems fine, and I am sad that I didn’t follow on his progress sooner! His stomatititus cam on quickly! Within 5 weeks of having pink and healthy gums to go to red inflammed gums was quite a surprise!

    1. Hi Karen,

      Thanks for coming back and giving an update. If your cat is still having inflamed gums, you should probably look into adding Lactoferrin or 1-TDC that I’ve recommended repeatedly in my comments in previous conversations with other cat owners. I’ve shared the links in previous comments and both products are listed in my Amazon shopping section under the ‘Shop’ tab at the top of the page with little notes about the product. You can click on them and then go read the reviews on Amazon to see if you want to try them. 1-TDC is recommended by a holistic vet and the Lactoferrin had a study about it which I also linked to in comments above.

      Unlike Atopica, which has some pretty nasty possible side effects (see here, including being immunosuppressive (suppresses the immune system), the 1-TDC and Lactoferrin have been shown to help without possible harm or death to the animal. Also, in his book, holistic vet Dr. Goldstein recommends Standard Process’s Bio-Dent for teeth issues. Here is the Standard Process’s link to the product so you can read more about it: When I contacted them about treating cats, they recommended 1 tab 2x per day for cats. I’d recommend trying any and all of these options over pharmaceutical drugs, anesthesia or extraction, honestly, but I lost a dog to a prescription medication’s side effects and will never forgive myself for it, so I take the pharmaceutical or most dangerous route as the absolute last option and then watch like a hawk for any side effects, because they all have them and many include death.

      Also, now that you have him on similar to raw with Primal, I’d work on transitioning your cat to make sure he gets at least a couple of weekly meals of raw food that he has to really chew on. I think the chewing on raw food is what has really helped clean KK’s teeth. He’s the cat I wrote about in this article. He’s over 10 and came with really bad teeth. With the raw diet, CS, and random other things I’ve tried here and there, when he yawns, the only teeth that seem to still have plaque/tartar are the ones at the very, very back. I can’t tell you for sure that this works, but another option you can try to remove the plaque/tartar along with the chewing action of eating raw meat is adding a few pellets of the homeopathic remedy ‘Fragaria vesca 30c’ to the water bowl. I have done this after someone recommended it in one of the FB groups that I’m in. I’m not certain it has done anything and I don’t give it on a consistent basis because homeopathic remedies are not to be used long-term, so it’s an off and on-again thing that I use to try to help KK. Many health food stores carry homeopathic remedies, or you can find them online for around $10.

      I personally don’t like the idea of putting older animals under anesthesia if there is any way at all I can avoid it. I’ve read so many horror stories and having lost a dog to pharmaceutical medications, I will spend as much money as I have to and do whatever work is required to avoid both. That is ultimately your decision though. Hopefully, the information I’ve provided will help you with products and options you can try to get your guy healthy in a more natural and less invasive way, though it may require a little more time and effort on your part.

      Let me know if you have any questions and please share your progress if you choose to use any of these options.

  15. Hi CC,
    I found your post “stomatitis sypmtoms and colloidal silver” on the internet while I was searching for ways on how to treat my cat’s stomatitis. I’m so grateful for your post that now I have started giving my cat nano silver. I’m also giving nano silver to my other who is FIV positive. Both of this cats are rescued so I don’t know how old they are.

    According to the instruction, the dosage for sick pets with the weight of 2kg to 4kg is 15ml 3x a day. For 4kg to 6kg it’s 20ml 3x a day. After reading your post I compared your dosage of colloidal silver for a 4kg cat is 1 & 1/2t or 7.5ml. Does it have a difference on the dosage?

    My questions:
    *What is the difference between colloidal silver and nano silver?
    *Can nano silver be a cure for my cat’s stomatitis?
    *Can you share how you make your own colloidal silver?
    *Can nano silver or colloidal silver be effective to treat FIV?

    If I’m going to give colloidal silver as maintenance I would like to try to make my own so as to save money.

    Once again a huge thanks for your very informative post.

    1. Hi Len,

      I’m glad you found my post too! Nano silver is just a different form of silver particles in water. I call nano silver colloidal silver, just for terminology purposes. I actually use the nano silver (aka ionic silver) that you are using. I use it for everything, even though they say colloidal silver is better for internal use. Most things I’ve used it (ionic) on have been remedied, including KK’s teeth/gum issues.

      As far as dosage goes, what is listed is just a general dosage guideline and will be the same for whatever silver form you use. Just remember that you can’t give too much, but too little won’t work as well or at all.

      To answer your questions, colloidal silver is a larger silver particle size that is usually recommended more for internal usage. Plenty of people use them interchangeably, but since what I make with my homemade generator is nano/ionic silver, that’s what I use. Here’s a post I wrote about it that I think you will find helpful,

      I’ve read many cases where using ionic silver alone has cured a cat’s stomatitis. In addition, I also recommend changing the diet to raw if you aren’t already. There are also other products you can try like vitamin C, Lactoferrin, and 1-TDC that can be used in conjunction with the silver in case that alone is not working. I have those products on my shopping page for Amazon with notes on dosage if you are interested. Homeopathy is another option to consider. Treating anything with anyone (people or pets) is not always a one size fits all approach, so you may be successful at treating your cats’ issues with CS/IS alone, but if not, I wanted to provide other products that I’ve run across as helpful.

      I have been meaning to write an article on building your own ionic silver generator, as I am wanting to build a new one for myself and take step-by-step picture instructions, but I haven’t gotten around to it. I will e-mail you the instructions that I used to build mine with some additional notes so that you can get started, as you will go through a lot of CS/IS and it is quite expensive.

