How I cure upper respiratory infections (URI’s) in my cats

Upper respiratory infection cure

Upper respiratory infections in cats are pretty common, and knowing how to cure them at home is not only relatively easy but also much more affordable than a costly vet visit.  I’ve had to go through it a few times with my cats and will share my two best treatments that have worked to get rid of them quickly.

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How I cured my cat’s cough

How I cured my cat's cough

This past Spring, one of my cats, Sissy, began coughing or throwing up a clear foam with mucus.  Because it happened so quickly and without warning, I couldn’t tell whether she was coughing or throwing up.  Once a vet visit confirmed it was coming from a cough, I went to work finding a way to help her.

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How I cured my dog’s separation anxiety

How I cured separation anxiety

In April of 2016 on my way home from a quick visit to town, I stopped at a house just a couple of miles from home to let the homeowner know that their puppy was about to get out on the road where it could be hit.  It turned out, like so many of my other innocent trips out over the years, that was the day my timing of being out coincided with a dog that desperately needed saving.

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Stomatitis symptoms and colloidal silver

Treating stomatitis symptoms with colloidal silver

Up until last Fall, I’d only used colloidal silver randomly for small things on my crew like eye injuries, ear infections, and on Abby’s incisions after her lipoma surgeries.  I had, however, seen enough, read enough, and used it on enough things around the house to know it was one of those things I’d be keeping on hand for the next time someone in the house had anything wrong with them.  Little did I know my need would be sooner rather than later with a very sick cat.

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Treating arthritis in dogs

Treating arthritis in dogs

One of the saddest parts about being a dog owner is watching them suffer from arthritis.  Whether the result of a medical condition (like hip dysplasia) that makes them prone to arthritis, the breed, an old injury, or just old age, arthritis can strike a dog at any age.  If you notice your dog walking stiffly, having trouble getting up from a sitting or lying down position, or hesitance jumping on the bed, there’s a good chance your dog is suffering from arthritis.

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Easy diarrhea treatments for cats and dogs

If you have a cat or a dog, an almost certain issue you’ll have to deal with at some point is diarrhea.  Whether it’s as simple as a result of eating something they shouldn’t, the result of medication use, or a change in food that suddenly creates havoc in the bathroom department, it’s a good idea to be ready to act when it happens.  Luckily, there are three inexpensive and easy diarrhea treatments for cats and dogs that should help resolve the issue quickly.

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Colloidal silver: Medical miracle in a bottle

Colloidal silver is one of those things you may have heard of, but don’t really know what it is or its capabilities.  I can’t even remember now what specific issue I was dealing with, if any, when I stumbled across colloidal silver, but I’m glad that I did.  And while it may seem expensive, I like to look at it in terms of it saving me a vet visit and prescription meds or a late night/weekend shopping trip to track down a treatment I need.  I can assure you, as many times as it has suddenly come in handy, how many things it can cure, and given how well it works without any negative side effects, I will not be without it.  You shouldn’t either. Read more

How to avoid needing room deodorizers

Even though the commercials would make it seem like having a smelly house is a common thing, it’s not.  And I’m going to let you in on a little secret.  Will is in the service industry.  In the course of a day, he’s in and out of usually 3-5 houses.  Because of all the commercials on TV talking about smelly odors, dog smell infused couches and stinky litter boxes, I wanted to know if it really is the epidemic the companies pushing all those sprays and plugins would have you believe.

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The secret powers of vitamin C

vitamin c for cats and dogs

Last year, when my dog Roxie was diagnosed with cancer, I immediately came home and spent hours and hours researching things that would help get her better.  A lot of the supplements I read about that were recommended, I’d never heard of. There was one that caught my attention though, because of how it is administered in dire cases and what ailments it can help with in both cats and dogs.  It was vitamin C.  I never realized how many things vitamin C was good for treating in cats and dogs until I researched further.

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The only dog bed I can recommend

Over the years, I have spent a lot of money on dog beds.  Indoor dog beds, outdoor dog beds, elevated dog beds, orthopedic dog beds, you name it, I’ve owned at least one of them.  After nearly 20 years of buying many, many different dog beds, I can honestly say that there is only one that I can wholeheartedly recommend.

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