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My experience with an animal communicator

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While hiring someone to “talk” to your pet might seem crazy to more than a few people, when you find yourself in a situation where you feel like you’ve exhausted all other options, it starts seeming more and more like a good idea.  That was the case for me when one of our barely one-year-old neutered male cats decided to go on an unauthorized journey.  While I wanted to believe an animal communicator would be the answer to my prayers, I went into it with a healthy bit of skepticism.  I hoped that this stranger I researched and hired was the real, legitimate deal and could help me get my young cat back.

While the the loss of a pet to death is extremely hard, loss to disappearance can be arguably worse.  The not knowing is the worst part.  Are they alive?  Are they dead?  Are they hurt?  The questions you have are endless.  As the hours turn into days that turn into weeks and eventually months, it can make one crazy.

One person’s trash was our treasure 

Stormy had been dumped out on the side of the road with his two siblings when they were around eight weeks old.  We found them and brought them home September 27, 2015.

The other three cats we had had all come as younger cats or adults, so to suddenly have three little rambunctious kittens at once scurrying around the house was kind of a shock for everybody.  They were adorable and hilarious in their antics though, and we quickly fell madly in love with them.

animal communicator
Our three new little kittens, from L to R: Rosie, Stormy, and Cooper

One mess creates another

In June of 2016, a couple of months before Stormy went missing, as I made my rounds of checking on my 11 animals, I noticed Cooper, one of the new kittens, not acting himself.  He hadn’t come in to eat like normal, didn’t come when he was called and was lethargic.  I was a little concerned.

A few hours later when Will got home, Cooper hadn’t improved.  Instead of risking it being something serious, as we had learned the hard way with dogs in the past few years, we took him to the after-hours emergency hospital.  Unfortunately, two misdiagnoses by over-eager student vets left us with a $1,700 vet bill.

After being upset by all the errors in Cooper’s visit and on the bill, I decided to contact the hospital director to see about getting the bill reduced.  That turned into a lengthy ordeal of hours spent detailing all the issues via e-mail and then later on the phone.  It was during that last lengthy call on August 12th that Stormy disappeared.

During that over two-hour phone call, I had seen Stormy with his fluffy tail bobbing in the air, heading down the hallway towards the cat door.  Little did I know that that would be the last time I ever saw him and is the last image I have of him burned in my mind.

Stormy goes missing

When I finally got off the phone that evening, the first thing I did was head outside to do my routine 11 animal head count.  Stormy was missing and not responding when I called for him.  Because he’d never left the yard except on walks with us down the drive prior to that night, and wasn’t coming when called, I was immediately concerned.

Will and I spent that first night walking the property and calling for Stormy into the wee hours of the morning.  The next day, I called for Stormy at least once every hour all day long well into the wee hours again.  Before it was all done, I had contacted the neighbors, checked Craig’s List, put up a lost cat sign, and researched every possible tip and trick to finding a lost cat.

Most of the popular suggestions, like putting out used cat litter, a trail camera or live traps weren’t really something we could feasibly do with five other cats following us around and being out in a very open rural setting with no idea of the direction he’d gone.

Could an animal communicator find Stormy?

During my search for something that would work for our particular situation, I ended up on a cat forum site where using an animal communicator was mentioned.  I was quickly intrigued.  Stormy had been gone a few days by then and I was beside myself with guilt and worry.

I wasn’t sure how much confidence I had in someone being able to talk to my cat remotely, mostly because I couldn’t afford to waste money on something that was a scam or wasn’t helpful.  But because I was desperate, I started researching animal communicators.

The problem with using an animal communicator to help you find your lost pet is that most of them don’t do it.  If they do, it’s very expensive and the results can be nothing more than what ends up seeming like educated guessing.  I finally found one that helped with lost pets, had good reviews, and had a somewhat reasonable price, so I contacted her.

The requirements of the animal communicator

The first thing the animal communicator needed was for me to send a picture of Stormy along with an explanation of my needs and the desired time for our phone consultation.  Once confirmed, she would call me for the consultation.  I was also to have a few questions that I wanted to ask Stormy.