      In the meantime, be generous with the silver dosage and give both cats plenty of it in both food and water (if they drink much water) and you should start seeing results within a few days. If not, you may have to add additional supplements to your protocol like vitamin C (Here’s a post I wrote about it with a lot of good information also in the comments section,, Lactoferrin, or 1-TDC.

      If you have any questions or need any additional help, just let me know.

  16. Hi again CC,
    I so appreciate your reply to my queries. Its’ been more than 3 days since I gave my cats nano silver. In my observation the progress is slow, although this is my first to use nano silver I don’t really know how slow or fast before I see the results. Anyway, Abo, my cat with stomatitis, is still drooling, still in pain, and his breath is terrible even after giving him nano silver. I will continue to monitor him.

    My other cat Kulay, with FIV has a bit of improvement although he has not regain his appetite like before. He is active cat but now I always see him sleeping most of the day.

    I’m still hopeful that Abo will have positive result. Here in the Philippines, a lot of stray cats roam the streets that’s where I rescued Abo and Kulay. I don’t know how long they have been as strays but I think it has affected their health so much.

    I will update you on their progress. Many thanks for all your info.
    God bless you richly.

    1. Len,

      If you are not seeing much improvement after three days, I recommend you give the CS/nano more often and in larger doses, if possible. You cannot give too much. I was dosing KK every couple of hours at first and it took most of a day at that schedule before I saw enough of a change that I could cut back.

      Also, I’m not sure what brand you are using, but they are not all the same as far as quality goes, unfortunately. I tried a brand before I tried Sovereign Silver that didn’t work at all and I almost gave up using it, but decided to try another brand and that’s when I started seeing the amazing results quickly.

      Quality food will also do wonders for health, so make sure you are doing that also, although you may have to feed a junky brand that is soft and that they will eat until they are feeling better, as it’s not healthy for cats to go beyond 24 hours without food. Once they are eating consistently again, raw is as close to nature intended as possible and will only help with your cats’ health issues. It’s very easy to do and I can help you with that too, if you need it.

      I forgot to include the link to my Amazon page where you can see the products (Lactoferrin and 1-TDC) I was referring to that can also be used in conjunction with the CS to help with both of your cats’ health issues. These are the exact products you will want to find locally or buy online. They are on the 4th line down on the right and I’ve included notes on the products.

      Please keep me updated on how you get along and I will continue to try to help you and your babies get better!

  17. I originally bought colloidal silver for my cats teeth and excessive drooling, which stopped after 2 doses of CS. I was very impressed so when my 2 year old cat suddenly couldn’t use his back legs and wouldn’t eat, I had no idea what to do, he looked like he was dying.
    Since I had CS on hand I didn’t see what it would hurt giving it to him. I gave him a dose every 2 hours for 2 days. The cat my husband and both were thinking was going to die, started improving. He still couldn’t walk, but when feeding the other cats he was moving his back legs like he wanted to get up, the next day he was pulling himself around and up onto furniture. He was still getting his doses of CS of course, every 4 hours instead of every 2 hours. Within 6 days he was up walking like nothing had ever happened. His name is now Miracle.
    I am a total believer in CS now and will hopefully never be without it again.
    It was a miracle for my Miracle, when there was no hope.
    Josephine Herena

    1. Hi Josephine,

      Thank you for sharing your experience with colloidal silver! I’m glad it helped both of your cats, but I wanted to respond in case others read your comment. :)

      First off, when treating stomatitis or any other ailment/injury with colloidal silver (CS), it’s a good idea to keep the treatment up for a few more doses after symptoms improve to make sure the infection is completely gone. Colloidal silver is not harmful, so giving plenty of it and often is the key to its success. Not using enough or not giving it often enough can render its abilities to not working as well or at all.

      As far as CS helping your cat that couldn’t walk, while I’m so happy to hear your cat recovered, I would advise anyone who had a cat in your situation to seek veterinary care to determine why a very young cat could suddenly not walk. It sounds like the cat suffered some sort of an injury to its spine or nerves in its back.

      Based on the information you provided, I would say the cat recovered due to time, not necessarily anything the CS did. I could be wrong, but I wanted to bring this up because some people believe CS can heal anything and everything every time. Unfortunately, that is not the case. I have had a few things where CS did not help that I feel it should have, and I’ve had to resort to other treatment options. CS is not harmful and it doesn’t ever hurt to try it, but we have to keep our expectations about it in check.

      A good rule of thumb is to get to the bottom of what the problem (injury or illness) is if it’s not obvious, like the stomatitis symptoms, and then once a diagnosis is given, treat it naturally, if possible. I absolutely HATE having to take any of my pets to the vet. It is very expensive and vet visits are stressful and a lot of the medications they want to prescribe are dangerous. However, there are some things that I don’t mess around with, especially with my cats. Lethargy and not being able to walk would be up in my top two reasons to seek veterinary care immediately. Neither symptoms are normal and getting to the bottom of what is going on helps the animal be diagnosed so appropriate (including natural) treatment can be started right away and you aren’t having to play a guessing game about what is going on while losing precious time that could cost your pet its life or the ability to fully recover without lifelong negative effects (example: a broken leg that heals improperly due to delayed medical care so the cat suffers a lifelong limp and the inabiltiy to jump very well)

      Again, I’m so glad to hear your cats have both recovered, but I just wanted to share my thoughts with anyone else reading the comments so people don’t get the idea that CS can help animals that can’t walk, walk again. As a matter of fact, DMSO has been shown to help spinal injuries, but that’s another topic for another time. ;)

  18. Hi CC,
    We have a 12 year old cat with severe stomatitis. She has been through it all with traditional vets (only because where we live in Ireland, the closest Homeopathic vet is 4 hours away); long story short, I never wanted her teeth removed, but the last vet removed 9 of the little front ones; after a few weeks, the mouth odor was back. Took her back; they gave her Depo and an Antibiotic which worked for less than 2 weeks. They now want all her teeth removed. I just got some Silver Wings CS 500ppm. (children dose: 1/4 teas), so assuming it’s safe for my Katie? She was on CS 40ppm which literally brought her back from death’s door and then we switched to Silver Wings 10PPM, but I thought I could save some money with the 500ppm, but now thinking I should use it full strength. We can’t use Lactoferrin because she won’t let us touch her mouth. Same probably for that 1TDC. I guess my question is: is 500ppm safe? Thanks for your amazing site!!

