Colloidal silver: Medical miracle in a bottle

Colloidal silver is one of those things you may have heard of, but don’t really know what it is or its capabilities.  I can’t even remember now what specific issue I was dealing with, if any, when I stumbled across colloidal silver, but I’m glad that I did.  And while it may seem expensive, I like to look at it in terms of it saving me a vet visit and prescription meds or a late night/weekend shopping trip to track down a treatment I need.  I can assure you, as many times as it has suddenly come in handy, how many things it can cure, and given how well it works without any negative side effects, I will not be without it.  You shouldn’t either.

What is colloidal silver?

Before I get into all the ins and outs of colloidal silver, first, let me tell you what colloidal silver is.  In short, it is a generic term for tiny, electrically charged silver particles that are suspended, usually in distilled water.  Depending on how the product is made, which can affect the size of the silver particles, it’s classified differently (such as a hydrosol, like with Sovereign Silver).

Most of what you see online or can make using your own colloidal silver generator is a form of colloidal silver called ionic silver.  Just to keep this all as simple as possible, I’m going to refer to both the ionic, like what Sovereign Silver is, as colloidal.  True colloidal silver is touted as being better than ionic, but those of us who have used the ionic, both commercial and homemade versions, have still had very good results using it.

Colloidal silver is known for its immune building, tissue regenerating, bacterial, viral, and fungal-fighting properties.  Basically, it’s a liquid antibiotic that can be used both internally and externally to treat a number of things in pets, people, and around the home.  It has been credited with curing everything from ear infections to Lyme disease in both animals and people.

The important thing to note about colloidal silver is that silver has been used for thousands of years to heal people and build up the immune system.  It was very popular until antibiotics came along.  As you can imagine, pharmaceutical companies would prefer you buy their products instead of using something that has been used successfully and safely for thousands of years that they can’t patent or make millions of dollars from.

A big problem with antibiotics though is the overuse of them has created superbugs that are antibiotic resistant.  Luckily, that can’t happen with colloidal silver and I read plenty of reports from users that used it to cure things when antibiotics couldn’t.

Colloidal silver and the FDA

While not approved by the FDA as a ‘medicine’, but instead as a ‘nutritional supplement’, manufacturer’s are not allowed to claim any healing properties.  However, the consensus from all the research I did, as well as my own experience, is that colloidal silver clearly does have healing properties.  This is despite the FDA making it difficult for the manufacturers of colloidal silver to advertise their products that way.

Personally, it doesn’t bother me that colloidal silver hasn’t been given the FDA’s blessing.  I’ve read plenty of negative things about how the FDA does things, mostly to appease deep-pocketed pharmaceutical companies.  My eyes were really opened (and disgusted) regarding the FDA when the prescription drug Previcox killed my dog Sadie a few years ago.

In my (too late) research of the side effects of Previcox, I discovered there had been a human version of the same drug known as Vioxx on the market.  The FDA pulled it from the market after it was killing people, but still allowed the pet version, Previcox, to be marketed to pet owners with the same deadly side effects.

If you missed that post, PLEASE read it and share it to help get the word out, so other pet owners at least know how dangerous prescription drugs are (especially NSAID’s) and blindly following their vet can be.  It also serves as a good lesson about who the FDA really looks out for.

The truth about colloidal silver injuries and death

The problem I ran into in my research of colloidal silver though, was like a lot of things you find online, contradicting information.  That can be scary to read if you don’t have the time to spend hundreds of hours combing through most of it, to determine who is saying what and why.  I read quite a few posts where people were understandably hesitant to take colloidal silver internally, just out of fear of some of the scare tactics used and the unknown.

The conclusion I came to in my extensive research is that more people are harmed or killed by over the counter ‘medicine’ and pharmaceutical drugs than they are by colloidal silver every year.  I googled “death from colloidal silver” and “injury/injured from colloidal silver”, as well as “injury to cat/dog from colloidal silver” in a few different wording formats and never found a single death or even report of injury.

The couple of mentions I found about colloidal silver causing any pain or issue at all was with humans and could be attributed to detoxification, which is not unheard of.  Possibly, those symptoms reported were not even due to the colloidal silver at all, and just a fluke that occurred while it was being used.

For the sake of argument, even if they were 100% legitimate negative reactions, I literally only found two in all the searching that I did for any negative reactions or experiences.  One complained of stomach pain after taking colloidal silver (not sure of brand, etc.) and the other was shoulder pain.  Neither provided any evidence to confirm their pain was for sure related to taking colloidal silver.

The myth that taking colloidal silver will turn you blue

The biggest scare tactic I found associated with the use of colloidal silver, and which nearly everyone knows about, and fears, is ‘Argyria’.  That is the name for the condition in which people turn blue or gray color from too much silver.  When I checked, there were only a handful of people who have turned up on the internet with the condition.  Every government/clinical source that clearly tried to discourage people from using colloidal silver mentioned it, but also mentioned that it was rare.

In my extensive research, I only found this one site, that really tells things like they are, including how silver, once the most well-known, effective, and safest medical miracles ever, was scrapped for antibiotics.  It debunks the ‘colloidal silver will turn you blue’ myth, as well as some other things I talk about in this post.  It is a very interesting read, to say the least.

Colloidal silvers’ history of cures

Now that I’ve hopefully established that colloidal silver is safe, let me tell you more about its abilities.  And by the way, many of these were backed up by testimonials I ran across in Facebook groups, forums, and product reviews.

Colloidal silver has been used to successfully treat and cure parvo, distemper, hot spots, burns, Lyme disease, prevent plaque buildup, kennel cough, allergies, tear stains, infections of all kinds, ringworm, eye issues, UTI’s, tooth and gum issues, bed sores, rosacea, cancer, coughs, sinus infections, warts, and many other things in both people and pets.

At this point, it would almost be easier to tell you the things I didn’t read about that it hasn’t been used on.  While nothing works 100% of the time for 100% of people/pets, I found the numbers to tip heavily to the side of it helping/curing more than not in most cases.

Just to prove my point, so you don’t have to take my word for it, here are (currently) 284 reviews of colloidal silver on WebMD.  WebMD does not make or sell colloidal silver, colloidal silver-making machines or have any benefit from publishing so many nearly 5 star across the board reviews about colloidal silver.  It’s funny how under their information portion of the page they make colloidal silver sound as bogus and useless as they possibly can.

I think all the lies and false information out there from supposedly “unbiased” medical sites is probably why colloidal silver isn’t as popular or mainstream as it should be.  Thousands of positive reviews and success stories can’t be flukes, no matter how hard so many sites like WebMD try to make them seem.  And if there were any evidence of it being dangerous AT ALL, big pharma and anti-natural treatment groups would be screaming for it to be taken off the market.  And it would be.

Because it kills bacteria, which makes food go bad, colloidal silver can be added to milk and cottage cheese to keep them fresh longer.  I also read one testimonial of someone putting it on their cat’s canned food with good results in both the food staying fresh much longer and the cat feeling noticeably better.  From bathroom mold being eliminated, cut flowers kept alive longer, plants helped, trash and pet odors eliminated, and as a safe disinfectant, colloidal silver’s benefits seem to have no limits.

The cure for the common cold and other illnesses

Many testimonials I read were from people who claimed they took it at the first sign of a sore throat or a cold and avoided getting sick.  Some take an ounce or two as a daily maintenance and have reported not being sick for decades since starting.  Many also reported taking a bottle of colloidal silver with them when they travel in case they get food poisoning or some other illness or injury that could potentially ruin a trip.

colloidal silver cats dogs

The brand of colloidal silver that I currently use and highly recommend, after initially buying another (cheaper) brand with mediocre results, is Sovereign Silver, pictured above.  I’ve been very pleased with how quickly it works whenever I’ve used it.

Here’s the link to the one I buy:  It is only the 2 oz. version, but if you want the more popular and economical 4 oz. version shown here, with over 1,700 reviews, you can get an idea of how many people are happily using it and read what they are using it for.

For those wondering if Sovereign Silver destroys the friendly and beneficial probiotics (i.e. flora) in their intestines when they ingest it, in their FAQ section, Sovereign Silver had this statement, “Taken orally as directed, Sovereign Silver absorbs rapidly in the upper gastrointestinal tract, leaving very little or none to interact with beneficial bacteria in the intestines.”

My personal experience using silver 

While I was writing this article, I put in some very long hours/days reading up and researching everything I could about colloidal silver.  The long hours of little to no sleep began to take its toll.  I sat at my computer one night noticing I wasn’t feeling well.  My head was hot, my nose felt stuffy, and I just had that feeling that I was coming down with something.

As I recently wrote about here,, liposomal vitamin C has been a game changer for me, knocking out anything quickly when I take it at the first sign of any cold symptom.  As I sat thinking how I better remember to take one of my vitamin C packets before/when I went to bed later, I realized I still had the colloidal silver bottle I photographed earlier and just started using on my dog, Abby, sitting nearby.

I’d just read about it stopping colds and all the other benefits that went far beyond my belief that it was just a good natural antibiotic.  Because I was in the middle of writing and didn’t want to spare that extra two minutes to go get the vitamin C, I grabbed the bottle, put a drop under my tongue, held it for 30 seconds as instructed, and went back to work.

It wasn’t until later that I realized I felt 100% better.  The colloidal silver had worked!  It had worked despite me only using one drop, instead of the manufacturer’s recommended one teaspoon.  Before this post was done, I successfully used it a couple more times.  I’m happy to report that it really does work on knocking out stuff that you feel coming on.

While it is more economical to go with the 4 oz. version, if you are just wanting to dip your toe into using colloidal silver, or funds are tight like mine are, you can start with the 2 oz. version.  It goes a long way with occasional or emergency use and will help you decide if it is something you want to keep on hand permanently.  It’s also under the 3.4 oz. rule for liquids on airline travel.

Learning the benefits too late

Researching and writing this post was so eye-opening for me to colloidal silver’s powers, I’m very upset at myself for taking so long to finally write it.  Because I really knew so little about colloidal silver’s full capabilities other than it being good at healing wounds and not having a taste or pain when applied, I knew it would be a labor-intensive post, and so it just seemed to get pushed back.