As I looked through my collection of pictures, I realized I didn’t have a single good picture of Stormy.  All of them were of him sleeping, playing under the dog bed, or some other non-helpful pose.  That experience is a big part of why I wrote the post about having good, current pictures of your pet here, and how to make sure they are never lost.

Luckily, Will had snapped a picture with his cell phone of Stormy on top of his car out in the garage about a month and a half before he went missing, so although it was awful, it was the best picture I had.  I sent the picture, my contact information, and my request for information on Stormy’s whereabouts to the animal communicator.

The next few hours were spent anxiously awaiting our appointment.  It was August 18th, six days after Stormy had disappeared.

Animal communicator
Sadly, this was the best current picture we had of an awake Stormy.

The details about Stormy’s disappearance

The animal communicator told me that Stormy was coming of age and that’s why he’d left.  That part actually made sense to me knowing his adventurous and independent personality.  She said he wasn’t sick or injured and he knew his way home.   She also said he appeared or did have Egyptian Mau in him and he hadn’t seen the dogs and they hadn’t seen him.

An interesting part about the breed mention was that Stormy didn’t really have any of the characteristics of the Egyptian Mau, especially in the photo I sent to the animal communicator.  Cooper, however, Stormy’s brother, possibly does, by my untrained eye.  His markings are definitely rare.

The animal communicator never saw Cooper’s picture and this blog and the accompanying Facebook page weren’t even in existence.  I do not have a personal social media account, so although possibly random, it was interesting that she even mentioned his breed, although it isn’t something I could have confirmed either way.

The animal communicator also said Stormy was only halfway through his journey and would be gone at least another week.  She said he could not hear us calling him.  The last information she gave me was that from the back of the house at two o’clock, there was a house with a porch and outbuildings where a lady fed feral cats, so he did have some human interaction.

Hearing that Stormy was near a house where someone fed cats was a relief.  Maybe the lady had seen him or he’d at least stay in that area in case the animal communicator was wrong about him coming back on his own.  I got off the phone feeling hopeful and optimistic that Stormy was alive and would be home when he was done with his journey in a week or so.

Did one wrong piece of information seal Stormy’s fate?

Unfortunately, the only verifiable information the animal communicator gave me was somewhat wrong, so we had trouble finding where she had described he was.  Based on the directions she had given me, we searched the wrong direction for almost two weeks.

During that time, we were looking for any house or outbuilding that even remotely matched her description.  With no luck, we began wondering if a cat could even be so detailed and accurate about their surroundings.  Then we realized the error.

With houses being very spread out where we live and being told Stormy was too far away to hear us calling him, despite us calling often and loudly from every spot on our and the surrounding property, the frustration of no sightings and the guilt and worry only grew.  Looking back, I’d say we relied too heavily on the information we were given.

I had been told though that Stormy would be back when he was through the rest of his journey after at least another week.  That kind of took the sense of urgency out of the situation.  The animal communicator said she was asking the surrounding animals such as coyotes and stuff not to hurt him and help him find his way back.  I immediately imagined a Disney cartoon scenario where all the little forest creatures help guide a young cat safely home.

Were parts of the reading bizarre?  Yes, and bordering on crazy, but if you’ve ever lost a pet, you might understand.  You WANT to believe the person you entrusted is right and there will be a happy outcome.

Instead of from the back of the house, like the animal communicator had said, the house with the lady that the animal communicator described turned out to be at two o’clock from the front of the house and over half a mile away.  With the newly discovered information, we contacted the lady.  Sadly, she told us that she had not seen Stormy, but that she would keep an eye out for him.

During those two weeks, as I had impatiently waited for Stormy to finish his journey, I still continued to call and try to communicate with him myself, as the animal communicator had instructed.  I REALLY wanted to believe in her power to communicate with Stormy and it to be accurate.  I envisioned him walking/running back across the yard to us.  I also begged and pleaded for him to please come back, to no avail.

He should have been back by now 

After the two weeks had passed and we realized the error with the lady and the house and the feral cats, I contacted the animal communicator again.  It was September 1st, 20 days since Stormy had disappeared.  I told her that she had been wrong about the direction of the house with the lady and the feral cats and such.