    We have 6 rescues; we’ve tried feeding them all raw food, but it just all goes to waste; we’re both on the elderly side and really can’t afford to keep throwing away this meat/chicken/lamb. Do you have any suggestions? We’ve tried slowly introducing it; we’ve tried cooking it just slightly; we’ve mixed it in with their other food, but they all just walk away. The best I can do is to buy ‘human grade’ cat food… but I know they’re not getting the chewing action, especially our Stomatitis kitty kat.

    1. Hi Nancy,

      Yes, the 500 ppm Silver Wings is fine, but I’d definitely dilute it down to at least 40ppm. 20ppm is supposedly at the high end for curing most things, so to save your CS and money, you could start there with your dilution. Just be sure to use distilled water when diluting.

      Another option for treating stomatitis might be Standard Process’s ‘Bio-Dent’ if it is available there. It’s a small chewable tablet that can be broken into smaller pieces or fed whole. I just added it to my product recommendations list through Amazon and hopefully clicking on it there will take you to the appropriate Amazon website for your country? Here’s the storefront list link: I know here in the U.S. some vet’s offices carry it and many chiropractors carry the human version with the same name, which can also be used on pets. I’m not sure if it is available outside of the U.S., but I wanted to mention it as a possible option for you or for anyone else reading the comments. :)

      If Bio-Dent isn’t an option for you, just using the CS should hopefully clear up any issue going on at the moment and I’d also recommend adding some CS to the water bowl if this particular cat drinks water, as a long-term maintenance. It can also be added to food and it’s fine if the other cats eat/drink it.

      Your treatment plan may involve using a lot of CS over time and making it yourself, especially with so many cats, might be a better option. I make my own and it’s very easy. I’ve been meaning to write an article with step by step instructions and pictures, but just haven’t gotten around to it, unfortunately. It is just basically an old phone/camera charger, a couple of alligator clips and two 99.99% pure silver rods. The silver rods, which I get from ebay with a certificate of purity, are the most expensive part and that depends on what size you get.

      I’m also ALWAYS looking for something else to add to my arsenal of treatment options for my pets, so if you haven’t subscribed to my newsletter and/or joined my Facebook page, please do. I don’t spam and if I come up with something that really helps teeth/gum issues, I want to make sure those that have cats with that issue get the most current/updated information. I’m currently experimenting with a product that may be helpful, but it’s too soon to tell.

      As far as getting your cats to eat raw, I have a few ideas you can try. You didn’t mention what you are feeding, but I think doing a step-up type process might be helpful. For example, if your cats all eat kibble, maybe add in some canned wet food to the feeding plan for a week or so. Then add in some sardines or wild-caught salmon (or both) packed in water to your feeding plan for a week or two. You can also try dehydrated food which is a bit closer to raw. Once your cats have transitioned to the next food ‘step’, add a food that will get them a bit closer to raw meat.

      Also, try hand feeding your cats just a teeny tiny little piece of raw meat. Start with the cat most likely or who has shown the most interest in eating raw to serve as the leader. The other cats will be curious what the one guy/gal is eating and come to investigate and hopefully partake in eating some themselves. Wait a while between feedings to try this too, if you have to, to give them a bit more incentive (hunger) to try the raw.

      Some people really have to take baby steps to transition their cats and it can take months. I’ve been fortunate and all of my previous non-raw fed cats transitioned without a problem and all the ones that have come along since have taken right to it without any hesitancy. Just be patient and go slowly and if nothing else, try to just get them eating raw a couple of times a week if you can.

      I know the world is in chaos right now and there are a lot of things to be concerned about, but try not to let your emotions get ahold of you when it comes to your cats. They can definitely feel our emotions and mood, so stay calm, talk kindly, and pet them as you offer them the tiny piece of raw food. Petting them mimics the mother cat cleaning them while they nursed, so that can stimulate eating.

      Also, giving a teaser food that they really like, like a small piece of liver or a treat can stimulate their appetites and make them hungry for more food, which could be the raw. You can start them off on raw by offering it to them in very small pieces or even ground if they are used to wet food already. Lean ground turkey might be an option and if the cats wont eat it, you can. :)

      Once you get them eating raw regularly, make sure your pieces of meat are big enough that they have to actually chew on them a bit before they swallow. Cats don’t really chew their food much, so if the meat is too small, they’ll barely chew on it before swallowing it whole. You can also try chicken wings or a cornish game hen, which has smaller bones, as an option for helping to keep teeth clean. Due my cats’ disinterest in wings and the cost of cornish game hens, I just feed mine bone meal and make sure the meat is in bigger chunks. All cats and situations are different though, so do the best you can.

      I hope this information has been helpful. If you have any questions or if I can be of any more help, just let me know.

  19. Dear CC, you are so kind to go into so much detail! Thank you!

    Oh boy, so has the past few days of giving Katie 500ppm been of zero benefit to her? Gosh, I sure hope not.