Once I decided to delve into colloidal silver and what it was all about and learned the history, I was surprised and excited at the possibilities.  It’s a relief to know I have such a strong, yet safe weapon in my arsenal of things I can use to help keep my crew and myself healthy.

I only wish I’d known more about colloidal silver’s capabilities and the dosing regimen sooner so maybe I could have saved my dog, Roxie.  Not even realizing it, I was losing her this time last year to cancer, thinking it was just a stubborn UTI, which my vet had diagnosed and prescribed antibiotics for.  Here’s that story if you’d like to know more about how a missed diagnosis and cancer blindsided me and what I learned from it all,

Coincidentally UTI’s are also cured by colloidal silver.  While I did give Roxie colloidal silver about midway through her illness, I didn’t fully understand how it worked.  Now I realize I didn’t give it to her in nearly large enough or frequent enough doses to help, which is very important when using colloidal silver to cure illnesses, especially ones like cancer.

I wonder if the reason colloidal silver wasn’t promoted as heavily as all the other natural treatments I researched is because of the bad publicity colloidal silver gets from sites like Mayo Clinic or WebMD that immediately pop up when you search colloidal silver.  If I had it to do all over again, I would have used colloidal silver from the start in large doses to hopefully have ended up with a different outcome.

My own personal experience using silver on my pets

Aside from Roxie, my animal treatment experiences with colloidal silver have all been successful.  They have included minor eye injuries, ear infections, pressure sore irrigation, hot spot treatment, and wound and incision treatment.  After discovering in my research that yeast infections and allergies could be successfully treated with colloidal silver, I was intrigued.  Those are two things I’ve struggled with completely eliminating in Abby, my labrador.

Recently, Abby had started rubbing her face/eyes on her bed and the floor, indicating they were itchy.  To test my newfound knowledge about colloidal silver helping, I put a drop of colloidal silver in each eye, a few drops in each ear, and 4-5 drops inside her lip.  I do this 2-3x a day.  The face rubbing stopped immediately and only resumed when I missed a dose.

Ideally, I would rather give her more internally, but I’ve only got my 2 oz. bottle, so I’m treating her conservatively there until I can make my own colloidal silver in large quantities and increase her dosage.

UPDATE:  8-7-18 —  In January of 2018 I bought the items necessary to build my own inexpensive colloidal silver generator, which I’ll be sharing more details about in an upcoming post.  This device actually makes ionic silver, but it still works well for everything I’ve used it for, which has included nearly eliminating Abby’s environmental allergies this year.  I add it to all of my pets’ water bowls and food (since my raw feeders don’t really drink much and I want them to get it).  I continue to use it for any issues they have with their eyes, ears, and whatever other spot needs some treatment (tick bite, hot spot, superficial wound, etc.) I add it to dog shampoo, put it in the water I water my plants with (both indoor and outdoor), add it to my homemade food things to make them last longer (like bbq sauce), and even use it in a spray bottle on myself to hydrate my face and as the liquid for applying my Crystal mineral deodorant stick.

Dosage Amounts

Unfortunately, when it comes to dosing colloidal silver, there are no exact guidelines.  In my research, I saw amounts all over the board.  Some recommended starting out with a bit higher dosage and then after a week or so, scaling back to a maintenance dose.  Others felt fine and did well on a very low dose of colloidal silver, while others preferred a much higher dose by comparison.

Since true colloidal silver is passed out of your body and there are no incidences of injury or death, don’t stress over the dosage.  If you want some guidance, there are a ton of resources online, including numerous colloidal silver Facebook groups that you can join.

For those just curious about a baseline of how much colloidal silver to take internally themselves and/or to give to their pets, below is just a  guide to go from.  Lower end amounts are for maintenance, while higher-end amounts should be used for treating specific ailments.

The number of dosages will also need to be increased from once or twice a day for maintenance to several times a day if you are trying to cure a specific ailment.  All of these amounts are just guides and can be increased if necessary, without concern.


  • Kittens: 1/4 to 1/2 teaspoon
  • Small cats:  Up to 1 teaspoon
  • Large cats:  1 to 2 teaspoons


  • Small:  1 to 2 teaspoons
  • Medium:  2 to 6 teaspoons
  • Large:  2 to 4 Tablespoons

Keep in mind that all of the information I read said when you are treating pets, it is best to give too much than too little when you are trying to cure a specific ailment.  My own experience with treating internal issues has produced noticeable results in hours administering silver every 2-3 hours.

Externally, I’ve had good luck putting the silver on wounds 3-4 times a day.  For ears, I’ve cleared up infections by administering silver to the ear  2-3 times a day.  Depending on the severity of the eye issue, 3-4 or so times a day has taken care of whatever the issue is.

I read numerous reports where people would just set out a bowl of pure colloidal silver to let their pets drink from, and many reported their pet often chose it over their regular water bowl right beside it.  Others just added colloidal silver to their pets’ water.  Putting it in the food or directly in the mouth are also options.

People (based on the back of my Sovereign Silver bottle)

  • Maintenance:  1 teaspoon   Once daily
  • Immune Buiding:  1 teaspoon   3x daily
  • Long-Term Immune Support:  1 teaspoon   5x daily
  • Treatment for a specific ailment:  1 teaspoon   7x daily

When colloidal silver is taken by mouth, my bottle says to hold it under your tongue for 30 seconds before swallowing.  Most people reported just swishing it in their mouth for a minute or so before swallowing.  Both are done to get the colloidal silver into the bloodstream.

More resources

If you’ve been following along with me here on my blog, you know that I reference often because over the years I’ve gotten some really helpful information/cures there.  When I went to my trusty site to see what they had to say about colloidal silver, it appears I timed my post about right.

Both their human  and pet pages on colloidal silver are new, having been published only within the last month.  While still providing useful information, once the pages have been discovered and more people leave comments, I have no doubt they will provide very helpful advice.

For now, though, earthclinic still offers an excellent, albeit a very abbreviated version of things colloidal silver can be used on.  Some recommended dosages are listed and commenters have shared the amounts they used to treat their particular ailment.  Overall, I still think the site is always a good place to start.

Final thoughts

If you, your pets, or anyone in your household does happen to have a health issue, I strongly encourage you to look into colloidal silver for it.  I was truly amazed by how many things colloidal silver has been attributed to curing.  And for it to do so so inexpensively and without dangerous side effects or drug interactions?  It’s no wonder everyone with money to lose from this secret getting out tries to keep it buried.

There are websites, Facebook groups, and forums all out there full of people with amazing stories to tell about health issues they have overcome thanks to colloidal silver.  Just read the Amazon reviews, if you are short on time, to get a good idea of how well and what it works well for.

If you know anyone who could benefit from colloidal silver, especially with cold and flu season coming up, please do them a favor and share this post with them.  Please also share it with your pet parent friends whose pets deserve good health as well without expensive and dangerous drugs.  It’s time the world knows the real truth about colloidal silver and its amazing benefits.


Have you ever used colloidal silver successfully?  Please share your experience in the comment section below so we can get the word out about this little-known miracle cure.


For my list of favorite things I (mostly) own and/or recommend to fellow pet parents and occasionally random strangers, you can visit my Amazon store page here,

As you may have noticed, I don’t have ads anywhere on my blog.  While they do help generate income, I dislike them so much and find them so distracting that I refuse to have them.  Instead, if you found this post helpful and you’d like to make a donation to help with the ever-increasing cost to keep this site up and support my rescue efforts, my Paypal donation link is below. 


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78 thoughts on “Colloidal silver: Medical miracle in a bottle

    1. I’m glad you found it helpful, Tamara. I know it really opened my eyes to the full capability of colloidal silver. I’m excited to make my own and getting to work using it on a variety of various things.

  1. Thank you very much for the time and effort you put into this article, you are are fantastic :).
    God bless you.

    1. Aww..thanks, Elly! I’m glad you found it helpful. Since writing this post, I have used it several more times for several different things and it continues to be one of my top go-to and highly recommended products.

  2. i have a bottle of silver wings colloidal silver 250 ppm i want to use it on my cats ears, i have 2 cats that get yeast infections and nothing helps. i feed my cats a raw diet so is there a way to give this too them.

    1. Mary Lou, colloidal silver can be given both externally and internally without any harm. You will want to dilute it though, to probably around 20ppm, which is what is intended with that high of a product. You can add it to their food, give them a bowl of it to drink or add some to their drinking water, and also put it directly in their ears without any harm.

      A good resource I’d recommend for you is to join the Facebook group ‘Colloidal Silver for Pets’. They are very helpful and there may be others that have some experience with this issue that can help give you guidance. Yeast is often a result of an allergy of some kind (food, environment, etc.), so colloidal silver may not help if that is the underlying issue. It won’t hurt them to give it a try though.

  3. My 10 year old cat has been loosely diagnosed with chronic sinusitis. She is on a regimen of anitbiotics for 3 weeks. So far no change. In reading about this condition the options are few and expensive with little chance of cure. Do you know of any success stories using CS. I have started to squirt some up her nostrils.

    1. Cyd,

      I do not have any personal experience with chronic sinusitis, but I have treated several other issues using CS (since this article) with much success. I looked up ‘chronic sinusitis’ in the search bar on the Facebook group ‘Colloidal Silver for Pets’. Spraying CS into the nose was suggested, as well as nebulizing it, adding it to food and water, and someone even suggested making sure to feed raw or wet food to make it easier for the cat to breath.

      I recommend joining that Facebook group and getting feedback from others there, but in the meantime, I would definitely recommend adding CS to your cat’s food and water. You can’t give too much CS and it won’t harm other cats if you have more than one in your household with no health issues. Giving too little will be of little or no help. Even if it’s another issue causing the sinusitis, CS will likely help, the key is just to give enough of it.

  4. Have 70 pound black lab with toe infection. Want to spray CS on th einfected toe. CS does kill bacterial and fungal infections right ??


    1. Hi Chip,

      Sorry for the late reply, your comment got hung up in my spam folder. :( Yes, colloidal silver will be great for your dog’s infected toe. Spray/apply it a few times a day until it is healed. I would also add it orally either by food, water, or just a dropper into the mouth. Remember, you can give too little, but you can’t give too much when it comes to colloidal silver. There are no negative side effects to colloidal silver, so it’s best to go at whatever you are dealing with with guns (CS) ablazing. :)

      1. Our cat keeps having severe sneezing,breathing problems, runny nose and eyes and the vet gives her one shot which heals her completely for 7-10 days and then as soon as the shot wears off,she is back to not eating and sick as usual. We bought the brand of silver you suggested and want to try the silver because we can’t afford the vet bill any longer. How much should we give her daily and how often?

