How I cured my cat’s cough

How I cured my cat's cough

This past Spring, one of my cats, Sissy, began coughing or throwing up a clear foam with mucus.  Because it happened so quickly and without warning, I couldn’t tell whether she was coughing or throwing up.  Once a vet visit confirmed it was coming from a cough, I went to work finding a way to help her.

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Goodbye, Abby


This summer, I said goodbye to my 14-year-old yellow Labrador, Abby.  As many of you may know if you’ve been following along on my blog, Abby was a big part of what I wrote about.  From her allergies to her lipomas and a few other things sprinkled in, Abby’s health issues and my treatments for them have been a common theme.

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The healing diet I highly recommend

Three months ago, I found myself at a crossroads with my oldest dog, Abby.  A health issue preventing her from being a good candidate for surgery was the tipping point.  In my quest for yet another supplement or something to add to her diet to help her, I found a healing diet that was nothing like what the experts recommend.  I read up on it and decided we had nothing to lose, so I took a leap of faith and started Abby on it.  Here’s why I recommend others look into taking that leap too.

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My reflections on 20 years of saving cats and dogs

This year was my 20th year of taking in cats and dogs that have been dumped and abandoned near me.  It’s hard to believe how fast those 20 years have gone by and the number of cats and dogs I’ve saved, just as one person in one little spot in the great big world.  While in those twenty years I have learned a lot, I’ve also learned you should never stop trying to learn.

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A frozen pond, a pet tragedy, and what I learned

A frozen pond, a pet tragedy, and what I learned

Every winter it seems, I hear stories about pets and even wild animals, falling through ice and being rescued by emergency responders.  Sadly, I also hear stories about people drowning while trying to save their pets.  After a recent tragedy, I learned firsthand how dangerous a frozen pond is and why it’s so important to have an emergency plan.

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My hack for slippery floors, scooty food bowls, and dog transport

Hack for slippery floors, scooty bowls, and dog transport

As I’m sure every other pet owner can relate to, we have our share of little issues around here that ideally, there is an easy fix for.  With two senior dogs now in the house attempting to walk on slippery floors, everyone’s annoying scooting dog bowl, and an out-of-the-ordinary number of car trips to the vet this year, those little issues started adding up.  Fortunately, I came up with a cost-effective and easy solution to all of them.

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Why I recommend small prescription amounts

pet prescription medication

Most people probably never think twice about getting a prescription from their vet and administering it to their cat or dog.  While I do, I’m still susceptible to learning lessons that I feel are important and want to pass along to help others.  My most recent experience with a couple of my dogs serves as a valuable lesson about asking lots of questions before the prescription is written and why I recommend small prescription amounts so you don’t end up with a large private pharmacy collection of expensive, unreturnable medication.

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The importance of picking the right mate

Pets and relationships

No, I’m not talking about a mate for your cat or dog.  I’m talking about a mate for yourself.  Finding someone who shares your outlook on animals and their well-being is important.  When it comes to pets, I think people often underestimate how important having the support of their partner really is.     Read more

Why I fast my dogs

Why I fast my dogs

As many of you may know, there has been quite a bit of news out there lately about the health benefits of fasting.  I actually personally do it myself and have even incorporated it into how I take care of my dogs.  I think we are all exposed to more toxins than ever and anything we can do to try to help prevent disease in ourselves or our pets is something worth looking more into.

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