I also told her we’d made contact with the woman, who had not seen Stormy.  I sent the animal communicator a new set of questions to ask, including asking if he was sick or hurt, if he wanted to come home, how we could find him and if we could come right now.

The news I didn’t want to hear

Her e-mail reply was that when she checked in with him, he was quite unavailable.  He told her he knew the way home but couldn’t get there.  She said checking on his body, it seemed quite etheric and that he could be dreaming, out of the body, or passed on and that it was hard to get through to him right then.  My heart sank.

The animal communicator ended by asking if I believed the right thing would happen no matter what and telling me that she would again try to contact Stormy later that day.  Because I had been expecting him to come back home any day or at least ready to come home, I was devastated.  I tried to put the bad news out of my mind and be optimistic that her later attempt would be successful.

My frustration at the animal communicator’s lack of follow-through grows

When I hadn’t heard back from the animal communicator several hours later, I sent a follow-up e-mail asking if she was able to make contact later, telling her that hearing that he was not able to get back home was upsetting and just sitting around waiting for an updated word was very hard.  I told her that if he could just tell us where he was, I would rush to him.

The next morning, approximately two million hours later, I finally got a reply back from the animal communicator.  She told me to take any action that I felt was necessary and that she knew the news was very hard to take and that she’d try to make contact with Stormy later in the day.

Not happy AT ALL with that reply, I fought back the urge to call her up or fire back a heated e-mail telling her to stop jerking me around and dragging her feet and help me find my cat, who may or may not be injured and dying.

Finding out that she had not even attempted to make contact the previous day, like she had said she would, despite getting the feeling that he was unable to get home for whatever reason.  I was now frustratingly mad.  It almost felt like she was being intentionally cruel since she knew how upset I was by this whole situation and knew that she held the answers I was so desperately wanting.

I was upset that she was so nonchalant about the situation after I had just sat and waited and worried all afternoon the previous day and evening for her follow-up call or e-mail.  I’d just given Stormy two weeks to complete his journey and had been looking in the wrong direction the entire time based on the information she’d given me.

While I felt time was of the essence, this animal communicator apparently did not.  Had Stormy been hurt during those two weeks and now it had gotten so bad that he was either dead or dying somewhere?  My mind was racing with horrible scenarios.

One of the most upsetting calls I’ve ever received

About mid-morning on September 2nd, the next day after we’d exchanged e-mail details about Stormy being hard to communicate with, the animal communicator called me.  She told me that she was still getting that Stormy was out of his body and unable to be found.  She felt like that meant he had passed.  I broke down sobbing.  Things had seemed so promising for his return and now, according to her, he was gone.

The animal communicator then went on about me needing to trust in a higher power and the reason Stormy may be unavailable was that he was choosing not to come back.  There was more about animals and their purpose, but after I’d heard she was getting that he’d passed, it was hard for me to concentrate on anything else she said.

The animal communicator’s shady behavior 

One thing though, that I found interesting as a skeptic, was that she told me that she’d seen cats that had been gone for months make it back.  Basically, I felt like I was being told he was probably dead, but maybe not.  It was a very disappointing session after our initial one because I’d actually gotten a good feeling from it and had hope that everything would work out.

Despite telling me that if I tried to contact him in a couple of weeks, she could still get in contact with him, I decided not to pursue contact any further.  At that point, I felt a twinge of scamminess in the ‘keep paying me and I’ll keep stringing you along’ sort of way.  I didn’t have the money for a first, let alone a third reading, and I didn’t want to hear any more bad news or her pyscho babble about believing things would work out the way they were supposed to.  I would continue to look and call for Stormy and hope that she was wrong.

Lost cat, round two

A year later, I’d gotten this same animal communicator’s newsletter saying she was going to be taking calls on a radio program that can be listened to online.  I marked my calendar to listen, just out of curiosity.  I wanted to see how she did on pet cases that didn’t involve them being lost or deceased.  To date, she’d been right about Stormy.  He was still missing.