        1. Brian,

          I’m so sorry to hear about your poor cat! I would give her two dropperfuls of the colloidal silver at least 3-4x a day when symptoms are present, as well as put at least a dropperful or two in her food at least a couple of times a day. You can’t give her too much CS, but you can give too little, so the more often you get it into her, the better and quicker it will help.

          This almost sounds like an upper respiratory infection, but it could be something more serious if whatever meds the vet are giving aren’t helping. In any case, here’s another idea I have to help your kitty overcome this sooner. Get her on L-Lysine. You can pick up Spring Valley (human version) at Walmart. Give her 500 mg. in her food twice daily. Also, I would mix some apple cider vinegar and water 50/50 and put it on her front paws/sides/back of neck. She will absorb it by licking it off herself and getting it into her skin through absorption. You won’t have to put a lot on, like 1-2 Tablespoons of it, at least 2-3x a day. No cat enjoys the smell or taste of it, so you may have to just put it on a doused paper towel and wipe it on her or have someone hold her while you dip her front paws in it, but if it were my cat, I’d do everything possible to get this issue resolved once and for all. I used the L-lysine and ACV method years ago when one of my first cats had an upper respiratory infection (before I knew about CS). It knocked it out in a few days, so with these two assaults, hopefully this will help your cat finally overcome her illness once and for all.

          Hopefully, between these two methods, your cat will finally start to show improvement. Once she does, you can back off on the frequency of treatments and then for maintenance, still give her L-lysine (you’ll have a big bottle of it anyway) once a day and some CS in her food daily.

  5. Thank you so much for this article. I’m about to try colloidal silver in my cat’s mouth — I hope it works, it’s a better solution than removing all of her teeth and she really seems to be feeling badly. Thanks for your research, links, opinions, experience, and the time you’ve put in on this article!

    1. Christa,

      Thank you for stopping by and for leaving such a nice comment! I actually had to use colloidal silver on one of my cats’ mouths shortly after I wrote this post and am currently working on a post about it to be published soon.

      In the meantime, colloidal silver should definitely help with your cat. Just remember, don’t be shy with administering the colloidal silver. My cat was drooling, had very bad breath, and not eating or cleaning. It came out of nowhere on a Saturday afternoon, so I grabbed the bottle of colloidal silver and started giving it to him. What ended up giving him the best relief was two dropper fulls ever 2-3 hours for several hours (I stayed up all night with him so he didn’t miss a dose). By the next day, he was much better, so I backed off to two dropper fulls every 3-4 hours until he was eating again, then I added it to his food also, in addition to still putting some drops in his mouth. He eats raw, but since I knew his mouth probably hurt, I gave him some soft food, just to get some food in him. By Monday, he was so much better, we didn’t need to go to the vet and in the next couple of days he was back to 100% with no problems since. I do add colloidal silver to their raw meat and he also has a bowl of colloidal silver to drink from.

      I can’t talk highly enough about colloidal silver and since writing this article, it has come in handy on several other occasions. It’s just amazing how something so simple works so well.

  6. Thank you!!

    It certainly seems like it’s better to try this than to go for heavy medical intervention at the vet right away. Anaesthesia, tooth pulling, blood tests, etc. are pretty extreme for an 18-year-old darling.

    I’ll let you know how it goes! Starting today.


    1. I agree! I used Sovereign Silver brand on my cat, which I have a link to in the article and also on my ‘Shop’ page, but I will tell you, we went through A LOT of it, so make sure you have a good sized bottle of it, as you don’t want to run out with the weekend coming up. And not sure what brand you are using, but I had another brand before Sovereign Silver that didn’t work nearly as well, so if you don’t see marked improvement within a day, you might need to try a new brand.

      I sure hope the colloidal silver works as well for your baby as it did for mine. Please do share your experience.

  7. I have a cat with eosinophilic granuloma complex,where the skin flares up due to allergens.Would colloidal silver help? I dont want to keep giving him steroids and antibiotics.

    1. Hi Lina,

      Yes, I do think colloidal silver will help, but you will first need to figure out what is triggering the allergic reaction. Two of the most common culprits are fleas and food. I’ve never personally had a cat with this issue, but I have a friend who did and I tried to help her figure out how to treat her cats’ EG.

      When I got your message about trying to help your cat, I checked in with her to see what finally helped her cat. She said she switched her cat from chicken, which is a common allergen, to a different brand of food. She now feeds Nature’s Variety Limited Ingredient Grain-Free food in the turkey or rabbit formula. She also changed from a pine litter she’d been using. Her cat didn’t have fleas, so that was ruled out as the cause, so she moved on to food and environmental culprits.

      As far as treatment, I recommend giving colloidal silver both internally and externally. I would do probably 2 teaspoons in the mouth or food 2-3x a day as well as putting it on the sore(s). You can either drop it by dropper on the area or put it on a cotton ball and dab the area. The thing to remember about colloidal silver is that you can’t give too much, but you can give too little. I also read where one lady treated her cat with Lysine while giving colloidal silver, which couldn’t hurt, either, except you may want to double check that there isn’t an issue with using it with the steroids and antibiotics you are using, if you are still using them.

      If none of this helps, please let me know and I’ll share other information my friend provided (in pdf form) that may be helpful.

  8. I am delighted to have discovered that since giving my cat colloidal silver on a daily basis he no longer has a flea infestation.I live on land which is an environment where fleas breed and they were consequently in the house also. I was very reluctant to give the conventional spot on medications as I know that these are dangerous for the cat’s health but finally before knowing about colloidal silver I succumbed to giving him two treatments of spot on which reduced the fleas on my cat but did not eliminate them. Now it is mid summer, the time when fleas are at the height of their breeding and my cat is free of fleas through the agency of colloidal silver alone.

    1. That is great news, Beatrice! I haven’t heard of colloidal silver doing that, but given that it helps boost immunity, which makes pets less appealing to pests like fleas, it is believable. I’m glad you got away from the dangerous spot treatments and have found how wonderful colloidal silver can be. Thanks for sharing!

  9. Hello,
    This is a question about oral health for my kitty. He had severe peritonitis. He had to have some of his teeth removed. I want to start using colloidal silver on him because of everything I’ve read and how it can help. His gums are again red and I would like to apply this to his gums. Right now all I have is sovereign colloidal silver 10 ppm, should I get a different brand? Someone had mentioned on another forum they didn’t think sovereign was the right stuff/brand to use for cats. Can you tell me what you think?

    1. Lil,

      I just wrote an article recently here, about how I successfully treated my cat who had stomatitis symptoms with Sovereign Silver. I haved treated both my cats and dogs for numerous things with that brand and highly recommend it. While I have not used colloidal silver on anything so serious myself as peritonitis, I have no doubt that Sovereign Silver can help. Just remember that you will need to dose plenty and often and if it were my cat, I would put it directly in the mouth, in the food, and in the water. You can’t give too much, but you can give too little. Once you start seeing improvement, you can scale back, but I would keep up a maintenance routine. Buying colloidal silver can get costly, so you might consider making your own once you see how much it helps. I will be writing an article about my setup and how I made it in an upcoming post, so you may want to subscribe to my newsletter or check back to see how easy and inexpensive it is.

  10. Hi Everyone, I am learning. I just tried colloidal silver on my dogs yesterday. One has ear infection, skin issue n a bad back leg, another has a sore front leg. The bottle came with the dropper, and it said dropperful, does it mean the entire dropper? I squeezed several times and it was only ever 1/3 or 1/4 of the entire dropper. So I gave my 44kg dog 4 times of it and my 7kg twice of it. Please correct me. How many days should I give them? Thank you.

    1. Hi Annie,

      I just checked my 2 oz. bottle and when I do a full dropper, I get a little over half full. That is considered a full dropper for dosing purposes. Keep in mind, you can’t overdose and giving your dogs too much is better than not enough. For the dog with the ear infection and the skin issue, I’d put drops (2-3 drops 2-3x a day) in the ear(s) and also on the skin in addition to in the food and water.

      Also, keep in mind that if you are feeding a food that your dog is allergic to, colloidal silver can only do so much. You may need to investigate the diet and do some elimination to determine what is causing the skin issues (ear and coat). There are also allergy tests you can do to help determine what foods you should avoid. Chicken is a common culprit in food allergies, but I’ve heard of many other causes as well.

      As far as the leg issues, you didn’t mention if they were open sores or just muscle/joint issues. If it is muscle/joint issues, colloidal silver probably won’t help. Colloidal silver is best for treating fungal, bacterial and/or viral infections, as well as helping with immune system issues. Regular vets aren’t well versed in nutrition, so you may need to seek out help from a holistic vet to get to the bottom of things if what I’ve recommended doesn’t help. There are also numerous groups on facebook you can join to get advice and recommendations from based on your dogs’ particular issues.

      The dog with the skin and ear problem is clearly having an immune response issue so I would definitely avoid any flea/tick/heartworm medications (toxins) and any vaccines until you get the immune system working properly and even then, titer test, if your city/state/etc. allows that for proof.

