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Tool of the trade

This, my friends, is my official ‘Critter Catcher and Releaser Pitcher’.  As you can see in the picture, thanks to Sissy, it is currently holding a baby field mouse.  On average, I have to use this pitcher 1-2x a month to catch an escaped mouse, or other small critter that one of the six cats decides to bring inside, for what I’m really beginning to think is for bragging rights.  Why else would you bring your catch in the house to have it be taken away by someone else or from your unhappy owner whose policy on the subject is ‘No’.

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Happy Newhomeday, Ruby!

Oh, how time flies.  One year ago today, I brought this little girl home.  It wasn’t planned.  It never is.  It was another instance of making the decision to take on one more, or leave them in their (usually bad) situation and feel guilty and wonder for the rest of my life.  Of course I chose to bring her home.  I already had TEN cats and dogs at home, but when you hear how it all went down, I’m sure you’ll see why saving animals like Ruby isn’t really just something random that happens, it’s something bigger going on that I never realize at the time.  Ruby’s story is just another instance of that.

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Tough week for the birds

Most weeks are relatively quiet, until they’re not.  This is one of those ‘not’ weeks.  Wednesday night, Rosie decided to bring her late night dinner into the house.  Fun non-fact, birds have approximately 35,0000 feathers.  You can see that post/mess here:  Excitement on Wednesday night

Today, I looked out to find a pleasant surprise…

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Why I started this blog

There are several reasons why I decided to start this blog.  One big reason was to warn dog owners of the potentially fatal drug, Previcox.  It is probably just known generically as an anti-inflammatory.  Sounds harmless, right?  Wrong.  Actually, beyond wrong.  But I’ll get into all that in an upcoming post.  You won’t want to miss it, I promise.

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