    You say that ‘healing at the top end is 20ppm?) Could you help me with the formula please? I have NO idea how to dilute it down to 20ppm & praying we can use our well-water because I can’t find distilled water in Ireland; I had to order some from and it ended up costing me almost $25 for a gallon! I can’t afford that. I can only give it to her in creamy cat treats and in her food; she no longer drinks water.

    (I’m waaay over-that-age and am basically bed-to-chair at this time… so all of these things are hard… just trying to help save the poor kitties that come to us from the dairy farms around us).

    Which meat do most people find their cats ‘go for more than others’? For some reason, ours don’t like salmon, believe it or not.

    They ALL get wet food (and dry -grain-free for treats)…. as I said, I order human-grade wet food from Germany called Zooplus. So, hopefully, that’s helping her stomatitis? I tried to find dehydrated food and dry food? But our stomatitis kitty (Katie) no longer eats dry food since she had those front teeth removed.

    Is that Bio Dent you mentioned super important? Because we’ve spent so much on so many things that we can’t get into her.

    You’re such a sweetheart… thank you, CC

    1. Nancy,

      Here’s is a chart you can use to dilute your 500ppm Silver Wings: I wasn’t sure what you decided to go with 10, 20 or higher ppm, but how the chart works is that you put in your concentrate, which is 500ppm on the first line, ‘Stock concentration’. Move down to the third line that says ‘Final concentration’ and put whatever ppm you want for treatment (10ppm, 20ppm, 40ppm, etc.). On the next line, ‘Final solution volume’, put in how much you want to make. Then click on ‘Calculate’ and the 2nd line ‘Volume from stock’ will highlight yellow and tell you how much of the 500ppm you need to use to get the ppm you want in the amount you want to make. So for example, if you want to make 20ppm and have 118mL (4 oz.) of it, you’ll want to add 4.72 mL (.16 oz.) of your 500ppm concentrated CS. This may be hard to get exact, but do the best you can. A little stronger or a little weaker should still work fine.

      While distilled water is ideal, if all you have is well water, you can use that. Putting the finished product in the wet food is fine for treatment. You could give her a small amount (spoonful) of wet food with the CS in it a few times a day if necessary. That is usually more preferred by the cat then by forcing them to open their mouth every few hours for a couple of squirts of the CS directly. The feeding method only works though if she’s actually eating. If she’s not, put the CS directly in her mouth until she starts eating and then you can start dosing her that way.

      Also, here is some information directly from Silver Wing’s website that you may find helpful:

      I’m glad to hear you are feeding wet food. I wasn’t sure, that’s why I mentioned switching from kibble. I DO NOT recommend kibble at all, so if you aren’t feeding that, then please don’t start. It’s the most unhealthy food you can feed a cat because it deprives their body of moisture. Cats were designed to get their moisture from their food (mice, birds, rabbits, etc.).

      No, the Bio-Dent isn’t super important and I’m not even sure it’s available outside of the U.S., but I wanted to mention it in case it was an option to you or anyone else that reads this comment. :)

      Believe it or not, my cats really like pork. I feed pork loin because it’s lean and relatively inexpensive here. When trying to feed raw, I forgot to mention, make sure it is room temperature or a bit above so it’s more appealing. Chicken is obviously a good bet too if your cats can eat it ok without any side effects. It tends to be a food that many cats and dogs have an allergy or negative response to.

      Bless you for doing what you can to help this cat and all the others that find their way to you. I know it can be challenging (in all regards!) sometimes, but I do find the rewards are worth it. Let me know if you need any more help.

  20. Sorry, me again… I was googling how to dilute and saw this: is this true? It was on

    Question from a lady: “What do you think about diluting the 500 ppm solution with distilled water until it is in the 10 to 20 ppm range”?

    Answer: “I think it is not a good idea at all. The key is not PPM, but rather surface area per PPM. The only 500 PPM products I know use large PPM to be as effective as better quality smaller PPM products because they use large particle silver made by an inferior process”.

  21. I wish I could delete my last post.. sorry, I just read this about the 500ppm Silver Wings; seems it IS absorbed just like the 10ppm, correct?

    Brand: Natural Path Silver Wings 500ppm

    Easily Absorbed: Provides the highest percent of the silver particles at 2nm FOR OPTIMAL ABSORPTION!

    Natural Path / Silver Wings Colloidal Silver is a higher PPM pharmaceutical grade colloidal silver and not electrically processed unlike many of its competitors.

  22. Dear CC,

    Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!!!

    With love & light from Ireland…

  23. Good Morning,
    I am dealing with a young cat 1 year old with moderate feline gingivitis, probably borderline stomatitis. He takes a Pre-Probiotic as well as he has some slight digestive issues ( He will vomit occasionally) He has been thoroughly examined by our vet both labs and X-rays and is perfect otherwise. I ordered the Sovereign Silver Immune Support from your link however my concern is that this may disrupt his gut and cancel out the Pre-Probtotics that he gets daily..I would like your thoughts… I also have past veterinary technician experience so that helps… what I am thinking about trying is giving him 1 ml of Collidial Silver in the morning and again at suppertime then before bed give his Pre-Pro Biotics?? He has been doing very well lately with much less vomiting and do not want to go backwards….

    Also, I wanted to add to my post and ask about the Lactoferrin from Amazon which is in a capsule form… Can you please describe exactly how to use it? I am not sure if you just give it as a whole capsule or how to use it?
    Thanks again

    1. Hi Peri,

      CS doesn’t (supposedly) negatively affect gut bacteria, but I would definitely give it separately from your pre-pro biotics. What you are doing sounds good, but just watch your progress with your young cat and change accordingly, such as adding more CS, also adding it to water, etc.

