Ahhh….Springtime. Things are greening up and warming up. The cats are happier to be able to spend more time outside and the days are getting longer. Sounds great, right? Wrong.
In one part of the yard…the beauty of Spring is showing……
But in all the other parts…..this….
Sticks. Lots of ’em. I’m talking hours of stick picking up. My least favorite thing to do, EVER. This ‘sticks everywhere’ issue isn’t even contained to the yard. It’s also an issue in the pond. See Exhibit Frog below:
This is really when I wish all the animals around here could pitch in and help. I mean, some of them DO provide moral support and there are the others who wait patiently for me to be done so that I can feed and attend to their wants and needs, but for the most part, I’m on my own.
It’s sights like this in my yard every week during Spring that make me ask…”Why is everyone trying so hard to get self-driving cars on the road in a year?!”. Stick picking up robots is what we REALLY need! I think I’ll start a petition. After I write my strongly worded letters to Mr. Google and Mr. Uber insisting that they spend a few hours out here with me and all these sticks to see just how important that self-driving car hooey business is in the whole scheme of things.
If you too, are in the dreaded ‘Stick Picker Upper Club’, feel free to start your own petition and send your own letters. If you are fortunate to not be in the club…..BFF’s wanted.
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