When the radio program was set to air, Cooper (Stormy’s brother) had decided to try to give me a nervous breakdown the day before by disappearing.  I was beside myself with worry.  Again.  I was lucky enough to get on the show and gave a brief description of his markings.  I never mentioned using her services before.

The animal communicator told me that she felt he would be back in a few days.  The next morning, at 5 am, Cooper strolled in like he hadn’t been gone a minute.  I was still up from the night before, so as soon as I saw him, I snatched him up, hugged him somewhat tightly while reprimanding him for worrying me to death, and then I fed him.

My takeaway on my experiences

So what is my takeaway from my two experiences with an animal communicator?  I’d have to say that I’m maybe about 60% convinced of my animal communicator’s ability.  Part of that low-ish score may just be due to how the whole experience working with her played out and it affecting my rating.

A big problem is that even though the animal communicator (or google maps?) was correct about there being a house with a porch and outbuildings inhabited by a lady that fed feral cats, she was off a pretty important component of that detail, the direction.  That error cost us valuable time and I’ll always wonder if things would have turned out differently if that information had been correct.  Nothing else she told me was verifiable. 

Both times I contacted the animal communicator, it was regarding lost cats.  From everything I’ve read, including information on her own website, lost pets are very hard to read because they are usually constantly on the move and the reading is often times upsetting.  The success rate, according to my animal communicator’s website, of lost pet and owner reunions is from 50% to 75%.     

In addition, on her website, she also recommended working with other animal communicators who may offer alternative feelings and perspectives on the lost animals’ location.  Not exactly a confidence-building statement there for her abilities as an animal communicator.  Whether all of this information was there when I hired her last year, I don’t recall.  It doesn’t seem like information I would have overlooked, but I do know I was very desperate for help at the time.

Possibly, if I’d contacted this particular animal communicator about something else, like a certain behavior in one of my animals that I could use as a reference point to see if there was an improvement, my opinion would be different.  If I ever do use her or any other animal communicator for that purpose, I’ll be sure to share that experience also.   

Even if this animal communicator is 100% legitimate, apparently trying to locate lost animals is a difficult test to try to base an animal communicators abilities on.  Without a reference point or her sharing any information only Stormy would know, I was kind of left wondering in the end if any of what I was told was true or just a good educated guess.  She did have a 50% chance of being right. 

Without being 100% confident that she is legitimate, and the way the experience deteriorated so badly after that first session, I’d rather not set anyone else up for that frustration and/or disappointment.  Even if it had all worked out the way I had imagined it in my head with Stormy coming back, when it comes to following through on things you say you’ll do, especially with important things like this was, I hold people to a pretty high standard.  She didn’t meet it.

I know there are several animal communicators out there and none of them are cheap, but if you would like to find one to help you with a behavioral issue or pain/injury, most of them all do that sort of communication.  The lost pet animal communicators are much harder to find and as I’ve shown, difficult to track success with, short of finding the animal.

Like with any profession, not all animal communicators are created equal, so make sure you do your homework.  If you do decide to try one, I recommend you go into it with an open mind and moderate expectations.


Have you ever used an animal communicator?  If so, how was your experience?  Feel free to share it below.


To see pictures of Cooper and the rest of the crew and their antics, be sure to check out my Facebook page,

Want to see a listing of all the items I own and recommend or have researched and recommend?  Here they are with notes included as to why I love them or how they’ve helped.

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17 thoughts on “My experience with an animal communicator

  1. While I have never used an animal communicator to find a lost pet, I did attend a workshop many years ago given by Beatrice Lydecker, an “animal psychic.” She taught us how to communicate with our pets, which was surprisingly successful for me (I even correctly communicated with two mice who were not mine!). As a bonus she did personal readings for those who wanted them, and she was incredibly accurate about what my cat told her, which blew my mind. So I know there is some legitimacy to this practice, but I can’t say finding lost pets has a high success rate, because I simply don’t know. Sounds like not, in your experience. I do feel that psychics offering this service should be able and willing to state their own success rate honestly. I wish it had worked out for you; how frustrating and disappointing.