  11. My reply to some cat owner that questioned the use of CS on CATS. ON March 5, 2019.

    For all you good people out theirs that want to help their cats over some simple infections and possible cancer treatment for dogs and possibly for cats.
    I have a cat that has FIP, a viral virus that we think in causing a swelling in the stomach from FIP.
    The so-called specialist that are supporting or not supporting the use of Colloidal Silver are not up to date on what CS in the nano size mico range of 10 ppm will do wonders for your dog. possible for your cat which I am using now.
    My dog had a bad cyst or tumor on her back. It kept growing from a small pencil size bump to a large lolly-pop size tumor, cancerous or non-cancerous protruding from her back. I started rubbing some of my own home make colloidal silver from my machine that I purchased from the one an only person that can save your ass from over 650 different pathogens, virus, Herpes, Hep A, B. C. all cancers, MIRCA, rather than have your hands, legs amputated in order to keep the MIRCA from spreading. That what the present day doctors have been trained to treat MIRCA. Back to Emily my dog by adding one or two teaspoons of my own CS that I make put ($.35/quart, not the health food store stuff, that sells for $50 per 16 ounces) in her water bowl. I did this two times per day. Believe it or not, the damn lolly pop began to shrink. I kept rubbing CS on her back and the damn tumor or cancer growth disappeared completely. The bump has completely disappeared Gone! It has not come back. That was a year ago.
    My wife says, “Poo Poo!” It is a gimic. I have not had to require a flu shot for over six years. The damn flu shots are a hoax. They are only effective 10 percent of the time. The damn flu mutates, and the shot has not effect on curing you of a flu. I will admit. A lot of people up here in the desert are of low income and are in poor health. They sneeze, and can spread the flu droplets up to 15 feet around them. I am a sufferer of asthma. There is so much dust, allergens from plants, cats, dogs, and desert plants that it is hard for me to distinguish if I have a coming on flu or asthma attack. In the meantime, my wife gets a flu shot, and I have the sniffles, this last month, I was not taking enough of my CS that stops any infections, or virus that I have caught in time. She claims she caught it from me because I had a runny nose. My runny nose clears up when I get in an area with no allergens. Funny part here, she took a flu shot and got the flu and blames it on me.
    As for eye infections. If I go to the Kaiser HMO, they will prescribe a prescription that should get rid of the boil that is developing, schullarian, sp? in my upper eye lid. The antibiotic germ killer is too late. The shullarian or boil pops and drains. So I forget the damn Kaiser doctors, I take a dropper and administer one or two drops in my eyes, and clears up all infections, and small bumps that look like their going to develop into a full blown boil, schullarian sp? The scratching of the bump, or redness is gone in 2 to 3 hours. Don’t laugh. One the case with my wife, I had her look at Kaiser solution. My CS make the boil spit it out, and left a hole in my eyelid from the boil.
    So you good people, I have had my say. I suggest you look up this web page The initial price may be out of reach for you, but if you are smart, tell them to send you a brochure on their magix machine that can produce CS for approximately 35 cents per quart in 3 hours. They may give you a $100 discount for their one year warranty, plus all the other goodies and booklets that print and verify people who have taken CS and has proven that it Works. All the baloney that these Dr. and specialist say you will turn gray etc. is a bunch of Sh*t. I have not even turned gray. I have been taking up to 3 to 4 tsp per day for maintenance and keep my body from over 650 different germ that can cuse you you wish you have taken my advice. I also take a diluted solutions of Family Grade 35 % Hydrogen Peroxide, to 3 % and it is a cure all that is faster than CS. It is harder to treat animals with HP.
    Let me advise you that these companies that sell vitamins, and herbs, and the use of CS will always print at the bottom of the product that this products has not been approved by the FDA etc. ONly NAIDS, etc are OK. The Big Pharma has gone to court over the use of CS. Conventional every day doctors, especially the ones under Medicare, and family doctors cannot prescribe CS or HP for treatment. The FDA admin will fine the doctor, or the doc will lose his licence or both if he prescribes CS. YOu have to go to Japan, Cuba, or Mexico if you want to be treated by a conventional doctor. There is more to learn. Don’t be fooled by looking up Collodial Siver web page. You will get some machine that sell $100 less than group. It is the sice of the silver AgOH molecule in the billionth range, nano. The AG+ combines with the OH molecule that requires an electron microscope with the power of 175,000 optics to see the AG+in suspension. Enuff said.
    Normal Norm. Retired educator that read a lot and how to fight cancer at it tracks. I cured my own two thin skin cancer melanomas by using CS and HP by mistake. The Melanoma disappeared completely never came back. I do not have the time to pass this along. The cancer specialist that I showed it to got scared for he failed to recognize it was a possible melanoma, and left the officer for he failed to treat me for an other problem, and could be fired. Don’t come back. Be my guest

  12. I have a new problem with my cat. She has FIP. Liver and bowl problems. It is suppose to be incurable. Have any of you dog and cat lovers know of anybody that has treated their pet with CS for FIP. If you know of someone that has, please email me at

    1. Norman,

      I looked up FIP in the ‘Colloidal Silver for Pets’ Facebook group and it appears there are mixed results with using CS for FIP. I have no personal experience with treating FIP, but I do know that sometimes other things added to CS can turn things around. I would advise you to take a look at the site, and their section on FIP here, Also, according to some previous conversations I’ve had with others and information I’ve kept track of, Vitamin C, Coconut oil, and slippery elm for diarrhea are found to help. Feeding a high quality canned, dehydrated, or raw food diet is also important, as FIP is an immune related disease and getting the most nutrition out of their food is vital for treating this disease.

      Here is an excerpt from a Yahoo FIP Group for supplements that a reader shared with me: “Use Vitamin C as much as poss. & Alpha lipoic acid 20 mg daily, Vit E, Fish oil. (ALL essential to detoxify FIPs neutrophil toxins.)”

      Hopefully this information will be helpful to you or anyone else with an FIP positive cat. A quick check on Facebook found a group for FIP cats here, that might also be helpful. Best of luck to you and your cat.

  13. I have used colloidal silver for my own (human :-D) UTIs with success after antibiotics made re-occurrence more often – also, since using the silver, the re-occurrent UTIs are almost non-existent. I also add it to my kitty’s water fountain to help keep the filtered water fresher longer, in his holistic (DIY) toothpaste, and his ear wash since he is prone to ear infections caused by environmental allergies during Spring, Summer, and Fall months. My kitty has a problem with infections in his mouth as well as FORLs, but so far (2 years+) has had no problems with either since starting to brush his teeth with the DIY toothpaste.

    1. C W,

      Thanks for sharing your experience/success using colloidal silver! It’s a wonderful product isn’t it?

      1. Yes it is! I’m glad I discovered it, can’t say I’ve done such a wonderful systematic research, but I did read a lot of articles before starting using the colloidal silver. Thank you for your wonderful & thorough article.

  14. My bunny (9 years old) had an abscess at its neck, and infection at the basis of the hair around it. I used colloidal silver at 15 ppm and raw honey for 3 days, morning and night, and it was gone. I kept rubbing with CS for a few more days, just to be sure. Now, 2 weeks later, it is still neat and perfect.
    That same bunny had an eye leaking which made crusts. I put one drop of CS @15 ppm morning and night for about 10 days and it solved the problem.
    I use PureSilverH²O from This is the cheapest around (I live in Belgium)

    1. Hi Jay,

      Thanks for sharing your success with using colloidal silver and honey on your rabbit! Colloidal silver is definitely my goto product for anything animal related.

  15. I am SO glad I came across this article!!!! I adopted a rescue cat from a shelter and a day after he came home I noticed persistent diarrhea! I Alerted them and was told not to be hasty he needs at east 2 weeks to settle! During this time I put him on very good vet food but the diarrhea persisted! I then took him tot he vet who did a faecal float and smear and BAM positive for Coccidia AND Giardia!! Immediately started him on 5 days treatment for those, but one day after treatment stopped, he started vomiting! Straight back to the vet who put him on a drip and he has been there for the last 5 days. He is now hydrated and they have retested and Coccidia and Giardia are gone BUT he still has diarrhea!!! I am at my whits end! I then stumbled across this article about Colloidal Silver and remembered I treated a friends Jack Russell about 8 years ago who had laid in a nest of red ticks and was so yellow he was glowing!!! The vet said he would die without a blood transfusion. I dosed him with Colloidal silver and 2 days later he was running around! SO moral of the story I am going to try this on Snowball starting tonight and would appreciate all prayers for him! I will post again next week the results!

    1. Cindy,

      I’m so sorry to hear you are going through this with your poor kitten. Animals from shelters are submitted to a number of things (vaccines, flea/tick treatments, illnesses, stress, spay/neuter surgery, etc., etc.) so there is no telling what your baby may be fighting. I’d recommend making sure whatever you are feeding doesn’t have carrageenan in it, as it has been proven to cause gastro distress. I’d also put him on digestive enzymes and probiotics. If you can get it, Answers pet food gets RAVE reviews in the pet groups I’m in for their products, though I’ve never personally tried them. Here is the link: Also, slippery elm won’t hurt either. It coats the gastro lining and helps it heal. He may really need that since he’s had diarrhea for so long, indicating that he’s probably got inflammation. Last but not least, I wrote an article here, about a young cat I took in that had terrible diarrhea for months that I eventually figured out was due to having chicken in his food. Of any kind. I put him on a rabbit food with no chicken of any kind and he healed up quickly and has been fine ever since, including have chicken back in his diet.

      Hopefully, one of these suggestions helps you get your new baby to perfect health. Colloidal silver is amazing for sure, but sometimes these guys need other supportive measures as well and these are my top tips for your situation. If you need any more help, just let me know. And thank you for rescuing!!

      1. Snowball has made a FULL recovery!!! He eats like a horse and has never had diarrhea since I treated him with the CS AND he has put on 2kg in the last 5 weeks!! He is a TOTALLY different cat! Grooms himself and plays with toys! CS saved my baby’s life!!!

        1. Cindy,

          Yay for Snowball on his recovery and you for adopting him and not giving up on him! I’m SO glad to hear you guys are doing so well! Colloidal silver has kept me out of the vet’s office on numerous occasions and I’m always so happy to hear others having the same success. Thanks for sharing your journey and outcome. Wishing you and Snowball a long and happy life together!

  16. Stumbled across your site and I’m so glad I did. My old lady kitty (14 yo) has just been diagnosed with some sort of tongue cancer. Vet told me nothing can be done to help but to keep her comfortable until I see she’s suffering too much and will have to be put down. 💔 Just by chance ive been giving the cs to my other cat with allergies and it’s so much better with him. I’ve been giving it to my old lady now and her drooling has almost stopped and the breath smells better. I know it’s not a cure but if it helps why not!!

    1. Deb,

      I’m so sorry to hear about your poor cat. Colloidal silver can definitely help with (among other things) any teeth/gum/tongue issues, as I discussed in my post here: As far as cancer goes, there are other things you can do to help your cat besides just the colloidal silver, but I’d definitely dose it frequently in the mouth, food, and water and then maybe get a second opinion on if it is indeed cancer. Regardless, making sure you feed a high-quality food and detox are important for good health in general in us and especially our pets who are bombarded with toxins. I’m not sure if you can open this link without being a member of the group, but here’s a link that you may find useful in helping a cat with cancer: I hope you find some of this information helpful. Thank you for sharing your success with treating your other cats’ allergies using colloidal silver. I hope you are able to get many more years for your older girl as well.

