How I used a homeopathic remedy for my cat’s vomiting

Homeopathic Remedy for Vomiting

With (currently) 10 cats and dogs, and several bad vet experiences under my belt, I spend countless hours researching and learning ways to safely treat my pets.  While I’ve known about homeopathic remedies for a while and how well they can work for cats, dogs, and humans, this experience really cemented how useful they can be in times of crisis and encouraged me to learn even more about them.

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My experience with a wireless fence

If you’ve ever considered a wireless pet containment system, also known as a wireless fence, to keep your dog safe, it’s important to go into it knowing that it does have its limitations and faults.  Even though my experience with one was from several years ago, my research indicates the same problems that plagued it then, still do.  And while my experience was from a while ago, it was still a hard lesson learned that I wanted to share with other dog owners.

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Does your dog have environmental allergies?

Abby, my labrador, has had environmental allergies to some extent, since she was around two years old, when she developed her first hot spot on her chest.  Yesterday, she turned nine.  Luckily, for most of those years, she’d been doing well on these supplements and this shampoo  Every year, around June, she’d go on the supplements and get her medicated baths about once a month until August or September, when the offending allergen had subsided.  We were then good until the next summer.  That was our schedule.

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