      I combined your two comments to keep the comments section a bit easier to follow by minimizing the posts. :) According to the study I read about the success of using Lactoferrin for stomatitis, they put it on topically. Here’s the study on that method: I also researched a few more studies and they also reported their results from the topical use of it. I did read on the Catsite forum that one person had the best luck using the HAMPL product for stomatitis, so if putting the Lactoferrin directly in the mouth isn’t a good option for you, perhaps the HAMPL product is.

      I know there are also products you can add to food and water to help with buildup, like ‘Plaque Off’ for food and ‘Oxyfresh’ for the water, for example, but I have no experience with them. Maybe look into those also and see if you feel comfortable trying them?

      Also, you didn’t mention what you were feeding your cat, but a raw diet is recommended for cats with stomatitis. I have read a lot that associates stomatitis with an immune system issue, so it would make sense that you want to boost the immune system. Just like for us and our health, a good diet is the best way to do that.

  24. Thank you! I do not feed Raw.. for me it’s just not something I’m interested in doing however I do respect your opinion and advice! When adding CS to water.. how much CS and how much water? Does the water need to be changed daily ? My Kitty is about 8# so his dose is 7.5 ml … is that per day or per dose? If per dose how many times a day should I dose initially? I will give his Pro/Pre Biotics before bedtime to keep it separate from his CS dose…

    1. I understand not wanting to feed raw, but bear with me if you will, as I find putting as much information as I can into replies can also be helpful for others reading through the comments. Over the years, I have gotten some invaluable information from reading comments, so I always try to keep that in mind when responding.

      Raw feeding is often made to sound too complicated or expensive. I know I was intimidated by it when I first started looking into it. In reality, you are literally only looking at a few ounces of meat a day and oftentimes, feeding raw (as was my case) is cheaper than feeding a high-end canned food. Here’s a website you (or anyone else reading this) can use to calculate how much food per day your cat would require: In your case, for an 8 lb. cat, you’d be looking at a little over 5 ounces per day since you have a young (and probably) active cat.

      I only push the raw feeding issue because at 1 year old, your cat is very young and if he is already showing signs of stomatitis, that is a very long road ahead of you and him to have painful mouth issues. At the very least, you could offer raw food 1-2x a week or start with dehydrated (for ease) and work your way to raw. There are online groups and lots of resources if you decide to at least consider it.

      As for the CS dosage, if you are having good results dosing twice a day, you don’t have to add the CS to the water. Also, unless your cat drinks much water, that’s not a very good use of CS, which can be expensive unless you are making your own or buying high ppm (like Silver Wings) and diluting it. If your cat does drink water, I’d add at least a 1/4 cup or so into a gallon of water. A more aggressive approach is all CS in a small bowl or 50/50 CS and distilled water. It doesn’t have to be changed daily, but you need to use distilled water. The CS will keep the water bowl from developing buildup (slime) from bacteria.

      There is a chart above (in the post) for dosage, but keep in mind that you can’t overdo CS. If you are feeding wet food, put CS in it as well as the water (if he drinks water) in addition to the individual doses directly into his mouth. Plenty and often are the rules for giving CS for it to work best.

  25. Hello again,

    Sadly I don’t think my Kitty can tolerate the CS… As I mentioned in a previous post he has a sensitive digestive system.. prior to using any CS he had been on a good Pre-Pro Biotic to get his occasional vomiting under control which it has worked… Prior as well to starting him on and CS he hasn’t vomited since 5/14 ( for 2 weeks ) which is very good for him… I read about CS and bought a different band and gave him 1 ml on 5/26 He vomited on 5/26 after his initial dose of CS I gave it again on 5/28-29-30 and on 5/31 he vomited again so I stopped giving it and waited for my Sovereign CS to arrive.. on 6/1 I gave hime 1ml 4 times that day and he vomited early in the morning on 6/2…As much as I want to give him the CS I don’t want him to start vomiting again… He has been thourougly checked by our Vet.. Labs, X-rays, and everything is normal…My plan is to stop the CS and give double doses of his Pre-Pro biotic then slowly introduce the CS again… I am treating him for moderate gingivitis… he also had a cleaning of his teeth about a month ago.. I know you have mentioned the RAW but I have several Kitty’s (4) and do not to wish to feed RAW…

    1. Peri,

      I’m surprised to hear he can’t handle CS, unless it’s causing some sort of a detox effect. It’s just basically distilled water with silver ions in it that give it the anti-viral, anti-bacterial, and anti-fungal properties. Maybe when you restart, just go slowly at first, like maybe half the dose daily and slowly work your way up to a full dose.

      Another option might be the Bio-Dent from Standard Process. It’s for gum issues and is only around $13 (last time I checked), so it wouldn’t be a big expense to try on him and if he couldn’t tolerate it, you could give it to your other cats.

      I’ve been fortunate that all seven (currently) of my cats have tolerated any and all food and products I’ve ever needed to use on them, but I do know that every animal is different and sometimes there is a lot of trial and error involved to get an issue resolved. I can’t imagine having a cat that vomits so often, but as a never-giver-upper, I would be determined to get to the bottom of it, including contacting a holistic vet. Many of them do phone consults. Here’s the directory if you need help finding one:

      There are so many alternative treatment options out there including chinese medicine, homeopathic remedies, acupuncture, etc., that I can’t imagine this being your poor young cat’s life. I’m not a vet, but it seems to me there is an imbalance somewhere that may be better treated by a holistic vet than conventional medicine. Just my two cents. There are also products like this one, that you may want to look into.

      If you do find something that helps your little guy, please let me know so I can pass it along to anyone else who comes along in a similar situation.