  17. *** FEEDBACK ***

    So I collected my boy from the vet on Friday evening only to be told they are cleaning him AGAIN because he had diarrhoea all over the kennel hand. I got him home and immediately started him on 2.5ml CS every 2 hours for 12 hours plus I used the CS gel on his VERY inflamed and raw bum and legs from sitting in his own poop!! One tiny poop during the night the consistency of baby food. Sat I went down to 2.5ml, 3x a day (and continued this dose on Sunday) and also put some in his water! This morning a cat who wasn’t even remotely interested in food is gobbling his Royal Canin kitty pellets and his “wounds” are almost healed!!! No watery poop at all since the vet on Friday! I 150% believe in the healing power of CS!!! I wish there was a way I could send you a comparison pic of the wounds!!

    1. Cindy,

      I’m so glad to hear the colloidal silver is helping your new baby! I’d still maybe give him some slippery elm powder to help heal his gut which has been upset for a long time. I’d also consider getting him on a protein rotation of better quality food in case this was possibly the result of a food allergy. As a rule, conventional vets know very little about cat/dog nutrition as their training is not very extensive and sponsored by the big brands they usually sell in their clinics. Dry food is the worst for cats since their bodies are designed to get water from the food they eat (mice, birds, etc.). Eating dry food is very hard on their kidneys. I personally feed my cats raw because it was cheaper than high quality canned (and it’s not processed or supplemented with things shipped in from overseas) and never have any health issues despite them all being indoor/outdoor cats. Investing in a good quality food (there are many pre-made raw and dehydrated options available) will save you in the long run in vet bills. In the meantime, I hope your new addition continues to improve and thrive.

  18. Hi
    My beloved german shepherd was diagnosed july 8 2019 with cancer. Further testing showed cancer was in his organs and was given 2 days. I started him today on CS. I am keeping my fingers crossed. Prayers are needed for my Levi

    1. Marcella,

      I’m SOOO sorry to hear about your poor sweet pup’s cancer diagnosis. I would highly recommend that you join some Facebook groups for dogs with cancer. Here is one that I’m a member of that has a lot of information that should be helpful for you two: . Cancer is a horrible disease and the diagnosis can for sure knock the wind out of you, but I’ve read many hopeful stories from owners that have used CBD Oil, LDN, green juice, zeolite, and/or other products (depending on the type of cancer) to conquer it or buy more time. I wish you and your baby the best of luck in your fight! Hugs.

  19. Hi!
    This is too good to be true. I am stressing out about my cat Pita. She has a skin infection on her ear and it’s getting worse. I know about vets and ran across some people claiming CS was worth a try.

    Before I found you I panicked and ordered a vet approved CS spray. It had good reviews but on Amazon that doesn’t mean that much. It’s only 10ppm. I an gonna spray on Pita’s ear.

    I wish I found you first. I would have purchased your product. I think an internal dose would be good for her as well. What do you think? Should I give the spray a try? How long until I will know if it’s working?

    Let’s say I purchase your product. Is it 500ppm? Would I dilute it for external, internal. How would you dose? She’s a bit skinny and I’d like her to put on some weight. She’s pretty healthy except for the moth-like appearance of the red and scaly ear with hair loss.

    I just feel vets are all about the money and take advantage of our desperation. And I want to be a good cat dad and do the right thing. It’s not about the money. It’s about stopping the infection.

    Thank you in advance for advice.
    Jay and Pita

    1. Hi Jay,

      I’m sorry to hear about Pita’s skin infection on her ear. As colloidal silver is anti-viral, anti-bacterial, and anti-fungal, it should help. I don’t personally sell colloidal silver, so you may be confused about where you are leaving a comment. The 500ppm product you are referring to is normally diluted down to 10-20ppm, which is strong enough to treat most things. Some people do buy the higher concentration to treat more severe things like cancer, or get more bang for their buck by diluting it down to 10-20ppm as they need it. In either case, 10-20ppm in whatever way you get to that, will take care of most things you are treating.

      In either case, applying it topically at least 2-3x a day should show benefits in a couple of days. Adding some to food and water would also be helpful, but not necessary. A small spray bottle doesn’t go very far and you don’t want to stop treatment until the infection is completely gone, so I’d concentrate on just treating her ear for now with it.

      I always prefer to get the dropper formulation for my crew, as spraying tends to freak everyone out a bit more, especially around their face. Using a dropper also just makes it easier to put in their mouth, eyes, and food/water. When I did have to buy a big bottle, I’d just transfer some of it into the smaller bottle I kept and that way I always had a dropper to use. I also buy the human version, as the pet version of most things is just a marketing ploy to make more money or convince you that you need separate products for yourself and your pets.

      You mentioned Pita was a bit skinny and you’d like her to put on weight. First, has your vet checked to make sure she doesn’t have any health issues? Worms? If none of that is the case, I recommend a high quality food and plenty of it as you monitor her and her weight. The guide on the label is only that, a guide. Every cat is different and may need a bit more or a bit less to be at an ideal weight depending on factors like age, activity level, etc.

      I always recommend feeding a quality food for cat parents. I know there are a lot of options out there and it’s all very overwhelming, but feeding a good diet is the basis of good health. While I feed raw and recommend it, I know it’s not always possible. A good dehydrated or freeze-dried food like Stella & Chewy’s or Primal is also a very good option. Canned foods are trickier because they are cooked at high temperatures, making them less nutritious, which is why all the vitamins and supplements have to be added. A lot of times those are sourced by third parties and from China, which is where some of the recent recalls have stemmed from. Many also have carrageenan as an ingredient, which can cause inflammation.

      Before I began feeding raw, I fed Nature’s Logic and my cats did very well on it. I bought the bigger dog food cans since they were the same ingredients (one would need to confirm that now) as the cat food and the price was better to buy the larger cans. Remember that rotating proteins is important too, so make sure you give your cat a variety of protein sources like chicken, duck, salmon, rabbit, etc. to prevent them from developing an allergy to eating the same food day in and day out for years.

      Hopefully Pita’s ear heals up quickly with the help of the colloidal silver and the other information I provided is helpful as well.

  20. Thank you for responding. I will have the silver tomorrow and am treating Pita now with some anti-bacterial wipes I had lying around.

    I apologize for saying I would have bought your product. I meant the one you recommend.

    I did look what the Mayo clinic and Web-MD said about Colloidal Silver and, as you said, there was a lot of hatred. Snake oil and extremely dangerous.

    I know how they work. Doctors despise natural cures. I have many examples of them being wrong but I won’t waste your time.

    Also, I posted something about Pita’s problem and CS on a cat site and I got a response to get to the vet immediately.

    That’s almost always the default answer people on pet sites give you. They never volunteer to pick up the $500 bill. Ironically, I found that site searching for info on ringworm.

    Some guy posted he took his cat to the vet to get tested for ringworm. It took three weeks to get the results Back that it wasn’t ringworm. In the meantime, someone told him to try Colloid Silver and by the time he got the results back his cat was healed.

    So I started to research CS and that’s how I found you.

    Pita isn’t too underweight. She’s probably lost a pound. Probably weighs about eight. I know older cats lose muscle tissue so I want to reverse the trend. She’s Siamese so not inherently big.

    I’ll give her some Nature Variety raw canned food, rabbit and deer and maybe throw her some high-quality dry.

    I will keep a close eye on her ear to make sure it is improving.

    Thank you for all the help and advise. I will keep you posted.


  21. My cat was barely eating and seemingly in a lot of pain. The vet diagnosed with severe stomatitus.
    Poor guy. I was told he would have to have all his teeth pulled for roughly $3000.00 (CAD). They sent me home with a week’s worth of pain meds for him while I thought about the situation. I spent two horrible days coming to grips with the fact this is not an option I can afford and I would have to put him down. The night before taking back to the vet for this last resort my sister mentioned collodial silver and was it worth a try. I found your articles and many more on the subject and decided to give it a shot. Amazon had it delivered next day (today) and I’ve given two doses of it (along with pain meds). This evening I just watched him eat a hearty meal of canned food and am feeling hopeful instead of feeling guilty and crying myself to sleep.

    I will update our progress as treatment continues.
    Thank you for sharing your experiences to inform others.

    1. Nina,

      I’m so glad you were open to trying another option besides euthanasia for your cat. That is one of the most frustrating parts about conventional veterinary care, is their lack of any other option besides expensive and/or dangerous treatments or medications. Those owners that are not internet savvy or believe only what they are told by their vets, do something drastic, that could be easily avoided.

      I actually wrote an article about my experience using colloidal silver for my cat that was demonstrating stomatitis symptoms here, I included my dosing protocol, as you need to give plenty of colloidal silver and often at first to get the infection under control and then you can scale back.

      Long term, I have two products on my Amazon ‘Shop’ page, that are both helpful for stomatitis, Lactoferrin and 1-TDC, if the colloidal silver is not enough. I’ve included notes next to the products to help guide you with dosage and more information. Hopefully you are also making sure your guy gets a high-quality diet (no dry kibble) to help his body be as strong as possible to fight the infection and make eating easier for him.

      Thanks for sharing your colloidal silver experience. I hope this is the beginning of a better life for your cat and you find whatever works best for both of you so that you two have many more happy years together.

  22. Did you ever do a post on making your own colloidal silver? I looked for it and didn’t find it. Thank you for all this information! I have 2 dogs and 8 cats ( most of them drop offs). I try to use natural remedies as much as possible.

    1. Hi Carla,

      No, I haven’t had a chance to write the article yet, but it’s definitely on my ‘To-do’ list, especially nowadays. Thank you for being a friend to the “drop offs” and kudos on trying to use natural remedies as much as possible.

      If you sign up for my newsletter, you’ll get an e-mail that lets you know when I post a new article, including the one on how to make your own generator that I hope to write soon. :)

  23. I recently treated my pregnant dog with CS for Pyometra with huge success. I have her about 2 tsp three times a day for two weeks and she’s doing great. No more discharge and will deliver her puppies in a week. I’ve been so happy to discover CS for my pets. I now add a tsp to their water bowl as a preventative.