    1. Thank you, Kate. I wish it had worked out also. Looking back, I wish I had followed up sooner or she had suggested it, since it’s a big scary world out there with a lot of dangers. Looking back, it makes sense that you’d maybe want to check in with them often to make sure they are ok if they are lost? I don’t know. It’s hard to believe that he purposely wanted to be out there, as she said, but then she said animals leave us for a number of reasons, so as someone who does believe that animals come into our lives for a reason, I guess it’s just something I might have to accept, however hard that is. I think your story is wonderful, Kate, and I hope you still use the skills you learned. I would love to take a workshop, but they are so expensive and I’ve never known one to even come close to my area. I know there are webinars and stuff you can take, but I’d like to be in a classroom type setting. Maybe one day…. 🙂

  2. I am glad you got your Stormy back nothing worse than not knowing. I don’t know how you do it. Having all your animals. It drives me crazy not knowing where my Molly is. So I keep her on a leash when I walk her. And I have an acre of fence yard. I also fenced in a small part of the yard so she could do her nightly duties before bed time and I still watch her. I don’t want her chasing after the deer also.

    1. Actually, Stormy has not come back, but Cooper did, after his day and half or so adventure. It’s confusing keeping track of them all, I know. 🙂 The key to having so many animals is a routine and knowing everybody’s habits. Also, rules and head counts. lol They drift in slowly over the years, which makes it easier too, instead of just having ten animals all show up one day, but it can be stressful when someone is sick, injured or missing. Luckily, that doesn’t happen very often. I completely understand the stress of wanting to know at all times where your animal is, and that’s why I do head counts throughout the day. I have a couple of cats that are adventurers and when they head outside after their nap, I know what time to expect them back and if they aren’t back, I will call for them. They are all good at coming when they are called. My two youngest dogs like to run, so I don’t let them off together, to avoid them getting into trouble together, but as they get a little older, all of my previous dogs have stopped that and tend to just stay close to the house.

  3. I have taken a workshop on how to communicate with animals by Kat Berard in 2008. I also use her to communicate with all my dogs. I have been using her since 2005 and she has always been 99% right. I trust her because there are lots of things I do not tell her, that she would have no way of knowing and she tells me them in the session. Any good animal communicator will tell you that they are getting information from that moment in time and that they can be wrong. I have also researched other animal communicators because I am interested in doing this as a living (because I am still new I want to be able to do this for people at a free or low rate until I feel confident that I can do it accurately a certain percentage of the time) and have found that lost animal cases are really hard. We had a lost dog back in 2009 on the base we were living in for the military. I contacted two animal communicators and tried myself and we all came up with different things. It could have been the dog moving and sending different info at different times. Later in 2010 the dog showed up on craigslist and it was a lady who had picked it up in a parking lot in 2009 and had kept the dog. Now she could no longer keep the dog so was giving it away. When I asked for the complete story it turned out that all three of us that had communicated were right in certain parts but wrong in others so I completely understood how difficult lost pets and communication were.

    1. That’s a very interesting story, Chris! I would LOVE to take a workshop, if one ever came to my area and I had the money for it. Even though I only have this one experience with animal communication, I do believe in it and would try it again with a different animal communicator.
      Really, though, I’d like to learn to do it on my own. I find it all very fascinating. Do you have any tips or pointers you can share about getting started? I’d love to hear them! 🙂

      1. I would be more than happy to provide you with a list of books to read on the subject. That is what I did, read and read about animal communication and do the exercises in the book. I also took a few courses online (now the internet I have will not allow me to watch videos without using all our data so that is out). You can email me at the email I gave and I will forward the list to you of books I have read. There is also a group called Speak! Good Human that was started by a guy who wanted to allow people to practice on each others pets. My 9 year old daughter even does it. is the website. I also belonged to a few animal communication groups that we practiced on each others pets but most people got too busy and the groups have not been practicing much. Facebook has a few groups you can practice on too. I can get you that info too if you want.

    1. Hi Jo, Unfortunately, Stormy has not returned to us. It has been a sad year without him and we continue to hope he does make it back to us, but for now, we are still without him. Thank you so much for your concern and prayers.