  26. Hi Sweet Lady, this is off-the-topic but I didn’t know where to turn. One of our cats came in from outside limping badly… her entire front leg is swollen. I’m trying not to do my usual ‘panic-mode’ and hoping to allow her body to heal. Do I think it’s broken? No, but perhaps a ligament or tendon pull or tear kind of thing… she’s eating and ‘wants’ to go back out.

    I have a Homeopathic Emerg Kit and it said to immediately give Arnica 200 for shock, inflammation and pain (which I did). But, it doesn’t tell me how often to repeat if at all? would you know?

    If not, no worries – just thought I’d ask.


    1. Hi Nancy,

      I’m sorry to hear about your girl’s leg. Are you sure she wasn’t bitten by something? The general rule is that acute things get treated more frequently (15 minutes, hourly, etc.) than chronic things. Once you see improvement, you scale back on the frequency. Follow your gut on treatment and I think you’ll be fine. <3

      Also, just an fyi for you or anyone else reading this, I really like the site for finding homeopathic treatments for ailments. It's for people, but I've also used it for finding treatments for my animals.

      Let me know if I can be of any more assistance with this.

  27. Thank you so much for answering… I got a better look at it and there are two puncture wounds at the same level like a bike on either side of her knee area…. so yes, I think she was bitten. I did give her the Arnica 200 immediately as that’s what I read to do for shock, inflammation etc… she seems to be just a teeny bit better today… still limping but not as much and still swollen but fingers crossed! I’ve only had dogs before so kitty kats are new to me…. thanks again!

    1. You’ve got your colloidal silver, so you can use that on the wound and give it to her directly and/or in food/water to help with any infection. Keep an eye on the bite marks for signs of abscess, which are pretty common with bites. If her entire leg was swollen, unless whatever bit her was venomous, I doubt the bite is overly recent.

      I’ve had a cat get a couple of abscesses over the years and they really aren’t that big of a deal as long as you know what you are dealing with, which you do, so you can treat them with a few different things. The homeopathic remedy Hep Sulph is good for them, but there are others, depending on the symptoms. I’ve also had cats get into scuffles with other cats and never had an issue, other than some swelling at the bite/scratch site before healing without issue, so you just never know. If you have any vitamin C, you might give that to her as well, to boost her immune system.

  28. REQUEST CLARIFICATION ON DOSAGE OF COLLOIDAL SILVER: In your article you mention “dropperfuls” – specifically 2 of them every 2-3 hours. Do you mean actual drops vs. dropper-full as in sucking up the entire stem of the dropper (which might put it around 2 mls if doing 2 “dropperfuls”)?

    Also in the chart it states 7.5 ml per 10 lbs of cat (for acute) but doesnt say if that is the daily max OR if it is that much for each application (unimaginable if doing several times a day), nor the frequency (assumed every 2-3 hours as you did).

    You do realize that 7.5 ml is about 1/2 a Tablespoon? This is a HUGE amount to syringe in – essentially 7 1/2 syringe fulls (using a standard 1.0 ml syringe). One vet suggests just 2 drops of CS each side of mouth max. So now this is where the confusion starts. Are we talking drops, dropperfuls (aka 1 ml syringe size) or the 7.5 ml which is half a tablespoon and quite a feat to get that much in with just a 1 ml syringe or even two 3.5 ml syringes.

    Can you clarify the dose amount and frequency more precisely. One drop vs. a whole dropperful is quite a huge difference as one only needs what will achieve the result, not more. And if a mistake is made with a poor quality product I imagine the same permanent bluing of the skin could occur as for people who overdose on CS.

    1. Hi Rholee,

      When I said “dropperful”, I meant as much as the dropper would suck up, which was technically only about half of the entire glass dropper. My bottle didn’t have any measurements indicated, so I can’t tell you exactly how much that was, but maybe 1 to 1.5 tsp.?

      Here’s the thing about colloidal silver (CS). You CANNOT over do it. And you won’t turn blue. The guy on Oprah from many years ago did from mixing and drinking his own CS and also applying it directly on his skin, not from CS that he bought. Also, I think those claims of people turning blue are over-exaggeration. I’m in a few groups for CS and I’ve never seen it mentioned happening to anyone.

      If you are trying to put it directly in your cat’s mouth due to a serious health issue going on that needs immediate treatment, I’d just use the dropper if you can. I find syringes are hard to use one-handed and also control the flow, which could cause you to accidentally shoot the liquid down the throat and aspirate your cat. Being similar in function to an antibiotic, I’m not sure how dangerous it would be, but I wouldn’t take the chance if I didn’t have to. The dropper allows you to just squeeze it slowly into the mouth, which also will be more pleasant for the cat.

      If your cat is still eating and drinking, putting it in the food and water alone will probably be the easier way to get the CS into your cat. The rule of thumb with CS is to give plenty and often when you have a health crisis. Add it to the water and also put it in some wet food 2-3x a day. That chart is just a guide made by some longtime CS users because there is no exact dosage protocol out there. Once your cat is no longer in a health crisis, you can scale back on the amount you give and how often you give it.

      If you are treating something serious, like I was with KK and the drooling, bad breath, not eating, dose often and adequately by mouth. If you are just say, wanting to improve your cat’s mouth, that isn’t bothering them or only slightly bothering them but they are still eating, adding some to their water and putting it in their food 2-3x a day is probably sufficient. Just give him/her a tablespoon of food with the CS to make sure they get it all and then you can feed them the rest of their dinner or wait until their next feeding time or whatever.