    1. Sheri,

      I’m so happy to hear that colloidal silver helped your dog! A teaspoon might not be enough to do much in the water to help your pets, depending on the ppm and how much water you give, although it will still prevent bacteria that normally forms in buckets and bowls from growing.

      Thank you so much for taking the time to share your story to help others. I”m always glad to hear and be a part of sharing success stories that involve this amazing product.

  24. I always keep a bottle of silver in my cabinet use it for everything. It’s especially great for food poisoning (I felt better in an hour), pink eye or sty’s, wounds, and I just gave it to my cat for what I think is a UTI.
    I always take it on trips and keep a bottle at work.

    1. Nikki,

      Thank you for taking the time to leave a comment about your success using silver with various ailments! I wish I had known about it years ago, but am so glad to know now and share the knowledge with others.

  25. I’m so pleased I found this article as I am desperate to find something to help my cat who’s just been diagnosed with IBD.

    He weighs plus/minus 5kg, although he is losing weight on the current medication he’s on.

    How much colloidal silver would you suggest I give him please?

    Thank you so much for your help.

    1. Hi Ann,

      I’m sorry to hear about your cat’s IBD diagnosis. While colloidal silver works for a lot of things, I’m not positive it will be helpful for IBD. Many people have reported good success with a raw diet. I can tell you from my experience with a cat that showed up with terrible runny diarrhea every time he ate, that all it took was removing chicken in any form to help him. After about a month of no chicken, he was able to transition back to it and has been fine ever since. Here is that article in case you are interested, I fed canned food at that time, but now feed my seven cats raw because there are just so many benefits to it.

      One of my newest rescues seems to get sick (vomit) from eating chicken, so he avoids it and I make sure he has pork or rabbit or some other meat to eat while the others have chicken. Diet can make a huge difference with digestive issues or allergy issues and most vets have very limited training on diet, so they are usually not very helpful at getting to the root of the problem, instead using medications to cover the symptoms. In one of my groups, someone recommended a new member with an IBD cat to look at the Facebook group ‘Raw Feeding for IBD Cats’ or something similar to that name. She said the information in the group helped her save her cat.

      As far as the CS (colloidal silver) dosages go, you can’t give too much, but you can give too little and it won’t work as well or sometimes at all. For a 5kg-ish cat, I’d recommend a teaspoon or so 2-3x a day. You can put it directly in his mouth and/or add it to his food and/or water. 10-20ppm is the typical strength.

      You should start seeing results in about 2-3 days and if it does help, you can keep up that regimen for a few more days to make sure whatever has been causing the issue is under control. Once you see increased improvement, you can cut back to dosing just a couple of times a day and taper down from there as improvement is seen. Adding it to a waterer, if your cat drinks water (only one of my cats drinks water) is an easy way, though you’ll go through quite a bit of CS with that method. Mixing 50/50 with water or even giving CS straight are good options during a treatment phase. It is fine for any other cats you may have to drink as well and won’t hurt them at all. Adding it to his food is also an easy option to get the CS in him without having to pry his mouth open repeatedly.

      I’d also avoid any toxins like vaccines or flea/tick meds and if you aren’t already doing it, try the slippery elm syrup recipe I talk about in the article I referenced above. It really calms an upset intestinal tract. Hopefully, some of this information will be helpful and get you and your guy on the road to recovery.

      If the above doesn’t work after some effort, another couple of options that I can’t personally vouch for but have researched and would look into if I found myself with any animal with IBD that the above didn’t help, would be and this site and possibly this remedy,

      Good luck. Let me know if I can be of any more assistance.

  26. Hi Ann ! On my cat I use the colloidal silvar I use for myself, i.e 15 ppm
    I would give your cat 2ml 3 times a day until you notice some improvement, then twice a day on a rather long period. Finally you can settle on just once a day, with also some breaks when things are ok.
    Be careful above all not to feed him with kibble, in order to heal he needs natural feeding. There are good FB groups which will give you advice on that.

  27. I have a cat (the breed – rag doll) and I have an ‘over grooming’ problem with her – the vet bills are getting out of this world – she has had antibiotics – injections – diet changes twice – administering a product called Atopica – cyclosporine oral solution which turn out to be a brutal medication dangerous to both the animal and the person applying this product – also flea and tick treatments – etc. without any positive results – she licks until hair is gone and leaving liaisons – apparently this is a very common condition in cats but not so common is the cure. I am wondering if colloidal silver in some form would be a solution for this problem? Currently she wears a cone soft lick preventative device around her neck – many many other steps have been taken to try and control this obsession of hers without any success. Any suggestions – many thanks

    1. Hi Eric,

      I’m sorry to hear about your cat’s OCD grooming issue. The first thing to look at is stress. Have you moved recently, gotten a new pet, welcomed a new baby?, moved the furniture, been gone more often, etc.?

      If none of that applies, I can recommend a couple of options. Yes, you can try colloidal silver, but from my experience with one of my cats who came to me as an adult with a tendency to overgroom sometimes, colloidal silver hasn’t helped him. It won’t hurt your cat if you want to try it on/in her, but I’m not sure it will help with this behavior.

      During my research of trying to help my cat, I found the Bach Flower Remedy ‘Crab Apple’. It is recommended to help overgrooming. Here is the chart from the Bach Flower Remedies website to help you read up more on it, You can put a drop on your fingertips and rub on her ears, apply between the shoulder blades, or even put some in her water. I also use distraction when my cat has groomed an adequate amount of time and yet continues. Once distracted from his excessive grooming for a bit, usually by a quick play session, he tends to go about his day.

      As far as all of the medications you’ve put her on, I would be really worried about the long-term health consequences of all that toxic buildup in her organs. If this were my cat, I would not give her any more vaccines, flea/tick treatments, or medications. Your vet sounds like they are just throwing things at your cat’s condition trying to help and probably doing more harm than good, sadly.

      If you are not feeding raw, I recommend starting it. That is what her body was designed to eat and while it may not help this particular issue, it can help her in other areas, including detox of all the toxins you’ve put in and on her. It’s very easy to do and doesn’t have to be overcomplicated. She will literally only eat a few ounces of real food per day on a raw diet since 2.5% to 3% of ideal body weight is how much you feed. You don’t have to add supplements or vitamins or any of that, just feed real food.

      I killed one of my dogs once with a “commonly prescribed” prescription medication so I always, always take the vet prescription medication or treatment path as the last resort to any health issue my pets have. If any of these suggestions don’t help, let me know and I’ll continue to try to help you find a safe way to help your girl.

  28. Hi,

    My cat has been diagnosed with oral SCC on the upper jaw below his eye. His vet had him on antibiotics and pain killers prior to his biopsy. I only gave him his antibiotics and he was doing great. Was eating, playful and had vision in both his eyes…although he had a scratch on his eye that was shedding cells..The day after his biopsy I noticed that his eye went super cloudy/filmy and started to crust and turn hard. I addressed this with the vet who said oh he lost his vision in that eye. Like how did he just lose his vision overnight when I have been documenting his eye as I take a lot of pictures of him and the day before the biopsy he could see just fine. This women who had 10 other patients waiting to be dropped off and looked after the same day damaged my baby’s eye in her carelessness and need to rush through her appointments. She knew he had a tumour growing and immediately wrote him off so why does it matter if his eye is damaged he’s going to die anyway type of mentality there. Anyhow, this has caused me unprecedented sadness because I trusted this women to take care of my baby and opted for the best care. I am not going to give up on my baby who’s an absolute fighter. I have nothing to lose and have started to research holistic approaches that now break my heart knowing I should have done this way before and way before consulting her. Have you or anyone else had success with the silver collide in treating an eye like my description and oral cancer? Any help or advice would be greatly appreciated. I apologize for any grammatical errors as I am in a rush to save my babies life.

    1. Dear Mia,

      I’m so sorry to hear about your poor baby’s condition! I too have had several bad veterinarian experiences, so I know your anger and pain. The most frustrating part is that we are left with the bill and picking up the pieces of their errors. :(

      Unfortunately, I don’t have any experience with SCC (Squamous Cell Cancer) or eye injuries, but I did go through my resources and have found some hopefully helpful sites for you to look at for help. As I said, I have no experience, but these are sites that I have seen referenced often and positively in groups I’m a member of or run across on my own and liked the content enough that I feel comfortable sharing. Here’s the list of sites/products in no particular order: (Note: This company is out of Australia and the delivery time may be longer than you are comfortable with, so I’ve provided their USA re-seller information, but their website appears to currently be under construction. You may contact Holistic Animal Remedies if you are in the USA and see if they have anyone else in the USA that sells their products that can get them to you quickly) USA Re-Seller:

      In the case of the products I listed, you can contact the company to get some guidance. I’d probably contact all of them (McDowell’s and Holistic Animal Remedies are based out of Australia) to get their thoughts on treatment based on the information you can provide.

      Also, I’m not sure what you are feeding your cat, but I hope you will look into feeding raw. That will give his body the best chance at healing and overcoming the cancer. It’s very easy to feed raw and I will be happy to help you if you need it.

      As far as the colloidal silver (CS) goes, putting it in your cat’s food/water is the easiest way to administer it. You can give copious amounts because it is not harmful and you are dealing with a pretty serious health issue. There is a CS dosage chart in the article about stomatitis I wrote here, that applies to dosage for any issue that may be helpful for you. Just remember that you can’t give too much CS but you can give too little and it will be ineffective. I’m not saying that it will even help in your current case, but just for future reference. :) I’m not sure that it will help the eye, but you can put a drop a couple of times a day in it. You should see improvement in a few days if it’s going to help.

      If you have any questions or need any help with raw feeding, please don’t hesitate to ask and I’ll do my best to help. Hugs to you and your baby!

  29. Wonderful research you have shared, thank you. I am interested in more information you mentioned on liposomal vitamin C.

    1. Hi Meg,

      I actually wrote an article on Vitamin C and the benefits here, I’ve since switched to a capsule form of liposomal vitamin C since the availability and cost of the liquid/gel form of liposomal Vitamin C I wrote about was hard to get and then very expensive when I needed to reorder. The capsules seem to work just as well and are much more economical.

