How I cured my cat’s cough

How I cured my cat's cough

This past Spring, one of my cats, Sissy, began coughing or throwing up a clear foam with mucus.  Because it happened so quickly and without warning, I couldn’t tell whether she was coughing or throwing up.  Once a vet visit confirmed it was coming from a cough, I went to work finding a way to help her.

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The healing diet I highly recommend

Three months ago, I found myself at a crossroads with my oldest dog, Abby.  A health issue preventing her from being a good candidate for surgery was the tipping point.  In my quest for yet another supplement or something to add to her diet to help her, I found a healing diet that was nothing like what the experts recommend.  I read up on it and decided we had nothing to lose, so I took a leap of faith and started Abby on it.  Here’s why I recommend others look into taking that leap too.

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