  4. I recently lost my Sphynx cat, he slipped out unknown to me. After searching desperately without success a friend suggested I try an animal communicator. She offered to pay which was very kind. The communicator advised that my cat was alive and that he was with someone. Her follow up said “I sure hope someone returns him soon”. I have no idea what my friend paid for this service however it wasn’t particularly helpful. So, still desperate for some help I contacted another on my own – her fee was $90 per reading which included a follow up. She provided a lot more information about how the cat was feeling, whether he was hurt etc…also provided areas to search. For a week she had me searching the immediate area – claiming he was withing 300 meters of the house. We could not find him anywhere, and this communicator was going on holidays. So – I decided to try yet another $170.00 canadian her fee- this one also said he was alive but sent me on a search in the opposite direction as the other on her first reading but then on her second placed him in the same area as the first. But again, no sightings and the cat was not located. I had decided enough is enough – clearly this isn’t helping. I continued to go door to door handing out posters, searching etc…by this time 3 weeks had passed. Then one day I went into the local gas station and I was told by the employee that a man had been in the day before and had made a point of telling her that he had seen my cat along the side of the road (alive) that morning. What was interesting is that it was in the location that both of the communicators had last said to search. So……I decided to try one more time. I asked the 2nd communicator to do another reading (I did not tell her where the cat had been sighted). When she came back she had outlined an area which included the spot that my cat had allegedly been spotted – I was excited…so I searched and searched and searched….the next day she did a follow up and said my cat was now close to home 800 feet from my house. She said he was hiding under the step of a house (that leaves cat food out) and that if I called he would come out. I went to that location – looked under the steps, called…walked the surrounding neighborhood…guess what…no cat anywhere. Also – if he was that close to home he would come home I think. So, I messaged her and said – thank you for your help but he has not been located…her response was to hire a scent dog to track him. So total spent (not including my friend’s payment) $360.00 canadian in pet communicator consults – 1 month later – no cat, no confirmed sightings – hours of searching….My advice, don’t let your emotions get the better of you. Perhaps these communicators think they can talk to animals but I don’t believe they can. Guilt and grief are powerful motivators when you lose your best friend and I think for the most part these people knowingly or unknowingly exploit these emotions for profit.

    1. Marla, I’m SO sorry to hear about your lost cat! I know how awful that feeling is. I’m sorry your animal communicator experience wasn’t better. I know I was also quite frustrated with the response I got from my communicator, too, mostly because I just had so much hope that she’d be the magic key to helping us find our cat, and instead, she seemed pretty nonchalant about it.

      Not sure if you’ve tried it or not, but I’ve heard if you put the cat’s used litter out in your yard where it can smell it, it will help the cat get back home. If you have that as an option, it might be worth a try. Also, make sure you post your lost cat in any free places, like Craigslist, which here in the U.S. is a free online service for buying, selling, giving away, classifieds-type website. And it sounds like you may be in town. If so, it may not hurt to also contact local vet clinics. A Sphynx is a pretty rare cat, so I’m sure they’d remember it if someone has brought one in in the last month. Good luck!

  5. So sorry to hear about Stormy, you don’t think there is a chance some one is using poison in the area do you? with Cooper dying and the little one you had to take to the vet.
    My cat Rambo was not lost he was stolen when he was just under a year old, I was devastated, didn’t have a clue where he was,but 4 months later he walked back in the door. That was 5 years ago since then I have been in constant conflict with the person who stole him, she has taken him again now and I have used communicators and Dowsers, because she is moving Rambo around, leaving him with different people in different areas. Communicating with Rambo was quite good, I used 3 just to hedge my bets, 2 Americans and a French man, I could not fault the Dowsing, all 3 of them sent me arial maps of the same area, one of them described little shopping precinct said there were red brick low buildings with a lot of people going in and out where Rambo went each day to beg for his supper. I went there and found it was a fish and chip shop and a Social club and a primary school. Rambo had once again escaped from his kidnapper and was straying in an area he did not know so could not get home. Sadly she got to him before me, ( I am in a wheel chair) so he is still missing This story has been in the Papers I contacted the Chief of Police, my MP, now I am trying to master Face Book. I think communicators are good but they need the back up of dowsing, the 3 I used were spot on, I am in England they are in America and France. but I think it is a matter now for me to try and keep him in the public eye, he is now 6 years old, if it was a pet she wanted I could accept that if he was happy, but he is not a pet and certainly not happy, she sells these cats on line, and Rambo being a ferel born cat is not easy to rehome, he has a great deal of problems with being shut inside and if he does get out he runs off and no communicator or dowser can keep track of him. One day he may find his way home, I willkeep searching.