      You can visit my Amazon product listing page here, for all the products, including the liposomal Vitamin C that I recommend. Reading the reviews on Amazon can give you a good idea of what people are using it for and how well it works, but if you have any questions, just let me know.

  30. Hello, any thoughts on using colloidal silver for possible feline bladder tumor. Vet has concluded that’s what it is yet, still doing tests. My baby is in ICU presently w/a catheter. Her bladder was swollen, one vet thought tumor as she looked at ultrasound. The other vet will be seeing her tomorrow, this vet is more experienced and I trust him more. All bloodwork is normal, but they say w/bladder cancer it could shower normal. Urinalysis stilling waiting on results as another test for bladder cancer. I’m just sick about this. Then I remembered colloidal silver. Just wanted to see if anyone had any exp

    1. Lil,

      I’m so sorry to hear about your poor baby! Unfortunately, I don’t have any personal experience or know of anyone firsthand who does treating bladder cancer, but I’ve been doing some research for you. In addition to giving your baby all the CS she will drink (in water/food/by mouth), I would also consider looking into these two companies. Both are in Australia, unfortunately, which are having severe lockdowns now that may affect shipping time, but if I were in your position with one of my animals, I’d at least look into them. (McDowell’s Herbal Treatments) and (Holistic Animal Remedies). Both companies offer assistance in choosing the best product(s) for the health issue. I’ve heard good things about both in the groups I follow. Also, for a U.S. based company, you may also consider NHV Natural Pet at Don’t rule out using homeopathic remedies on your own and hopefully you are already looking into any diet changes that can help, including using filtered water.

      I know how awful a diagnosis like cancer is and I hope you are able to find something that helps. Let me know if I can be of any more assistance. Hugs to you and your baby!

  31. Hi!
    I love your article and all the other ones. I have done research as well on CS.
    I have a very sweet cat named Lici. Lici is a rescue kitty. We got her when she was about 2 1/2. She was a barn cat and was pregnant when the rescue got her.
    Shortly after we got her she contracted FIP Feline Infectious Peritonitis. Which is supposedly a Fatal Disease. I joined a group and was able to get her some medicine that ultimately saved her life. As a result of this medication she gained significant weight. She is on a diet now and has lost a pound however she suffers from her butt being dirty and inflamed almost constantly. We wash her butt and we are concerned about washing away good bacteria.
    I have some colloidal silver that I have started spritzing on her bum after we wash it.
    I am wondering if that will mess up her beneficial bacteria and cause problems. And I am also wondering if I could mix a few drops of cedar wood essentials oil with the CS to aid in the healing and prevent the inflammation. She just can’t really reach her little bum to clean it.
    She also sprays urine when she pees which I believe is a result of having 8 kittens at a young age.
    Anyhow what are your thoughts about the cedar wood oil? I have researched it and it’s safe for cats. It’s very good for antibacterial, inflammation etc. Tea tree oil is not good for cats.
    Thank you very much.
    Jaci Clayton

    1. Hi Jaci,

      I’m so sorry to hear about Lici’s struggles. I’ll do my best to help.

      First off, because I have no experience with FIP, I looked it up in my holistic books. Both Dr. Don Hamilton and Dr. Martin Goldstein indicated that FIP is often a result of vaccines, which is sad. I know rescue organizations vaccine their animals to the hilt, so that is possible how your poor Lici ended up with FIP.

      As far as treatment, CS would help with healing, and no, it won’t affect good bacteria. I have no idea about the cedar oil, but my first thought is that it might sting. I’d probably opt for CS to clean and sanitize and coconut oil to soothe.

      You didn’t mention Lici’s diet or if the bum trouble started after the medication, but I’m suspecting it may all be related. Side effects of medications can be nasty and vets don’t always know or warn about them.

      In his book, ‘The Nature of Animal Healing’, which was published in 1999, but that I still refer to often, Dr. Goldstein said that Dr. Deva Khalsa (a vet that he said he really admired) had good success stopping and even reversing FIP using homeopathic remedies. I’m sure her success has probably only gotten better since then. Here is her website, She does phone consultations. I recommend her because right now, you are only treating a symptom. It sounds like Lici probably has diarrhea, which is why her bum is dirty all the time. Being overweight is not healthy either, and can lead to other serious health issues.

      If Lici were my cat, I’d contact Dr. Khalsa via e-mail with my details and see what she says. If you can get Lici off of her medication and (or worse case, OR) clear up her dirty bum/inflammation issue, wouldn’t that make both of your lives better? From what I’ve read, I think Dr. Khalsa is a good bet on that and I’m sure Lici’s health and happiness are worth that to you as well. :)

      Let me know if I can be of any more help.

  32. Hello, Has anyone used colloidal silver for subcutaneous hemagiomas in a cat? Last month my emergency vet made the wrong diagnosis about one of my kitties saying it was cancer. In fact, I wrote on here about what they said she had bladder cancer, they misdiagnosed her. She had an inflammatory process going in, idiopathic. Anyways, at the same time I had another kitty who had a long time soft lump removed that every year I was having it aspirated and they said it was fatty cells. They removed the lump and diagnosed it as subcutaneous hemagioma. It’s very rare in cats, more in dogs. It is a very aggressive cancer. His margins on pathology came back clear. He just had more testing today, biopsies of her spleen and liver. Won’t get the results until tomorrow. Though rare in cats the outcome is poor if it is in the organs. Even with chemo, “they” say it will only prolong life 3-6 months. I don’t really want to do chemo if needed b/c it will damage her organs. I was thinking about doing the colloidal silver, can you tell me which colloidal? Thank you,

    1. Hi Lil,

      Colloidal silver definitely won’t hurt, but I think you’ll want to do more than that. While I don’t have any experience with any cancers of any kind in cats, I do know that many times when treating cancer, it is a multi-prong approach that usually gets the best results with it in both people and pets. Below are the homeopathic remedy sites I recommended for the bladder cancer diagnosis, which I’ve copied and pasted below for your (and anyone else who might be in a similar situation) review. These companies also have treatments options for other types of cancers and other health issues. You can also get consultations from vets through those sites. I recommend you consult a holistic vet either way.

      “….In addition to giving your baby all the CS she will drink (in water/food/by mouth), I would also consider looking into these two companies. Both are in Australia, unfortunately, which are having severe lockdowns now that may affect shipping time, but if I were in your position with one of my animals, I’d at least look into them. (McDowell’s Herbal Treatments) and (Holistic Animal Remedies). Both companies offer assistance in choosing the best product(s) for the health issue. I’ve heard good things about both in the groups I follow. Also, for a U.S. based company, you may also consider NHV Natural Pet at Don’t rule out using homeopathic remedies on your own and hopefully you are already looking into any diet changes that can help, including using filtered water.”

      You can locate a holistic vet through the AVHMA website here, Also, I just recently read an old article from Dr. Deva Khalsa about Double Helix Water being used to cure cancer in dogs. Here is the article, Dr. Khalso also does phone consultations, so that is also an option. I have no experience with her personally, but from what I’ve read about her, she seems like a good option to try.

  33. Hello, I have rescued 8 cats/kittens. All have upper respiratory infection, eyes weeping, crusty, pasted shut multiple times throughout the day. I was using the colloidal silver as an alternative to water for them to drink. Do you have some other suggestions that would help them? I was given a stronger antibiotic to give them so I’m sure I’ll be dealing with side effects from that. Also an eye salve to help conquer the infection. I just want them to feel better.

    1. Deanne,

      Thank you for rescuing those poor cats/kittens! It sounds like you have your hands full, but don’t worry, I have some suggestions that I think will get your cats/kittens back to good health.

      First, colloidal silver (CS) is not harmful at all, so I recommend putting it in the cats/kittens’ eyes as well. One drop in each eye 2x a day should help. Also, add the CS to their food. You can’t give too much CS, but you can give too little and it won’t help or help as well as it could, so be generous with it. CS also works in conjunction with antibiotics I’ve read, so giving them both together is fine, though I would limit the antibiotics (or avoid altogether) as much as possible due to the gut health havoc they can create.

      Years ago, before I knew about CS, one of my young cats developed a URI (upper respiratory infection). I cured him in a few days with l-Lysine and ACV (apple cider vinegar). I added the l-Lysine to his food and twice a day, mixed the ACV with about 50% water (you could use CS) and dabbed the liquid on his front legs and sides so he’d lick it off and ingest it.

      Another option you have is to nebulize CS. You can put the cat(s) in a carrier/box/clear bin (make sure you have air holes in them) and pipe the undiluted nebulized CS directly into the crate (cover it with a towel), box, or bin. Do this for about 10-15 minutes 2-3x a day. Many people have reported success with this method, though I’ve never had a need for it.

      Once you get everyone back to health, I recommend adding a probiotic, goat’s milk, or plain yogurt to the cats/kittens diet to help with their gut flora.

      If you have any questions or need any other help, please let me know.

      1. Hi CC,
        I just read your article about Colloidal Silver and bought it in Amazon. We have a very sick cat (black, 10 years old) and yesterday a neurologist told us that she found an abnormality on our cat’s shoulder, between the spinal cord and the should. Most likely a tumor on the sheath nerve. If we want to know more we’ll have to do MRI with anestesia + XR to her heart. Something ridicolously expensive. If not, she might have a few weeks left. She walks slowly and not straight, the tumor might be pressing on the nerve limiting her movements and her perception of space. It is so sad to watch. She still eats so I wanted to try to give her some colloidal silver and hoping on a miracle. I just don’t understand if for cases like this in your research and experience, I should try to give her a teaspoon by mouth 2-3 times x day or to spray it on the shoulder. Or if you think that it is not the case. I know that you are not a doctor but all our vet said was to give her steroids. They are not fan or followers of homeopathic or natural cures. Any suggestion is very appreciated.
        Thanks so much for sharing your researches and for you passion for animals.

        1. Antonella,

          I’m so sorry to hear about your cat and her health issue! Unfortunately, I’m not sure the CS (Colloidal Silver) will be of much help with something like this, or at least not by itself. It definitely won’t hurt her though, so I’d give her plenty of the CS, as in fill her water bowl with it and put at least 1-2 tsp. in her food at every meal. That can get expensive quickly using so much though, and I’m afraid it alone will not be enough. DMSO is a carrier for taking products into the body through the skin, so if you know exactly where the tumor is, you could maybe use DMSO to get the CS directly to the tumor.