      I’m not sure why your vet said just a drop or two on each side. That’s not much at all unless you are using a super high ppm of CS. Sovereign Silver and most of the homemade kind is between 10-20 ppm, which is fine for treating most things. Maybe he/she meant that as a maintenance dose? Possibly, the vet didn’t think your cat’s mouth condition warranted the health crisis protocol?

      Don’t caught up worrying about giving too much. Most people tend to err on giving too little and then it is ineffective or doesn’t work as well as it would if it was given more often and in higher quantity. Give your cat the amount and at the intervals I’ve suggested and watch for improvement, which you should see within 24 hours. If you don’t see any improvement, up the dosage a bit and maybe the frequency. Once you see improvement, you can decrease the dosage and frequency.

  29. Thank you for your response. I see the details for how to dose explained very well, however I am much more concerned with the specific dose. I think a tsp is 5 ml which is equal to five 1 ml syringes and seems excessive. How about this? Can you take that dropper you use, fill it the way you dosed (once or twice) and just count out the number of drops you used each time for those 2 – 3 times per day so we can establish something more accurate quantity-wise to go by. The instructions just seem incomplete by leaving it up to guessing and interpretation. In this way everyone can have a standard or baseline from which to make comments that add clarification and the added value in fine tuning this for everyone’s benefit

    1. To keep this as simple as possible, I’d use the chart listed in the post to dose. I don’t know of anyone who goes by “drops” when dosing CS, except in places like the eyes or ears. The purpose of dosing plenty is to treat the affected area AND get the CS absorbed into the body to help it fight the infection. As I’ve said repeatedly, you CAN’T give too much CS, but you can give too little, which I did initially with KK before I upped the dose and started seeing improvement.

      The measurements, including those in milliliters are listed for both acute and chronic issues in the chart. As it’s been a while since I looked at the chart, I see that I was giving KK around the recommended amount for his weight when his condition suddenly presented itself.

      If you are perhaps giving something other than solely CS and wanting/needing a specific amount of drops for that, I’m sorry, I have no experience with any blends or anything other than CS alone. If you are using a strictly CS only product and absolutely need drop amounts, you could see how many drops fill up a teaspoon and then calculate from there how many drops you need for maintenance vs. acute health issues. Same goes for your ml measurements. I’d say you could also use plain distilled water for determining the measurement, so you don’t risk polluting your CS putting it back and forth in different containers and then back in the bottle if you aren’t using it right away.

    2. Hi Rholee,

      It’s suggested in the CS groups to even make their water 100% pure CS in the beginning; if my cat drank water, that’s what I’d do, but I literally just POUR a large amount into her little dish with a cat creamy treat…. there’s no taste.. CS is SO SAFE!! But you MUST USE A LOT OF IT!!!

  30. ACCURATELY DOSING YOUR CAT WITH COLLOIDAL SILVER. – One – Two DROPS Adequate if done 3 times a day. As a helpful point of clarification around the amount to use, I have a bottle of Silverbiotics that is 10 ppm (silver = 10 mcg/ml). The directions are stated as: Adults – Take 1 tsp (5ml) 1-3 times per day.

    Now CONSIDER a cat around 10 lbs weight versus an average healthy human around 150 – 190 lbs which is 15 – 20 times MORE. So just doing the math the dose should be 15 – 20 times LESS than the human adult dose of 5 ml.

    Given that there are around 20 drops per ml (that’s .05 ml per drop), then a reasonable treatment dose each time is 1 – 2 drops repeated at same frequency (1-3 times a day)

    There is no point in wasting expensive medication by overdosing, even if there potentially is no harm, if a lower dose will be adequate. And simple math calculations just clarified that. It seems to me that colloidal silver works much like homeopathic remedies with their dilutions. Sometimes less is more

    1. Unfortunately, that’s not normally how CS works, but you can try it and see if your cat improves. My 10ish lb. cat was given an adult human dose 2-3x and showed no improvement until I increased the dose.

      Your experience may be different and that’s fine.

  31. Hi CC and Everyone on here… I just read a testimonial on a FB Feline Stomatitis site that just may help some of our fur babies!

    She mentioned that despite having a FME, her fur baby continued to experience stomatitis and every single month for years, she took him in for steroid injections… and occasionally the vet would clean her ear wax. So one day she asked why her cat had so much ear wax and the vet said that some cats do and they can get infections. So the Vet showed her how to clean her cats ears every day, then weekly, then monthly… but all of a sudden, they noticed that her fare up of stomatitis was decreasing…. she went on to say that it’s now been THREE YEARS and NO MORE VET VISITS!!! NO MORE STOMATITIS!!! They concluded that perhaps the bacteria from the ear canal was traveling down into the mouth igniting the immune system response, thus the stomatitis!! Right after that, there was another gal that said the same thing about her cat! So, if you’re cat has or has had ear infections or lots of ear wax, it’s definitely worth looking into I’d say…

    1. Interesting! Thanks for sharing your findings, Nancy. I know that yucky ears can equate to yucky eyes, so that doesn’t surprise me to hear about a connection between the ears and mouth to stomatitis.

  32. Cc…we have a semi-wild cat.. He has a huge open wound created as a result of vet having to cut away about a 4×3″ area under his jaw. It is healthy looking with some serous drainage. The vet wants us to spray this horrible silver solution called Alumin…So what do you think that contains? I want to spray him with CD (which won’t be easy) but is it ok to ‘warm’ the spray? We’ll probably only get one chance at this so hoping we can make it as comfortable for him as possible. Any suggestions greatly appreciated. Thank you CC for all that you do for us and our little the babies. 🤗

    1. Hi Nancy,

      Wow, you have your work cut out for you with trying to spray ANY cat, let alone a semi-wild one. I always prefer the quick and quiet dropper method when I have to treat one of mine, but it’s not always an option. Where there is a will though, there is a way.