    1. Teresa,

      Thank you for your condolences about Stormy. The rest of the story on Stormy (after the last communication with the animal communicator) is that while we were continuing to look for him, we got a call from a lady about a mile and a half away who had a cat show up a month or so before. She hadn’t fed him because she didn’t want him to stick around and then finally relented and was keeping him in her garage and feeding him dry food. She had seen our sign and called us. The picture she texted looked a lot like Stormy, but we weren’t convinced one way or another so we raced to her house hoping that it was indeed Stormy.

      Instead, we found a cat very similar to, but not Stormy. She came walking out holding him and asked “Is this your baby?” as she put him in my arms. My initial reaction was that I wasn’t sure since he was about the same color and size as Stormy, but as soon as I saw that he didn’t have any white on him as Stormy did, my heart sank. But then something odd happened. This cat, whom I’d never seen before in my life, began loving on me like we were best friends. He was head bumping and rubbing his face against mine and just soooo lovey-dovey. My own cats had never loved on me that hard for that long. I felt like it was a sign that this cat was supposed to be ours. If I had had my way, after that greeting, I’d have brought him home right there on the spot. Will had a different thought.

      Will didn’t want to bring a new cat home when we were still holding out hope that Stormy would return and then we’d have him AND a new cat in the house to re-acclimate and acclimate, so we decided to let the lady, who felt like the cat probably belonged to her neighbor, make sure the cat was indeed unwanted and if so, we’d take him. It was the longest four days ever. After she’d confirmed via text that the cat didn’t belong to her neighbor and a Craigslist posting received no response, I couldn’t bring him home fast enough. There was just something about this cat that made me want to help him. I don’t think it was just his sad story, either, as I have gotten a lot of sad and frustrating stories from people over the years wanting me to take their pets and I never do. I have to keep spots open for animals that are dumped and have no other choices. As much as I’d like to take in every animal in need everywhere, it just isn’t possible. This cat was different and I couldn’t explain it at the time, other than I just felt a connection with him.

      When I arrived at the lady’s house that day, I sat the cat carrier on the ground and opened the door. This cat just walked into it and laid down. All on his own. With the door still open, he contentedly waited for the lady and me to wrap up our conversation.

      A few weeks later, he was home, settled in, and then the situation started getting even weirder. This new cat, who we had named Moose, had A LOT of similar mannerisms as Stormy. Stormy liked to get under the dog bed and scoot it around. Moose did that. Stormy liked to get up on the bookshelf and sleep. Moose started doing that also. Stormy would wrestle with one of my dogs, Ruby. Moose and Ruby would also wrestle. There were also other similarities as well that were unique to Stormy that Moose was doing.

      While losing Stormy was heartbreaking and awful in every possible way, it led us to a cat that needed a home. Moose is probably as close to Stormy as we could have gotten. Maybe it was all meant to be and Stormy’s disappearance DID happen for a reason. Moose was not being treated very well at the house he showed up at and needed a loving home. Stormy leaving on his own was completely out of character for him, but maybe it was part of a bigger plan that we don’t understand. It does make me feel better knowing that while we don’t have Stormy, we were able to save another cat that needed saving and it coincidentally just happened to be one that is eerily like Stormy.

      All of the cats, including Cooper, who has since given me a few more scares since the one I wrote about here, are doing well and showing their love and appreciation every day. I don’t suspect anyone of doing anything to harm my cats, it’s just the risk any animal outdoors takes as far as predators go. I think Cooper went off hunting, got scared by something, hid, and didn’t come out until he felt safe. Even with his close calls, I feel the benefits of them getting to go outside where they can run and climb and hunt all outweigh the risks. I’m fortunate to live in an area that is not very populated and I have dogs around that do keep an eye out, though there are no guarantees about anything.