          My top recommendation is to try to find a holistic vet. You can use this website if you are in the U.S., I don’t think there is a one-size fits all protocol for things like this, so finding a holistic vet that can offer herb tinctures, and/or homeopathic remedies, and possibly laser treatments or something along those lines will probably be your best bet. Many holistic vets will do phone consults, so even if you don’t have one close, you can usually contact them via phone. They will usually want to have your pets’ vet records to get a picture of what is going on.

          I’m sorry I don’t have a vet I can refer you to, or any experience with something like what your cat is going through, but here are some things I’ve come across over the years that I want to pass along that might be helpful. You can do your own research and decide if you want to use them. They are not in any order.

          MMS. I’ve never used it, but I have seen it mentioned a lot over the years in a lot of places. Don’t be thrown off by the negative articles online, as it’s a lot like CS, whereas if it works, it cuts out big pharma and they don’t like that, so they will try to scare or discredit its use. Here are a couple of websites for you to do some research: Here is some testimonial about it: I am sharing the results after I typed in the word “cat”, but you can also type in the word “tumor” in the search bar and get pet recovery testimonials involving tumors.

          Another option might be to contact ‘Holistic Animal Remedies’ at They offer several “tumor” remedies (which is the link above I posted) and have vets that can answer any questions.

          Without a definite diagnosis, I’d recommend the holistic vet route, as they may have questions or thoughts or even experience that can help them with your cats’ treatment. Otherwise, you will just be spending money and possibly losing treatment time in hopes that you are choosing the right treatment on your own.

          Another thing I’d like to mention is your cat’s diet. If you aren’t already, you should put her on a species-appropriate diet. Ideally, that’s raw, but even dehydrated or freeze-dried is better than kibble or canned food which are overly processed and not healthy for a cat fighting a major health battle. Your cat needs her body and immune system to be working at its maximum level in order to fight this. Feeding her food as close to nature intended is the best way to do that.

          Also, no more vaccines or flea/tick medications if you do that. You don’t want to add any more toxins to her body. Speaking of toxins, I’m wondering if the spot where the tumor is is a vaccine injection site?

          I’m sorry I don’t have a magic product to recommend, but hopefully the things I’ve recommended will either help, give you ideas, or lead you to a path that does find something to help. Getting the immune system in peak condition with diet, including CS, and adding vitamin C (see my post here, including the comments: would be my first recommendation as you figure out your next step.

          If you have any questions or I can be of any more help, please don’t hesitate to ask.

  34. You are so amazing CC! Getting back to me so quickly.
    Last night I ordered the Silver Colloidal, I got it today and gave my cat 1/2 teaspoon in her mouth. I was thinking to give it to her 3 times per day and directly in her mouth. Is that wrong? She barely drinks her water, but I could put it in her food.
    We are also giving her wheat grass once a day and were giving vitamin C but she really hates it and she holds it in her mouth making a foam, so we stopped. I would like to start again though.

    The tumor supposed to be between her left shoulder and the spinal cord but we don’t have an exact specific spot. I can ask the neurologist to tell me more about the spot. Do you think I can just apply the Silver Colloidal with the drops applier on the left shoulder. Would that be ok? I am not sure if it could be aggressive if applied in unaffected areas.

    This morning we also gave her steroids: yesterday she was very very down and walking weakly. Not knowing how to help her we started the steroids with the hope that could make her feel better. So, we would do steroids, silver colloidal, wheat grass and Vitamin C.
    About the raw diet: I thought and read about it a lot but I am not sure I am ready for that. I am little scared of risk of salmonella (as I have a small child around the house) and not giving her the right supplements.
    Thank you for all your comments and suggestions and the time you took for me and my questions. You are truly a very special human being.

    1. Antonella,

      You can give the CS to your cat whatever way is easiest, which is usually by food or water. Directly in the mouth is fine, but my experience has been that after a few times, cats begin not to like that method so much. :) Don’t worry, CS is not diluted or the working power reduced by food. Just remember, CS works best by being given often and in generous amounts.

      Again, this will go through your CS quickly and it is not cheap. Treating a tumor will also not be a short-term (in a week or two) treatment plan.

      A better option honestly, is to probably find a concentrated form of actual ‘Colloidal Silver’. Sovereign Silver is actually Ionic Silver and according to the “experts” is better for external issues. I make my own ionic silver and have had mostly positive results with everything I’ve used it on both inside and out, but if I had a cat with a tumor, I’d probably go the route I’m recommending to you, just because I would absolutely want the best option for something that would most likely work/help.

      Something like this is what I’m thinking…. You could use it at full strength or dilute it down with distilled water. If you choose to dilute it, make sure you use distilled water. Due to the particles and strength, it will be amber in color, as opposed to clear, like the ionic silver is.

      Putting CS on her skin probably won’t help unless there is an open wound. It doesn’t penetrate to work, which is why I mentioned DMSO, which is a carrier. I’ve never used DMSO for something like this, but I have read that it can carry whatever (in your case, CS) into the tissue. Just to let you know, CS or IS alone is perfectly safe inside and out. It will not damage any tissue or cause any harm, so don’t be afraid to use it liberally.

      As far as the vitamin C, it’s easiest to give with something very flavorful like canned sardines in water that have been mashed up or a gravy that your cat really enjoys, even if that includes giving them the cheap, horrible canned food that has the gravy in it. You don’t have to give them a lot of food, just enough to disguise the Vitamin C, but not too much that they don’t eat all of it, usually just a Tablespoon or so.

      CBD oil is something I forgot to mention before, but it may also be something to look into as a treatment option.

      Raw feeding is very easy and not scary at all (once you get started..the hardest part) :). It is giving your cat the best diet, other than her going outside and catching birds, mice, rabbits, and whatever else cats catch and eat. You would be looking at giving her around 3% of her ideal body weight in meat, bones, organs and liver, so just a few ounces a day is all she’ll need.

      You can feed Cornish game hens, which have the meat and small bones and then buy organs, usually in the frozen food section, to complete the necessary requirements. Here’s a chart that can help you with the breakdown of how much meat/bone/organs/liver you should feed based on factors like age and activity level:

      I personally feed powdered organs/liver/bone because I have seven cats and one will steal all the liver pieces, which are vital to making the diet complete. To make sure all of my cats get all the nutrients they need, I just lightly sprinkle the powders on their raw meat.

      As long as you feed an overall balanced diet (not necessarily at each meal), you don’t have to add supplements. Cooking is what depletes nutrients from food, so feeding raw meat provides the nutrients you see added back in to processed foods that have been cooked or have very little actual meat or organs in them.

      Some raw feeders do add supplements, but I don’t find them necessary. Occasionally, I’ll add some green powder to their powder mix as a form of supplying them stomach contents of critters they’d eat, but for the most part, I just make sure to feed high taurine meats and make sure they get their bone/organ/liver content.

      There are also dehydrated and freeze-dried options that are better than processed food. Just make sure the fat content is low, as that is where toxins are stored, so you obviously want to watch that. I’d shoot for 10% or less in fat. This is a more expensive route to go, but if you are not ready to feed raw or just don’t want to, this is your next best option. Pre-made raw is an option, but as they are trying to make money, they tend not to take the time to de-fat the meat, so they have a higher fat content, which, as I said, isn’t healthy. If you cut the meat up yourself, be sure to remove as much fat as you can, including fatty skin.

      I know raw feeding sounds hard, but it’s really not. It’s not an exact science and you won’t find two raw feeders who do it exactly the same, but we get the same results….healthy animals. Sadly, from my experience, I feel like the most ignored factor in good health from folks with sick animals is a good diet. All the supplements in the world won’t compensate for a crummy diet. Imagine trying to overcome an illness while eating McDonald’s.

      If you have any other questions or if I can help you in any way, please don’t hesitate to ask.

  35. I had an acquaintance who successfully tamed the symptoms of Crohn’s disease with colloidal silver. She knew that I was struggling with some health problems and pulled me aside. One day to tell me her story and suggest that I try it. The thing is, she does have a bluish gray complexion from having taken too much. I heard rumor that she regrets having taken as much as she did, because it won’t go away, once the skin has been discolored. I never heard of colloidal silver before I met her but I have after many times yet I am a little apprehensive because of my experience thus far. And all of your reading did you find a dose that would begin to cause skin discoloration?

    1. Hi Wendy,

      No, I didn’t find anything specific related to CS dosage and argyria, but like with anything, moderation is the key. If your acquaintance took high doses of colloidal silver every day for months or years on end, it is possible. The occasional internal use for specific things like colds, food poisoning, dental pain, etc. does not result in argyria because usually a week of dosing a few times a day clears up those issues. I have heard of people that take a small dose daily for just general health reasons and they have not had any issues either.

      If you have chronic health issues and are concerned about using CS, you could always look to supplements instead. I just purchased a used copy of ‘Orthomolecular Medicine for Everyone’ by Abram Hoffer and Andrew Saul that discusses what supplements in what doses to take for a variety of health ailments. Another book by Andrew Saul, ‘Doctor Yourself’ is also on my to-get list as a reference book for treating various health issues with supplements.

  36. Hi CC,
    Rosy is licking her paws a lot. Do you think Colloidal Silver could work? i already am low on funds because of my pets, and i need to try the one thing that has the most chance of helping Rosy’s paw irritations.

    1. Holly,

      If the hair between her pads is red and/or smell like Frito chips, it’s yeast. If they are just red, it could be from irritation to something sprayed she walked in/through. In both cases, a good foot bath is probably your best bet to completely and thoroughly rinse the entire paw. Colloidal silver may work, but it will be costly due to how much it will take for larger paws. Instead, povidone-iodine is probably a better and more economical choice. Here’s a link to Dr. Karen Becker discussing treating itchy paws with povidone-iodine and instructions on how to use it,

      Here’s a link to an affordable option of the product,

      In the past, whenever I needed to soak paws, I just used a large plastic cup (think big gulp/movie theater size) and did one foot at a time to conserve product and make the whole process easier. My dog was very relaxed and it was easy to handle her paws. You may have to do it differently for your dog, but however you do it, I think that will be your best option since the price of colloidal silver has really increased since I wrote this article and you’ll have to spray quite a bit of it to really saturate the paws.

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