      I think I’d use the intended cat’s very favorite food temptation to get him as close and focused on eating as I could. That could even mean feeding him something other than his normal food, like cheese, or whatever you know he REALLY loves. The hope is to get him so caught up in enjoying his special food that he won’t be so leery of you getting close to him with a bottle and/or the spraying of his wound.

      To answer your question, yes, you can warm the CS spray. I’d put it in some very warm water, as opposed to microwaving it, if possible. Make sure to test it on your wrist before you spray the cat, just to make sure it isn’t TOO warm, as exposed tissue will be very sensitive.

      Good luck and Thank YOU for being such a good caretaker of the animals who find their way to you! <3

  33. As always, such wonderful advice. Just an FYI in case anyone else encounters this. We’ve been feeding Scruffy along with a warm electric pad outside for years…he found his way inside as cats do and we’ve fallen in love with him. We noticed a small lump starting on his cheek about 4 months ago and little by little it grew to a golf ball size. He was in no pain and continued to eat us out of house and home! We discovered Homeopathy and started working with a practitioner who had us write multiple remedies on paper and then he laid on them…omg, the power of energy!! Within a few days, it started to drain (sorry for this…but it was all pus)… We thought it was cancer, but thank God, it wasn’t. It moved down and under his jaw…but now there was a ton of extra skin filled with pus from being stretched for so long. We had no other option but to take him to a ‘farm vet ‘ to excise the extra skin…Only took a few minutes. He’s now on the mend with this open area of hairless tissue. Kind of looks like veal liver. The horrific smell is gone and now to heal it with colloidal silver!!! Will keep you updated if you’d like. But the moral of the story is: don’t let any vet tell you it’s cancer and to euthanize him…because that’s the answers we got from TWO vets!

    1. Wow, that’s a crazy healing story, Nancy!

      One of my biggest pet peeves with vets is how quick so many are to throw in the towel. I’ve read MANY tales over the years of pet owners whose pets were sick and the vet recommended euthanasia. Instead, the people kept digging for something helpful and so many were able to avoid that painful last resort option. I’ve seen many stories of it being recommended for cats with stomatitis and it’s heartbreaking.

      Thank you for being such a great advocate for Scruffy and not listening to those vets!

  34. I noticed two cats that live outside have a sore and bleeding gums. Their breath smell but they eat normally. I started giving them CS but it has 40ppm. What do you suggest, halve the dose?

    So for a 10 lbs cat, would it be about 3ml x day? (so 9ml daily)

    1. Hi Marco,

      Since giving a designated amount to cats that may or may not eat from separate bowls may be difficult, if it were me, I’d give plenty of the CS at least at first, until the mouth/breath issue is better. That way you know each cat is getting plenty. CS isn’t harmful and too little won’t help. Once you see improvement, you can cut back.

      Another option may be to put a water bowl filled with CS or 50/50 CS and distilled water out for them to ensure they are getting plenty of CS to help them. Covering both the food and water aspects may get you quicker results and ensure you are getting plenty of CS in both of them.

      1. Thank you for the reply. I’ll do some tests and see the results.. Btw, do you know if higher concentrations (mine is 40ppm) are stronger in effect so i can drop the quantity given?

        1. My experience has mostly only been with the 10-20ppm version, so I’m not sure if your method would produce the same results. 40ppm won’t harm them, though it may become costly for you. If you want, you could cut the 40ppm CS by 1/2 distilled water, making it 20ppm and giving it 2-3x a day.

          The short of it is to just watch for improvement. Keep up your regime if you see improvement before tapering off, or increase your frequency if you are not seeing any improvements after a couple of days. Even if you give less of the 40ppm, you’ll still want to give it 2-3x a day.

          1. Ok, i’ll try it, but are the quantities listed for dose or per day?

            For a 4kg cat would it be 7.5ml x 3 or is that the daily quantity so 2.5 per dose?

            Have a good day :)

          2. Marco,

            The dose for a 4kg cat is 7.5ml per dose given three times a day. I would maintain that until you start to see improvement, then you can cut back on the amount a bit, but keep it up the 3x a day. Once you are certain that the issue is under control, you’ll still want to give the cats some CS, though maybe make your own, or buying 500ppm and diluting it down, as stomatitis never really goes away and the CS will help prevent any flare ups.

            Are these cats feral? If they aren’t there are other options you can also add to the regime such as 1-TDC. They are all listed on the bottom of the page,

  35. As someone who has treated our fur baby who had stomatitis (severe), and have done extensive research, you almost CANNOT hurt them… but you MUST GIVE LOTS OF C.S. Too little and it will do no good, so I’ve researched… we used to mix it in her food or creamies… but TONS of it!! You’re so kind to try to help these babies…

    1. Hi Nancy,

      Yes, CS does work well for stomatitis, but it has to be given in sufficient quantities and in a consistent manner. I think the problem for most people is the high cost of CS. It’s hard to not worry about giving too much or “wasting” it when you have to pay so much for it. That’s why after my experience with one of my cats, I decided to start making
      it myself. Now I don’t have to stress about the cost, availability, or how much and how often to give it. As a long-term necessity for my cat, it’s just been so much easier.

      I’ve been needing and wanting to write a blog post about how to make your own CS generator for a while now, but I just haven’t had the time. It will require Will and I to sit down and him make a new one as I photograph the steps in order to create an easy tutorial for those also looking to make their own generator. It is still on my list though. :)

      1. Hey there… greetings from Ireland!
        If it’s easier for you, there are several youtube video’s on how to make your own… it will save you a lot of time… just a thought.. hope you’re well?

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