      I’m SO sorry to hear about your awful experience with the lady stealing Rambo. I can’t even imagine how upsetting and frustrating that would be for you and how scary for Rambo. I wonder if joining one of the Facebook groups that does animal communication or possibly dowsing could help you keep more frequent tabs on him so you know his whereabouts and could possibly find him? The putting used litter out for the cat to smell and find their way home was a very popular trick people recommended for getting lost cats back, so if that’s an option, you might try it. I wish you and Rambo the best of luck in being reunited again.

  6. We’ve used Kathy George numerous times, not to find a lost animal but to visit with our dogs and horses. She makes no claims and told us things about our animals that there was no way anyone else knew. She doesn’t ask a bunch of leading questions that will lead to us telling her things like a technique we read about other communicators doing. Our bloodhound told her that her best friend, a corgi had a sore mouth and when I mentioned it to my wife she said she already had a vet appointment for a tooth. When I asked about our aussie, she said he just stood there and stared and said ‘there is nothing wrong with me’. That is exactly describing our aussie as he stands and stares at me until he gets let out or I let another one in the house. He has separation anxiety if we leave him alone in a vehicle and we needed to tell him we aren’t going to leave him anywhere. It helped, but didn’t totally fix the situation. She described our gypsy horse’s attitude exactly as he is and I was able to discuss a problem with his attitude and how I would change my way of dealing with him. Not discussed with Kathy George, but discussed with the horse. Our icelandic horse told us about a sore spot bothered by the saddle which we were able to change. We asked our older corgi to quit jumping off the bed as she has bad hips and her response was that ‘it is fun’ and it didn’t happen right away, but she seldom jumps and now uses the steps. Kathy George is on facebook with links to her web site.

    1. Hi Ron,

      Thank you for sharing your experience with an animal communicator. I’m glad you’ve found it helpful and accurate.

      I tried a different one recently after the tragic loss of our beloved cat Moose. I wanted to make sure he understood how awful I felt for not saving him even though I’d promised him repeatedly that we were coming for him and to hold on. I was having a really hard time with that particular loss for a number of reasons and wanted some sort of reassurance that he was ok. The communicator, which had come recommended from someone who had a sick dog, left me feeling like I just wasted my money. She could tell me absolutely nothing that convinced me she could/did/was communicating with Moose. I was even more heartbroken than before I contacted her because I really was hoping to get some sort of closure from the reading. Instead, I was left frustrated and my wallet was lighter.

      It really seems like it can be a hit or miss experience and you have to weigh the possibility of being very disappointed by it and decide if you are willing to take that chance. It can be awful if you are already in a grief-stricken state from the loss of a pet and you feel taken advantange on top of that.

  7. As an actual communicator I am often asked to find lost animals. I have done so with great success and other times not. It is devastating for us to not find your animal. We become just as concerned and worried, if we are truly connected. It is draining and heart rending at best because we take on the worry, concern and devastation of the humans involved. This is why there are so few of us. I no longer take on lost pets for pay. I do help people all that I can for free, one time because the person will call me every few hours asking if I have gotten anything more and for some reason the more we are asked to look into it the weaker the information gets. I have been treated like crap many times from people not appreciating what I gave them I did for free and in fact helped them find the animal—never got credit. The point is to help the person find their animal but being rude is unconscionable. For me it takes me a great deal of time to meditate with the animal, get information, look up the area and ‘feel’ where the animal might be. Not to mention how physically draining it can be. Pet communicators are real and there are some very good ones, however there are people who really don’t know what they are doing and I feel make stuff up. I roll my eyes at stories I hear. Bottom line is they should refund you money if you didn’t get information that was useful. Look for reviews-are there any and what do they say? I am sorry about Stormy it hurts even hearing about it and yes, pet communicators make mistakes, you might have searched in the other directions because we aren’t perfect —but the fact that she got the description of the house and woman is pretty darn great. Go in with open eyes and know this is not a perfect science-and most of all be nice and considerate and do your research on the person beforehand.

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